
zī chǎn ɡuǎn lǐ ɡōnɡ sī
  • asset-management company
  1. 也许下面一则小故事会帮助你:不久前,我给一位40岁在资产管理公司工作的男士做辅导。

    Maybe this little story will help : Not long ago , I coached a40-year-old man who worked for an asset-management company .

  2. 长城资产管理公司与另一家实体上海久阳投资管理中心(ShanghaiEternalSunshineInvestmentManagementCentre)共同出具了上述保函。

    Great Wall provided its guarantee jointly with another entity , Shanghai Eternal Sunshine Investment Management Centre .

  3. 高盛资产管理公司(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)也以一种积极态度管理着自己旗下的两只金砖四国基金。

    Goldman Sachs Asset Management also takes an active approach with its two Bric funds .

  4. 贝尔斯登资产管理公司(bearstearnsassetmanagement)旗下两家对冲基金近日破产,这提出了两个很少有人能够回答的问题。

    The recent collapse of two hedge funds at Bear Stearns asset management raises two questions few people can answer .

  5. 本轮融资金沙江创业投资基金(GSRVentures)出了大头,而风投公司橡树投资(OakInvestmentPartners)和邦德资产管理公司(FoundationAssetManagement)也有份参与。

    GSR ventures led the round , and was joined by return backers oak investment partners and foundation asset management .

  6. 就近期而言,政府看上去对安全问题非常关切,CNC资产管理公司(CNCAssetManagement)创始人刘纳表示。

    In the near term the government looks very concerned about the safety issue , said Na Liu , founder of CNC Asset Management .

  7. 本文作者是Fulcrum资产管理公司和PrismaCapitalPartners的创始人之一,定期在ft.com上撰写有关宏观经济的博客。译者:薛磊

    Gavyn Davies is co-founder of Fulcrum Asset Management and Prisma Capital Partners , and writes a regular blog on macroeconomics at ft.com

  8. 对加入WTO后对中国资产管理公司的发展产生深远影响进行了全面的分析和阐述,并提出了中国的资产管理公司必须全面树立资本运营观念。

    It expounds the impact on China 's AMC when China enters the WTO , it brings forward the concept of capital management for China 's AMC .

  9. 昨天这场风波再起波澜:另类资产管理公司太盟亚洲资本(PAGCapital)报价每股6港元收购盈德。

    Yesterday brought a new gust to roil the dust : alternative asset manager PAG Capital has offered HK $ 6 for Yingde .

  10. 由赛伯乐资产管理公司(cerberuscapitalmanagement)控股的克莱斯勒昨日表示,尽管仍存在一些“障碍”,但它已经与这家意大利汽车制造商达成了交易。

    Chrysler , controlled by Cerberus capital management , said yesterday that it had reached a deal with the Italian carmaker although there were still " Hurdles " .

  11. 这本是通用汽车和赛伯乐资产管理公司(CerberusCapitalManagement,克莱斯勒的所有者)在遭受现金短缺打击前就计划的,通用汽车现在却开始谋求联邦资金。

    It is what GM , and Chrysler 's owner , Cerberus Capital Management , planned before the cash crunch struck and GM started angling for federal money instead .

  12. 富通已经持有中国太平人寿(TaipingLife)(保险公司)和一家资产管理公司的股份,而平安保险也跟汇丰银行搭上了关系。

    Fortis already has a stake in China 's Taiping Life ( insurance ) as well as an asset management firm , while Ping An has its link to HSBC .

  13. 赛伯乐资产管理公司(cerberuscapitalmanagement)董事长、前美国财长约翰斯诺(johnsnow)表示,这次紧急降息表明,美联储有能力采取“大胆行动”。

    John snow , chairman of Cerberus capital management and a former US Treasury Secretary , said the emergency rate cut showed the Fed was capable of " bold action " .

  14. 美国还单方面出台了沃尔克规则(VolckerRule),迫使银行剥离自营交易,同时欧洲正在出台针对资产管理公司的规则。

    The US is also unilaterally introducing the Volcker rule , forcing banks to shed proprietary trading , while Europe is introducing rules for asset managers .

  15. 从这个月开始,美联储将就无风险利率加紧开展与市场参与者团体(MarketParticipantsGroup)的磋商。该团体由银行、资产管理公司、交易集团及其他机构组成,旨在应对基准指标改革的问题。

    Starting this month , the Fed will ramp up its risk-free rates discussions with the Market Participants Group , which was formed to address benchmark reforms and is made up of banks , asset managers , trade groups and others .

  16. 实践证明,设立金融资产管理公司(AMC)乃是一种较为有效的方式。

    Practice has proved that the establishment of Assets Management Companies ( AMCs ) still is a more effective means .

  17. 美国地方银行pnc金融服务集团(pncfinancialservicesgroup)以及资产管理公司黑岩(blackrock)等其它金融服务集团的良好业绩,也在早盘进一步推高了纽约股市。

    Good results from other financial groups such as the regional lender PNC Financial and the asset manager BlackRock also pushed stock markets higher in the morning in New York .

  18. 即便一朝获得QFII资格,每家资产管理公司仍受制于外汇监管机构设置的单独的配额。

    Even once a QFII license is obtained , each asset manager is subject to a separate quota from the foreign exchange regulator .

  19. 6月19日,有消息称,曾贷款给贝尔斯登资产管理公司(bearstearnsassetmanagement)旗下两只对冲基金的一些投资银行,即将扣押贝尔斯登资产,以收回现金。

    On June 19 , it emerged that investment banks that had lent money to two hedge funds run by Bear Stearns asset management were on the verge of seizing assets to try to recover the cash .

  20. 在怡富资产管理公司(JFAssetManagement)旗下位于香港的怡富中国基金(JFChinaFund)管理着约30亿美元的HowardWang说,中资银行股是令人惊讶地实现了收益上涨的版块之一。

    Chinese bank stocks are'one group where earnings have surprised on the upside , 'says Howard Wang , who manages about $ 3 billion for JF Asset Management 's JF China Fund in Hong Kong .

  21. 1999年,国家成立了四大资产管理公司(AMC),专门负责接收、处置四大国有商业银行的不良资产。

    In 1999 China established four AMC to accept and deal with non-performing assets ( NPAs ) that stripped from four state-owned commercial banks .

  22. 怡富资产管理公司(JFAssetManagement)香港投资者关系部门主管DanielChui表示,可悲的是,恐怖事件似乎越来越频繁地发生在新兴市场和发达市场。

    ' Sadly , terrorism seems to be a more frequent occurrence in emerging and developed markets , 'said Daniel Chui , JF Asset Management head of investor communications in Hong Kong .

  23. 黑石(blackrock)和太平洋等大型资产管理公司已经推出了最坏情景处理顾问业务。

    Big asset managers like BlackRock and PIMCO have made a business of advising customers on managing for the worst case .

  24. hwang认为,其中一个原因是很多资产管理公司都不够独立。

    One reason for that , Mr Hwang believes , is that so many asset management groups are not sufficiently independent .

  25. 中国金融资产管理公司(以下统称为AMC)是在特定的历史条件下成立的暂时性金融机构,现在其面临着转型和发展两大挑战。

    China Asset Management Company is the provisional financial organization in the special history condition which is facing two challenges of the shift and development .

  26. 在大型资产管理公司中,先锋(Vanguard)的共同基金持有的债券规模目前已达4970亿美元,较2008年的1700亿美元增加了逾一倍。

    Of the big asset management groups , Vanguard has more than doubled its mutual fund bond holdings to $ 497bn today compared with $ 170bn in 2008 .

  27. 日本基金公司日兴资产管理公司(nikkoassetmanagement)亚洲业务主管布莱尔皮克雷尔(blairpickerell)认为,因此导致的对另类投资产品需求的缺乏,在某些地区已经变得根深蒂固。

    The resulting lack of local appetite for alternatives is becoming almost ingrained in some quarters , believes Blair Pickerell , head of Asia at Japanese fund house Nikko asset management .

  28. 在预期香港未来几年将废除联系汇率制的人士中,有一位是私人股本集团tpg前投资明星、另类资产管理公司太盟投资集团(pacificalliancegroup)现任董事长单伟建。

    Among those who expect the peg to disappear in coming years is Shan Weijian , the former investment star at private equity group TPG and now chairman of alternative asset manager Pacific Alliance Group in Hong Kong .

  29. 一项针对900多家基金发行商的调查显示,在此次金融危机中,瑞士银行瑞银(ubs)受损害的程度超过其它所有欧洲资产管理公司。

    UBS , the Swiss bank , has been damaged more than any other European asset manager by the financial crisis , according to a survey of more than 900 fund distributors .

  30. 纽银梅隆资产管理公司(bnymellonassetmanagement)已获得监管部门的批准,将在中国设立一家合资基金管理公司,这是过去两年来外国基金管理公司首次达成此类协议。

    Bny Mellon asset management has won regulatory approval to set up a joint-venture fund management company in China , the first agreement of its kind for a foreign fund manager for the past two years .