
tiáo jié
  • adjust;regulate;measure;monitor
调节 [tiáo jié]
  • [regulate;adjust] 在数量、程度、规模等方面进行调整,使符合标准

调节[tiáo jié]
  1. 其中许多基因与调节种子如何在仍附着于其亲本植株时变的耐旱的基因相同。

    Many of them are the same that regulate how seeds become dryness-tolerant while still attached to their parent plants .

  2. 这些生物体死亡后会将碳埋入深海中,这个重要过程对全球气候具有调节作用。

    When these organisms die , they bury carbon in the deep ocean , an important process that helps to regulate the global climate .

  3. 人们根据环境噪音的大小调节自己的声音。

    People alter their voices in relationship to background noise .

  4. 把操纵杆向你身体一侧拉动以调节速度。

    Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed .

  5. 他去静修并试图调节自己内心的矛盾冲突。

    He went into retreat and tried to resolve the conflicts within himself .

  6. 病人获得有关如何调节自己饮食的指导。

    Patients are taught how to modify their diet .

  7. 你可以调节椅子的高度。

    You can adjust the height of the chair .

  8. 这辆自行车车座的高度可以调节。

    The height of the bicycle seat is adjustable .

  9. 他一直靠参加集体疗法班来调节心理。

    Group therapy classes have been his salvation .

  10. 用此按钮调节图像明暗的对比度。

    Use this button to adjust the contrast .

  11. 调节网球拍的网张力,以配合你的打法。

    Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing .

  12. 经济市场是一种自动调节的机制,不需要政府调控。

    The economic market is a self-correcting mechanism , that does not need regulation by government .

  13. 此旋钮调节音量。

    This knob controls the volume .

  14. 公司间的竞争过于激烈,自我调节机制已无法发挥作用。

    Competition between companies is too fierce for self-regulation to work .

  15. 薄荷油能很有效地调节消化系统失调。

    Peppermint oil is very good for regulating digestive disorders .

  16. 一个自动电压调节器保证了发电机电流输出的稳定。

    An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator .

  17. 温度调节器设定在150度。

    The heat dial was set at 150 degrees .

  18. 调节灯光使其看上去既柔和又能给人带来舒缓感。

    Adjust the lighting so it is soft and restful

  19. 自动调节甚高频接收器现在普遍应用于汽车。

    Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars .

  20. 通过开关气阀来调节烧烤架的温度。

    Adjust the heat of the barbecue by opening and closing the air vents .

  21. 这些化学物质可以调节钾的功效。

    These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium .

  22. 可以调节百叶窗使光线亮一些,也可以暗一些。

    You can open the slats for a bright light or angle them for more shade

  23. 如果外在环境变冷,体表会将这一信息传递给身体的体温调节中枢。

    If our environment cools , then messages from the skin alert the body 's thermostat .

  24. 座位可以全方位调节。

    The seats are fully adjustable .

  25. 随着年龄的增长,人体体温调节机制的功能往往会有所弱化。

    As we get older the temperature-regulating mechanisms in the body tend to become a little less efficient .

  26. 这是用来调节实验室温度的。

    This is used for the regulation of temperature in the laboratory .

  27. 我们必须对货币的流通不断进行调节。

    We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation .

  28. 这些桌椅的高度可以根据儿童的身高调节。

    These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child .

  29. 政府可以通过控购来调节市场的平衡。

    The government can adjust the unbalanced market by controlling purchases .

  30. 供给发动机的蒸汽是由调节器加以调节的。

    The governor bottled the steam supplied to the engine .