
bèi lǔ tè
  • Beirut
贝鲁特[bèi lǔ tè]
  1. 黎巴嫩的民兵组织已经同意从贝鲁特撤出。

    The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull out of Beirut

  2. 戴维在被迫离开后,现在又回到了贝鲁特生活。

    David is now living in Beirut again after an enforced absence .

  3. 东贝鲁特的市民们躲进了地下室和掩体中。

    Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters .

  4. 他在位于贝鲁特的美国大学(AmericanUniversity)拿到了学士学位,然后来到了威斯康星大学,在政治学系攻读硕士并担任助教。

    and he got an undergraduate degree at the American University in Beirut before entering the University of Wisconsin to pursue a doctoral degree in political science .

  5. JimMuir从邻国黎巴嫩港口贝鲁特发回报道。

    Jim Muir sent this report from Beirut in neighbouring Lebanon .

  6. NPR新闻,苏珊·乔治贝鲁特报道。

    For NPR News , I am Susan George in Beirut .

  7. NPR新闻,苏珊娜·乔治贝鲁特报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Susanna George in Beirut .

  8. NPR新闻,蒂姆·菲茨西蒙斯,贝鲁特报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Tim Fitzsimons in Beirut .

  9. NPR新闻,蒂姆·菲茨西蒙斯贝鲁特报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Tim Fitzsimons , in Beirut .

  10. NPR新闻,艾莉森·缪斯贝鲁特报道。

    I 'm Alison Muse , NPR News , Beirut .

  11. NPR新闻,爱丽丝·缪斯贝鲁特报道。

    Alice Muse , NPR News , Beirut .

  12. NPR新闻,凯利·麦克弗斯贝鲁特报道。

    Kelly McEvers , NPR News , Beiruit .

  13. NPR新闻,德博拉·阿莫斯贝鲁特报道。

    Deborah Amos , NPR News , Beirut .

  14. NPR新闻,凯利·麦克埃弗斯贝鲁特报道。

    Kelly McEvers , NPR News , Beirut .

  15. NPR新闻,亚历克斯·戈登贝鲁特报道。

    Alex Gordon , NPR news , Beirut .

  16. NPR新闻,埃丽斯·博丹贝鲁特报道。

    Elise Bordan , NPR News , Beirut .

  17. NPR新闻的彼得·肯杨正在贝鲁特。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon is in Beirut .

  18. ②一名巴勒斯坦官员发誓,要将贝鲁特战役变成阿拉伯人的斯大林格勒(Stalingrad)。

    A Palestinian official vowed that the battle of Beirut would be the Stalingrad of the Arabs .

  19. 从那以后,它的工作人员——现在只有一位不是志愿者——与纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)、贝鲁特的斯费尔-塞姆勒画廊(Sfeir-SemlerGallery)和伦敦的蛇形画廊(SerpentineGallery)等机构合作策划项目和活动。

    Since then , its staff members , all but one of whom are now volunteers , have been working on curatorial projects and events with institutions including New York University , the Sfeir-Semler Gallery in Beirut and the Serpentine Gallery in London .

  20. PaulSalem是位于贝鲁特的卡内基国际和平研究院中东中心的负责人,他说,虽然暴力活动可能在北部继续,但是估计不会蔓延到黎巴嫩的其他地方:

    Paul Salem directs the Carnegie Endowment 's Middle East Center in Beirut . He says that while the violence is likely to continue in the north , it may not spread elsewhere in Lebanon .

  21. 现在武装分子则说,他们只是想保护维和部队的士兵不受叙利亚政府军的攻击,他们愿意让这些士兵返回联合国。NPR新闻,凯利·麦克弗斯贝鲁特报道。

    Now they say they are merely protecting the peacekeepers from the Syria army and are willing to turn them back to the U.N. Kelly McEvers , NPR news , Beirut .

  22. 贝鲁特的黎巴嫩美国大学可再生能源专家AhmadHouri不认为用纤维素制造乙醇是具有成本效益的方式。

    Ahmad Houri , a renewable energy expert at the Lebanese American University in Beirut , does not think it would be cost-effective to produce ethanol from cellulose .

  23. 共有12座建筑物被完全摧毁,有38座建筑物受到严重损坏,损坏最多的为比特贝尔,其次为马贾庸、Nabatieh和贝鲁特南郊。

    A total of12 buildings were totally destroyed and38 severely damaged , with the most damage in Bent Jbeil , followed by Marjayoun , Nabatieh and the southern suburbs of Beirut .

  24. HilalKhashan在贝鲁特美洲大学教政治科学,他认为阿萨德总统不可能履行和平计划,因为这会给反对派新的力量。

    Hilal Khashan teaches political science at the American University of Beirut . He thinks President Assad is unlikely to follow the peace plan because that would give the opposition new strength .

  25. 在贝鲁特美国大学担任政治科学教师的HilalKhashan表示,在叙利亚这样一个安全力量严格控制的国家,相信叙利亚政府所说的萨拉斐战士肆无忌惮地开火是非常困难的。

    Hilal Khashan , who teaches political science at the American University of Beirut , say it is difficult to believe the Syrian government of Salafist gangs firing with impunity in a tightly-run security state like Syria "

  26. 在里根的任期里,有240位陆战队员死于贝鲁特。

    During reagan 's administration , 240 Marines killed in beirut .

  27. 所以他们逃到贝鲁特,然后是开罗。

    So they fled to Beirut , then on to Cairo .

  28. 几年后,我在贝鲁特与他不期而遇。

    Years later , I came across him in beirut .

  29. 来自贝鲁特的电讯说他们已被处决。

    A newsflash from Beirut says they 've been shot .

  30. 酒店、高级住宅及商业综合楼,贝鲁特(黎巴嫩)

    Hotel , Residences and Commerce , Beirut ( Lebanon )