
zhènɡ jù ɡuī zé
  • rule of evidence
  1. 第四章,对WTO专家组程序的证据规则和评审标准未来的发展趋势作了评述。

    The Chapter four discusses the future of Rule of Evidence and Standards of Review in Panels ' procedure .

  2. 证据规则的确立与运用必须由证据标准来检验。

    The determination and function of the rule of evidence must be inspected by the standard of evidence .

  3. 第二,审查标准与其他程序规则的关系,包括审查标准与WTO争端解决机构管辖权、证据规则间的联系、区别等。

    The second sub-part is to analyze the relationship between standard of review and other procedural rules , such as jurisdiction and rules of evidence .

  4. 联邦证据规则颁布之后,许多地区都摒弃了Frye规则。

    After the Federal Rules of Evidence were enacted , a number of jurisdictions abandoned Frye .

  5. 联邦证据规则虽然没有明确批判Frye规则,但是它们采纳了一种更加宽容的方法。

    While not explicitly repudiating the Frye rule , the Federal Rules adopt a more permissive approach .

  6. 联邦证据规则可采性方法的支持者相信,这些规则能够包含所有Frye规则中包含的事项。

    Proponents of the Federal Rules approach to admissibility believe that taken together , these rules address all the concerns embodied in the Frye rule .

  7. 第三章介绍了国际上有关国际商事仲裁证据规则的最新发展趋势&标准化趋势。2004年1月,USITC正式开庭,就此此案进行审理。

    Section ⅲ of this essay examines the latest trend of evidentiary rules in international arbitration . January 2004 , USITC held formal evidentiary hearing on this section 337 investigation .

  8. 两大类都有独立的判断标准、证据规则以及救济程序。

    Two categories had independent judgment standards and rules of evidence .

  9. 论意见证据规则在我国的理性化建构

    On the Rational Construction of the Opinion Evidence Rules in China

  10. 刑事附带民事诉讼中的优势证据规则适用&兼评一宗刑事附带民事诉讼案件

    Apply Superior Principle of Certificate to Criminal Suit Attached Civil Suit

  11. 因此,我们需要制定合理的证据规则。

    Thus it is a necessity to make proper evidence rules .

  12. 被告人口供证据规则之完善

    The Perfection of Evidence Rules for the Defendant 's Confession

  13. 论我国自白补强证据规则之架构

    On the Framework of the Corroborative Evidence Rules of Confession in China

  14. 其次,建立传闻证据规则。

    Second , establish rules for the elimination rule for hearsay evidence .

  15. 论刑事诉讼中的不良品格证据规则

    On the Poor Character Evidence Rule of the Penal Lawsuit

  16. 审裁组可决定其本身的程序及证据规则。

    A tribunal may determine its own procedure and rules of evidence .

  17. 根据联邦证据规则,法官有更大的自由裁量权。

    The judge has more discretion under the Federal Rules .

  18. 论倾向性证据规则浅析行政处罚证据规则

    On Disposition Evidence Discussion on Evidence Rules of Administrative Punishment

  19. 口供补强证据规则研究

    Research on Rules Regulating the Corroborative Evidence of Confession

  20. 国际法庭程序和证据规则

    Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal

  21. 可采性与我国刑事诉讼证据规则的缺陷与完善

    The Admissibility of Evidence of China 's Criminal Procedure Rules Defects and Improved

  22. 环境诉讼证据规则的专门化。

    The specialization of proof rules in environmental litigation .

  23. 补强证据规则&兼论口供的证据价值

    On the Rule of Corroborative Evidence & And on the Provable Value of Confession

  24. 浅议我国刑事证据规则

    On Rules of Criminal Proof in Our Country

  25. 刑事诉讼视听资料证据规则

    The Audiovisuals Evidence Rules of the Criminal Suit

  26. 刑事诉讼中的传闻证据规则例外情形研究

    Research on Hearsay Rule Exceptions in Criminal Procedure

  27. 论我国证据规则的完善&以证据属性为视角

    On the Improvement of Chinese Rules of Evidence & from the Perspective of Evidence Attribute

  28. 本章第一节重点分析了证人品格证据规则。

    First section of this chapter has analyzed the character evidence rule of the witness .

  29. 价值与实现:刑事证据规则本质探析

    On the Nature of Criminal Evidential Rules

  30. 有关规约第二编的程序和证据规则工作组

    Working Group on Rules of Procedure and Evidence related to Part 2 of the Statute