
zé rèn nénɡ lì
  • capacity;capacity for duties;capacity for responsibility
  1. 民事责任能力范畴分析

    The Analyses of Category of Capacity for Civil Responsibility

  2. 自然人民事责任能力若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues of the Capacity for Civil Liability of Natural Person

  3. 方法:对“暴力行为刑事责任能力评定量表(CRRSV)”作回顾性测试,分析其信度和效度。

    Method : A retrospective test on criminal responsibility rating scale of violence ( CRRSV ) was conducted to analyze the validity and reliability of this scale .

  4. 结论P300电位及EPQ问卷在精神分裂症司法鉴定责任能力评定中有较高的参考价值。

    Conclusion P_ ( 300 ) potentials test and EPQ have remarkable value with responsible appreciation in schizophrenia by judicial expertise .

  5. 目的:对中国湖南省和加拿大BC省两地无责任能力精神障碍患者人口学等资料进行比较,探讨不同的法律体系中无责任能力的精神障碍患者的基本特点。

    Objective : To explore and compare the demographic differences between persons with mental disorder who have been found not criminally responsible in BC , Canada and Hunan , China .

  6. 为明确刑事责任能力鉴定中的举证责任和影响刑事责任能力的因素,采用分层抽样和SPSS软件包对281例刑事责任能力鉴定的资料进行统计分析。

    For the purpose of defining the burden of proof and factors of influencing on criminal responsibility , 281 cases had been statistical analyzed with stratified sampling and SPSS / PC soft ware .

  7. 方法对110名经司法鉴定为无或限定责任能力的精神分裂症患者及60名正常者进行了P300电位及艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)测定,并将结果加以比较。

    MethodsP_ ( 300 ) potentials and EPQ test were used for 110 no or limited responsible schizophrenia patients by judicial expertise and 60 normal healthy peoples . The results were retrospective compared .

  8. 为探讨轻度精神发育迟滞(MMR)刑事犯罪者的责任能力评定的决定因素,对79例MMR刑事犯罪案例的司法精神病学鉴定资料进行一项多因素分析,统计采用逐步的Logistic回归分析方法。

    To investigate the relevant factors in rating the responsibilities of the criminals with mild mental retardation ( MMR ), a multiple factor analysis with the logistic regression method was carried out on the judicial expertise data of 79 cases with MMR .

  9. 方法结合国内外有关的鉴定理论与实践报道,参考国内外的类似评定工具编制出《限定刑事责任能力评定量表》(DCRRS);

    Methods After reviewing the existing tools and literatures , a Chinese version of scale , Diminished Criminal Responsibility Rating Scale ( DCRRS ), was developed .

  10. 精神发育迟滞者的刑事责任能力评定

    Assessment of ability of criminal responsibility for the Mentally Retarded Persons

  11. 刑事责任能力鉴定启动难的成因分析

    The Causes of the Difficulty in Starting Expertise on Criminal Responsibility

  12. 对精神分裂症病人评定部份责任能力的探讨

    An Exploration about the Evaluation of Diminished Responsibility for Schizophrenic Patients

  13. 笔者认为只有间接正犯中的行为者才有资格被称为间接正犯的犯罪主体,可以是负有刑事责任能力的自然人和单位。

    The subjective of indirect criminal are natural persons and unites .

  14. 精神病人限定刑事责任能力评定量表在精神发育迟滞违法者中的运用

    The Application of Diminished Criminal Responsibility Rating Scale to Mental Retardation Offenders

  15. 无责任能力的评定中男性比例高于女性;

    Male is higher than female in appraisal about irresponsibility .

  16. 承认未成年人具有民事责任能力有着重要的意义。

    Therefore the minors do have the civil liability ability .

  17. 暴力作案刑事责任能力的量化评定:Ⅰ.量表的编制

    A study on the rating scale of criminal responsibility of violent behavior

  18. 自然人民事责任能力制度之比较研究

    Comparison On the Regime of Civil Liability of Natural Person

  19. 149例暴力案件主体责任能力评定影响因素比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis on the Factors of Responsibility for 149 Violent Cases

  20. 心因性精神障碍司法精神鉴定责任能力的多因素分析

    Discrimination Analysis of Forensic Psychiatry Responsibility in Patients with Psychogenic Mental Disorder

  21. 90例无责任能力精神病违法者鉴定后处理的随访研究

    Follow-up of disposal of 90 psychiatric cases with irresponsibility after forensic assessment

  22. 女性完全责任能力评定率高于男性。

    Higher rate of full capability was observed in females .

  23. 目的编制能对限定责任能力进行客观分级的评定工具。

    Objective To develop a tool to objectively assess diminished criminal responsibility .

  24. 部分刑事责任能力精神病违法者的犯罪学特征及其相关分析

    Criminological characteristics of mentally Ill offenders assessed partial criminal responsibility

  25. 刑事责任能力鉴定的资料来源及其影响因素分析

    Data Source and Factors influenced on Assessment of Criminal Responsibility

  26. 一切自然人都具有民事权利能力和民事责任能力。

    Every natural person has the capacity for civil rights and civil liability .

  27. 要转变政府职能,提高决策主体的责任能力;

    Change government 's function , improve the responsibility ability of the decision-maker ;

  28. 民事责任能力是民法中的基础性概念。

    Capacity for civil responsibility is a basic concept .

  29. 现有关于民事责任能力的三种理论都在一定程度上存在着缺陷,或在理论上无法圆通,或在实践中缺乏可操作性。

    The three existing theories about liability capacity are all deficient in some degree .

  30. 论自然人都有民事责任能力

    On Capacity for Civil Liability of Natural Person