
  • 网络Zhucheng;Zhucheng City;mizhou
  1. 诸城市农民专业合作社发展对策研究

    Research on the Development of Farmers ' Professional Cooperatives in Zhucheng City

  2. 诸城市的农村社区化建设在全国具有一定代表性。

    The development for rural communities of Zhucheng City is representative in the national .

  3. 唐山市与珠江三角洲诸城市生态水平比较及调控

    Comparison of Ecology level in Tangshan and Cities of Zhujiang Delta

  4. 诸城市农村社区化服务与建设问题研究

    Zhucheng Services in Rural Communities and Building Research

  5. 山东省诸城市人民医院

    People 's Hospital of Zhucheng , Shandong

  6. 王秀新:2001年获诸城市“拱辰”奖学金,考入复旦大学。

    Wang xiuxin , who won Zhucheng Gongchen scholarship in2001 and was admitted to Fudan university .

  7. 城乡党组织联建对诸城市统筹城乡发展的效益分析

    The Benefit Analyzes on Urban-rural Union CPC Organization to Coordinate Development in Urban and Rural of Zhucheng City

  8. 民兵类型:都市民兵来自诸城市及周边城镇的民兵部队,在意大利军中地位颇重。

    Local militias , organised around city quarters and surrounding towns , play an important role in Italian armies .

  9. 总结出了诸城市农业产业化龙头企业发展中的经验做法和存在的问题及根源。

    Zhucheng summed up the development of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises of experience in the practice and problems and root causes .

  10. 诸城市地处青岛、潍坊、日照三市中心点,目前,正在加快发展城市经济,打造区域经济文化消费中心。

    At present , Zhucheng is accelerating the development of urban economy , to create regional economic and cultural consumption Center .

  11. 城乡联合党组织的功能定位及作用发挥&诸城市城乡党组织联建实践及启示

    The functions orientation of urban and rural combined party organization : the experience of Zhucheng urban and rural combined party organization

  12. 解决农民收入问题必须从系统的角度入手,并以此探索出促进诸城市农民收入增长的途径。

    Peasant income problem must start from a system perspective , and thus explore the promotion of farmer income growth of Zhucheng way .

  13. 统筹城乡文化建设的基本途径探讨&以山东省诸城市为例

    Probe in the Basic Ways of Balancing Cultural Construction between the Urban and Rural Areas With Zhucheng of Shandong Province as an Example

  14. 近年来,随着市场经济的进一步发展,诸城市出现了一系列的农业技术推广模式。

    In recent years , with the development of marketing economy , a series of models of the extension about the agricultural technologies appears .

  15. 本文借鉴国内外优秀的理论成果和实践经验指导农村公路发展工作,研究适合诸城市实际的农村公路科学发展之路。

    According to outstanding theoretical and practical achievements and studies both at home and abroad , this paper intends to study the countryside highway development in Zhucheng city .

  16. 在定量和定性分析的基础上,对诸城市农村公路科学发展战略进行了分析和研究。

    On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis , the scientific development strategy and layout , development goal and guideline of countryside highway in Zhucheng city are investigated .

  17. 诸城市村级债务现状成因及对策研究因为负债只产生于过去的经济业务,这项承付款项不构成负债。

    The Researching of Current Situation , Reason and Countermeasures Against Zhucheng Village Debts As liabilities stem only from past transactions , this commitment has not yet created a liability .

  18. 其次,探析诸城市农村剩余劳动力转移的趋势,并从环境、制度、体制、政策四个方面分析了劳动力转移存在的问题。

    Secondly , this text has analyzed the trend of rural transfer of surplus labor of Zhucheng from four respects of environment , system , policy the workforce shift the existing .

  19. 理论上、学术界提出了一些相关的理论;实践上包括北京、上海、天津、广州和深圳诸城市都开始了农民工医疗保险的实践,并取得了一定的效果。

    Theoretically , scholars put forward some relevant theories , In practice , including Beijing , Shanghai , Tianjin , Guangzhou and Shenzhen began migrant workers medical insurance practice , and has obtained the certain effect .

  20. 各城市之间的竞争力得分有较大差距,青岛城市竞争力得分最高,排名前3位的青岛、烟台、威海与其后诸城市差距甚大。

    The competitiveness of Qingdao city is the highest in all the cities , and there are large gaps of competitiveness between 26 cities and the scores of competitiveness of Qingdao , Yantai and Weihai are larger than the others .

  21. 诸城市需要加快城乡一体化建设进程、加大支农扶持力度、加强农村社区服务平台建设、探索建立土地流转有形市场和努力完善社会保障等,推动土地流转。

    In order to further promote the land transfer , the integration process in urban and rural areas , increasing support for agriculture to strengthen rural communities and service platform , a land-transfer physical market and social security all need more efforts .

  22. 但如今,加州政府已经跃跃欲试,计划斥资420亿美元,决心到2020年建成一条能够实现高速服务运输的贯通铁路线,这项筹划中的高铁将连接圣地亚哥,洛杉矶,旧金山和萨克拉曼多诸城市。

    But there are plans for through tracks in time to carry the high-speed services that California is desperate to have by 2020 under an ambitious $ 42 billion plan to connect San Diego , Los Angeles , San Francisco and Sacramento .

  23. 长江流域及其西南诸河城市水土保持的经验与成效

    Experiences and Achievements of Soil and Water Conservation in Urban Areas in the Yangtze River Basin and the Other Rivers in Southwestern China

  24. 更重要的是,这项法令将创制、复决和罢免诸权作为城市政治机制的组成部分。

    It incorporated the initiative , referendum , and recall as part of the machinery of city politics .

  25. 并在此基础上,从建筑布局、设备、管理和维护等诸方面提出了城市地下交通隧道的防火措施。

    Then , from the aspects of building allocation , installation , management and protection , some fire prevention measures for urban underground traffic tunnels were suggested .