
  1. 由于版画创作需要较强的技术性的参与,所以要想实现语言的突破,除了解决好其他因素之外技术性成了不可逾越的鸿沟。

    For more skill needs in print creation , it becomes a insurmountable gap in realizing language breakthrough .

  2. 西方写实主义绘画促进了中国画形式语言的突破,传统的封闭格局逐渐被打破,而在西方现代观念的冲击下,中国画迅速裂变和分化,形成了多元化的发展格局。

    Western realist painting promotes the breakthrough of language form of Chinese painting , and the traditional closed pattern is being gradually broken . With the impact of western modern concept , Chinese painting undergoes rapid fission and division , and has formed a diversified pattern of development .

  3. 中国水墨画造型语言的新突破

    A New Breakthrough in the Plastic Language of Chinese Ink Painting

  4. 剖析武术谚语对语言遮蔽的突破方式,以及语言表述方面存在的不足,以期更好的促进武术的继承和发展。

    And analyzes the ways of breakthrough of Wushu proverbs towards the language hide and the shortcomings existing in expression so as to accelerate the inheritance and development of Wushu .

  5. 分别从观念、技术、材料等三个方面分析二十世纪美柔汀版画语言的新突破,以及美柔汀版画语言在当代版画发展中的意义。

    Separately from the idea , the technology , the material and so on three aspects analyzes the 20th century beautiful supple sandbank print language the new breakthrough , As well as in contemporary print development significance .

  6. 老舍的文学创作实现了对现代文学语言的某些突破,主要表现在词语的变异修辞,带有欧化句式特点的书面语,超度的串儿词,等等。

    LAO She 's novel has realized certain breakthroughs to modern literary language , which includes the variant rhetoric of his words and expressions , the written language which has European sentence characteristics , excessive string words and so on .

  7. 中国濒危语言研究的新突破&《中国濒危语言个案研究》评介

    A New Breakthrough in the Study of Chinese Endangered Languages

  8. 通过现代工笔肖像画与传统工笔肖像画在线条、色彩、构图等方面的不同特点并进行对比分析,对现代工笔肖像画的创作中对传统绘画形式语言的探索与突破进行分析论述。

    Through the modern exquisite brush portrait painting and traditional Chinese realistic portraiture in line , color , composition and other aspects of the different characteristics and carries on the contrast analysis , to modern exquisite brush portrait painting to traditional painting form language exploration and breakthrough are analyzed .

  9. 试论文学作品语言对语法规范的突破

    The Literature Languages Break through the Standard Use of Grammar

  10. 我们从雕塑艺术的角度上来看建筑形体塑造,是试图从与建筑相邻近的艺术语言中寻求新的突破点,试图从纯净的建筑构成元素的表观上来看建筑的形体语言。

    It is an attempt to find a new breakthrough point from the neighbor art of the architecture .

  11. 外来语对现代汉语词汇影响引起的语用变异既是对汉语语言体系的创新和突破,又是对汉语语言体系的丰富和发展。

    The pragmatic variations from loanwords are not only the creation but also the development of the Chinese language system .

  12. 作者认为佛家语言观引发了传统诗学话语对语言认识的突破;

    The author thinks that Buddhism linguistic view makes Chinese traditional poetics utterance realize limitation of language and try to break it through ;

  13. 本部分侧重从语言风格和修辞手法来阐释《孙子兵法》的语言特点,论述了它在语言上的发展和突破。

    This section focuses on the style and rhetoric to explain language features of the Art of War and discussed its development and breakthroughs in language .

  14. 以医学一体化情报语言的发展历程为主线,回顾了不同类型的医学一体化情报语言的结构与应用,重点阐述中医药一体化语言系统的创新与突破,并展望医学一体化情报语言系统发展的未来前景。

    The creation and breakthrough of a unified traditional Chinese medical language system are mainly expounded based on reviewing the structure and application of unified medical language of different types . Meanwhile , the development of the system is discussed in prospects .