
  • 网络financial security;Financial protect
  1. 因无法提供基本的财务保障、很多员工没有获得足够的工时,以及不能享受与传统雇员同等职业权利等问题,“零时工合同”一直饱受诟病。

    The contracts have been criticized for not offering a basic level of financial security , many workers not being given enough hours and not having the same employment rights as those on traditional contracts .

  2. 个人是否被迫担负起自己退休时的财务保障?

    Are individuals up to the task of assuring their own financial security during retirement ?

  3. 概述美空军ISR部队的指挥关系战区空军进攻作战财务保障思考

    At the end , the command relations are summarized . THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT IN AIR FORCE OFFENSIVE IN WAR ZONE

  4. 联合反空袭作战财务保障探讨

    Briefly on the financial support in joint anti air attack fighting

  5. 谈科学发展观与军事斗争准备财务保障

    Scientific development viewpoint and the financial support of military struggle preparation

  6. 对渡海登陆作战集团军财务保障的思考

    The army financial support in the future battle of landing lands

  7. 反恐战争财务保障研究

    A study of the financial support in the anti-terrorism war

  8. 武警机动部队后方防卫作战财务保障探析

    Financial support of the armed police in the defensive battle

  9. 反恐作战后勤保障探析边境严寒地区反恐财务保障研究

    Troops financial support in the operation of counter-terrorism in the frontier areas

  10. 战区空军进攻作战财务保障思考

    The financial support in air force offensive in war zone

  11. 本集团的使命是「为顾客提供世界级的财务保障与投资理财的解决方案」。

    To offer world-class solutions for financial protection needs and investment requirements .

  12. 提高军队院校科研单位财务保障能力的探讨

    On How to Boost Financial Support for Research Units in Military Academies

  13. 军区空军应急作战后勤财务保障问题探讨

    Financial support in the emergent operation of the air force

  14. 渡海登岛作战财务保障对策研究

    Countermeasures of financial support in the battle of landing Island

  15. 联合作战财务保障研究

    A research of the financial support in the combined operation

  16. 创新军队院校后勤经费财务保障机制

    Innovation of the Logistic Financial Support System in Military Academies

  17. 航空兵部队财务保障工作浅探

    Financial support of the air units in the joint-support system

  18. 跨区航空兵部队财务保障主要特点及对策思考

    Characteristics and Countermeasures of financial support in the air units

  19. 提高海上试验靶场财务保障水平的途径

    Way of raising the level of troops financial support

  20. 部队演习演练财务保障浅析

    Briefly on the Financial Support in Troops Military Manoeuvres

  21. 军队力量结构转变对空军财务保障的影响及要求

    Influence of troops strength structure upon the financial support of the air force

  22. 陆航部队战时财务保障之我见

    An opinion of wartime financial support in the air unit of the army

  23. 登陆作战临战训练财务保障试探

    Financial support in the training of landing land battle

  24. 高技术条件下战时财务保障机制的研究

    The Study on the Mechanism of War-time Financial Support Under the High-technology Condition

  25. 空中进攻战役财务保障研究

    Financial support of offensive battle in the air

  26. 登陆战役实施初期的财务保障

    Financial support in initial stage of landing operations

  27. 着眼全局统筹财力努力做好军事斗争准备财务保障

    On the financial support in military struggle preparation

  28. 网络化财务保障改革之我见

    An idea of troops financial support network reform

  29. 浅谈特种部队战时财务保障

    Tentatively on wartime financial support for task forces

  30. 航空兵场站财务保障探讨

    The financial support in the air arm station