
xiàng yá sè
  • ivory;ivory tint
象牙色[xiàng yá sè]
  1. 常见的简历都是一两页,主题位于左边,用白色或象牙色的纸张,TimesNewRoman字体书写。

    The typical one to two pages stapled in the upper left hand corner , on white or ivory paper , in Times New Roman .

  2. 象牙色工艺木扇制造技术与颜色漂白处理

    Bleaching and Manufacturing Techniques for Wooden Craft 's Fan as Ivory

  3. 因此,象牙色是更好的选择。

    Therefore , ivory is a much better choice of color .

  4. 生长在巴西和秘鲁的一种无干的棕榈树,结象牙色的坚果。

    A stemless palm tree of Brazil and Peru bearing ivory nuts .

  5. 我想要一间全是象牙色和浅绿色的厨房。

    I 'd like a kitchen mostly in ivory and light green .

  6. 他瘦削的身躯裹在一件象牙色的阿富汗大衣中。

    His lean body is engulfed in an ivory white Afghan coat .

  7. 单瓣的星型花,象牙色底,玫瑰色-兰花色的宽染边。

    Single ivory star / wide rose-orchid sparkle edge .

  8. 我们仍然采用了灰褐色、象牙色和白色等中性色调。

    We are still in this neutral palette of taupes , ivory and white .

  9. 半重瓣星形花,樱花红色有象牙色刷印其间。

    Semidouble fuchsia star / ivory blush .

  10. 为什么全都选用象牙色?

    What 's with all the beige ?

  11. 他还看见只有那象牙色的膝盖没有被刑具遮住。

    Again he beheld that ivory knee which alone remained outside of Torterue 's horrible apparatus .

  12. 象牙色淡黄色或灰黄色到黄白色他面色苍白,象死灰一样。

    A pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white . His face was gray as ashes .

  13. 这种皮肤,最适合暖色调,象牙色也可,再次是白色底色。

    You will look better in warm colors , ivory instead of white , and gold jewelry .

  14. 对象牙色工艺木扇等样品的试制与产品的批量生产系统性、以及产品性能和废水环境检测等现代技术对传统制扇技术改进进行了研究。

    Some modern high technologies to reform the traditional industry of wooden craft 's fan are studied .

  15. 乳香(芳香,象牙色树脂)是生长在爱琴海的希俄斯岛。

    Mastic ( aromatic , ivory coloured resin ) is grown on the Aegean island of Chios .

  16. 除非放在纯白色旁边,对于大部分人来说,象牙色就是白色。

    Unless you put it directly next to something white , it just looks like white to most people .

  17. 在植物方面,因二氧化硫严重损伤经常导致象牙色,但有时为红棕色。

    In vegetation , acute injury by ?? often results in an ivory coloration , but sometimes the coloration is reddish brown .

  18. 安格兰属的任何一种兰花,具深绿色二裂叶、多叶、通常夜间开带香味的白色或象牙色花。

    Any of various spectacular orchids of the genus Angraecum having 2-ranked dark green leathery leaves and usually nocturnally scented white or ivory flowers .

  19. 新娘的婚纱选用了漂亮的象牙色丝缎制成,上面有编织的花朵造型,并饰有水晶片和珍珠。

    The bride 's dress was of a lovely ivory silk which featured an interwoven flower design and was decked with crystal pieces and pearls .

  20. 1水牛奶干酪在成熟过程中形成白色的外皮,干酪内部为象牙色,具有细腻、弹性的组织结构,带有很少的空隙。

    The two types of cheese in the middle of their ripening period change their skin to yellow color , the inner part to ivory color .

  21. 无论下雨晴天冬天夏天,除非你是象牙色或深色皮肤,否则你的皮肤都一直处于紫外线的伤害之中。

    In rain or shine , winter or summer , whether you have ivory white skin or a dark complexion , your skin is always susceptible to sun damage .

  22. 照片非常生动,26岁的米粒珠光宝气,身穿象牙色露肩礼服,身旁站着28岁来自澳大利亚的性感锤弟,两人牵着手共同切蛋糕。

    In the telling image , 26-year-old Miley is resplendent in an ivory off-the-shoulder gown as she stands before hunky Australian Liam , 28 , whose hand rests under hers .

  23. 这对新人乘着敞篷马车离去。王子一身戎装,新娘着一袭简单的象牙色拖地长裙,蒙着面纱。

    The couple , the prince in full military colours , his bride in a simple ivory dress , with train and bridal veil , left in an open horse-drawn carriage .

  24. 东方人肤色深而偏黄,穿雪白婚纱会显的肤色更为暗哑,而穿象牙色婚纱则较和谐自然。

    The color of skin deep and yellow , wear white wedding dress will show color of skin more dark dumb , and wear ivory color are more harmonious nature wedding dress .

  25. 这些颜色的便服,【信息网】裙子和鞋看起来都很专业,将这些颜色和充满柔和女性色彩的冰蓝色,淡紫色,粉红色,象牙色等搭配起来也是不错的。

    Most of these colors work well in pantsuits , skirts and shoes and mix back with softer feminine colors that are appropriate like ice blue , lilac , soft pink and ivory .

  26. 这名女子身穿黄底带圆点的连身裙,外面罩了一件香奈儿式的白色粗花呢夹克,同时搭配了一双露脚趾的象牙色高跟鞋。这名女子俨然展现出了一名自信而且时尚的第一夫人的形象。

    In a dotted yellow one-piece and a Chanel-style white tweed jacket , matching with ivory toe-open high heels , the woman gave the image of a confident - and fashionable - First Lady .

  27. 婚礼蛋糕也要非常柔软。我认为一切都要是中性的,象牙色的,上面稍微点缀一点点颜色。关键是布料和装饰。

    Your cake can be very soft again , I think everything just needs to be very neutral and ivory with a hint of color really and it 's all about the fabric use and draping .

  28. 据称这一潮流甚至对婚礼服装也产生了影响,更多设计师提供婚礼用的外套、披巾以及有别于传统婚纱颜色的各种颜色的婚纱。大多数新娘购买的都是传统的白色和象牙色婚纱。

    The trend is even said to be having an impact on wedding attire , with more designers offering coats , shawls and different coloured dresses from the traditional white and ivory gowns bought by most brides .

  29. 纪梵希堪称赫本的“御用”设计师,不过同时拍卖的还有方塔纳姐妹为赫本设计的象牙色绸缎婚纱,拍得1.38万英镑。

    Givenchy was the designer most closely linked with Hepburn , but also up for auction was the ivory satin bridal gown designed by the Fontana Sisters for her planned marriage to James ( later Lord ) Hanson , which sold for 13800 pounds .