
  • 网络Switcher;shunter;switching locomotive
  1. DF(4D)改进型调车机车的电气系统

    Electrical system of modified DF_ ( 4D ) shunting diesel locomotive

  2. 东风4D系列内燃机车东风(4D)型调车机车车体设计

    Car body design of DF_ ( 4D ) diesel shunting locomotive

  3. 采用电控燃油喷射柴油机提高DF7型调车机车经济性和环保性能

    Application of electronic fuel injection system to diesel engine of DF_7 shunting locomotive to improve economy and reduce emission

  4. NJ1型交流传动内燃调车机车电机组的研制

    Development of motor group for NJ_1 AC transmission diesel shunting locomotive

  5. GK(3E)型液力传动调车机车市场分析

    A market analysis of GK_ ( 3E ) hydraulic transmission shunting locomotive

  6. 内燃调车机车牵引电动机改进方案探讨GK(2C)型液力传动调车内燃机车

    Discussion on improving the traction motors for shunting diesel locomotive GK_ ( 2C ) diesel - hydraulic shunting locomotive

  7. GKD1型调车机车用两轴转向架

    The two axle bogies used in GKD 1 shunting locomotives

  8. 东风(7E)型重载调车机车结构性能及工艺特点

    Structure , properties and technological features of DF_ ( 7E ) heavy haul shunting locomotives

  9. 调车机车监控记录系统的研究与试验

    Research , Development and Test of the Shunting Locomotive Monitoring System

  10. 调车机车无线作业信息系统的研究开发

    Research and Development of the Information System for Wireless Locomotive Shunting

  11. 调车机车状态监测与极限技术状态确定

    Health monitoring and determination of limit technique state for shunting locomotives

  12. 基于不确定理论和混合智能算法的调车机车运用研究

    Study on Shunting Locomotive Operation Based on Uncertainty Theory and Hybrid Intelligent Algorithms

  13. 模块化设计在调车机车车体设计中的应用

    Application of modular concept to locomotive body design

  14. 地铁车辆段内燃调车机车传动选型技术分析

    Technical Analysis on Transmission Type Selection of Diesel Shunting Locomotives for Metro Vehicle Depot

  15. 实现速度控制的调车机车监控记录系统

    Monitoring Record System of Shunting Locomotive , the Speed of which is Under Control

  16. 调车机车障碍物自动检测识别技术研究

    Approach to Obstacles Automatic-Recognition by Shunting Locomotives

  17. 所以,调车机车科学合理运用对提高铁路运输效率有着至关重要的作用。

    Therefore , the scientific and rational using of shunting locomotive plays a vital role in improving the efficiency of railway transport .

  18. 为了解决目前国内调车机车的运用瓶颈,我公司着手研发新一代的调车内燃机车。

    In order to solve operational bottle-neck of national shunting locomotives , my company embarks on designing a new generation of shunting internal combustion locomotive .

  19. 介绍了DF4D改进型调车机车电气系统的主要技术参数、牵引制动性能及控制特点。

    The main technical parameters , traction and brake performances and the control characteristics of the modified DF_ ( 4D ) shunting diesel locomotive were described .

  20. 随着新技术、新设备在内燃机车上的推广和应用,机车制造厂也开始在工矿型调车机车上推广和使用微机电气控制系统。

    With the new technologies and new devices being spreaded and applied to diesel locomotives , locomotive manufacturers have begun spreading and appling the microcomputer-based control system to industrial locomotives .

  21. 通过现场的试验及应用,证实了调车机车监控系统能够有效地防止调车作业中的冒进信号和超速造成的事故。

    Through the site test and commissioning , it has been proved that the Shunting Locomotive Monitoring System can efficiently prevents shunting operation accident caused by overrunning of signals or overspeeding .

  22. 液力传动调车机车具有作业效率高,经济性好,操作及维护简单等特点,液力变矩器是决定液力传动机车性能的关键。

    Hydraulic transmission shunting locomotives have many characteristics , such as high working efficiency , good economy performance , simple operation and maintenance . Hydraulic torque converter is the key of determining performance of hydraulic transmission locomotives .

  23. 铁路区段站决策支持系统的研究&调车机车的合理安排铁路车站作业计划编制过程中,如何编制调机运用计划是调度指挥的关键问题。

    The Study on DSS of the District Station Dispatching & Rationally Utilizing Locative The key problem of how to make the plan of using shunting locomotives in the process of making operative plans for railway district station is studied in this paper .

  24. 介绍了交流传动内燃调车机车电机组的应用要求、技术特点、主要工艺结构、运用效果及研制方面的经验,提出了其它功率等级的交流传动内燃机车主辅传动系统电机组技术方案建议。

    This paper presents some application requirements , technic charateristic , main technique structure , application results and the development experiences of motor group for NJ_1 AC shunting locomotive . And some suggestions about main transmission and auxiliary transmission for other power levels AC diesel locomotives are given .

  25. 结合对DF7型调车机车现场作业过程的调查,详细分析了该型机车机油稀释的原因及原设计单侧供油装置存在的缺陷,并提出了改进的措施。

    With reference to the investigation of the on site operating process of DF 7 shunting locomotives , this paper analyzes the reasons for the dilution of lubricating oil and the defects of original single sided fuel supply equipment for this locomotive in detail , and proposes the improvement measures .

  26. 调车作业中机车车辆进异线的对策

    Counter Measurement of Locomotive and Rolling Stocks Running into Incorrect Siding in Shunting Work

  27. 该系统实现了峰上调车进路、机车下峰进路、推峰进路等联销关系的全微机化及溜放过程中驼峰信号的自动控制。

    Under microcomputer control , the system automatically carrier out the interlocking relations of shunting routes , trimming routes , pushing routes and hump signal control .

  28. 在调查的10个工种中,工伤在调车工人和机车车辆钳工中的发生率较高,分别为61/10万、59.8/10万。

    In the 10 types of work , the injuries were mainly occurred in train dispatchers ( 61 / 105 ) and locomotive locksmiths ( 59.8 / 105 ) .

  29. 介绍了DF7G型内燃机车作为调车及小运转机车主要技术参数及特性、预期性能、机车总体布置情况,阐述了与原DF7C型内燃机车相比主要部件结构特点的不同。

    As a shunting locomotive , the DF_ ( 7G ) locomotive was described in the terms of main parameters , characteristics , general layout and predicted performance . The differences in key parts was pointed out by comparison with original DF_ ( 7C ) locomotive .

  30. 常规的干线机车转向架不适应小半径曲线上的调车作业,随着机车轴重的增加,这一问题将更加突出。

    Normal bogies of trunk locomotives are not fitted to the switching services on the curve line with small radii .