
  1. 蓝天法是州的证券法律法规。

    Blue Sky Laws are state securities laws .

  2. 第八章根据我国证券法律法规建设的现状,提出关于我国规制内部人交易及信息披露模式的框架设想。

    According to the present situation of the legal regulations of our country securities market , we put forward the preliminary frame of the regulation system about insider trade and insider trade information disclosure pattern In chapter eight .

  3. 本章认为,目前我国证券法律法规针对二级市场和一级市场设定不同重大性标准的做法应予改变,应当以统一的重大性标准取代这种二元化的标准。

    Since the present Chinese securities laws and regulations adopt different criteria of materiality with regard to the disclosure requirement in the primary and secondary market , this chapter argues that an integrated standard of materiality shall replace the dual criteria in the securities information disclosure system .

  4. 从效率与公平两个方面来考量,我国的证券法律、法规还不尽如人意。

    Considering it from two aspects of efficiency and justice , the legislations is unsatisfactory .

  5. 目前世界各国大都通过制定严格的证券法律、法规来加强对证券市场的监管。

    Now strict stock law or rules are widely adopted to strengthen the control on stock market in the whole world .

  6. 然而我国现行证券法律、法规有关民事责任的规定满足不了社会实践的需要。

    However , tbe regulations about civil liability in current security laws and regulations could not satiate the need of the social practice .

  7. 主要结论有:我国还需加强除了信贷资产外的资产证券化法律法规;报酬的转移及控制权转移存在难以量化的问题;不应征收万分之五的印花税。

    The main conclusions are : besides credit assets China is still needs to strengthen of the asset securitization laws and regulations ; the transfer of control and pay transfer exist are difficult to quantify ; should not levy five over ten thousand of the stamp duty tax .

  8. 尽快完善会计制度、经济法规、证券法规等法律法规,对健全公司治理结构、治理财务舞弊有着极其重要的意义。

    To expedite the development of accounting system , economic laws , securities laws and regulations and others has an extremely important significance for improving corporate governance structure and governing financial fraud .

  9. 金融业经过多年的发展,在证券市场、法律法规、投资主体、投资基金、专业化投资、中介机构等方面都产生了对金融支持系统的制度供给。

    After many years ' development , the supply of institution according to financial supporting system has been founded in a lot of fields in industry of finance , such as security market , investment fund .

  10. 欧美日等国针对住房抵押贷款证券化的法律法规制定都非一日之功,而是由各自不同的国情背景尤其是不同的法系逐步形成的。

    The mortgage-backed securities laws and regulations of Europe and the United States and Japan are respectively gradually formed with the background of the each different national conditions and legal systems , not developed all in a day .

  11. 股权分置改革的进行,加上公司法、证券法等相关法律法规的修改制定,为我国的上市公司回购自己股份搭建了良好的法律平台和市场环境,上市公司股份回购实践因此蓬勃展开。

    The Reform of Non-tradable Shares and the new legislations have provided listed companies with good legal platform and market environment , thus listed companies engaged in share repurchases actively .

  12. 随着证券市场监管方面法律法规的完善,除了股利以外的其它从上市公司转移资源的方式受到越来越严格的限制,股利政策在大股东转移资金方面的作用可能会越来越大。

    With the perfection of laws and regulations ' in stock market , the way of transfering the resources of listed companies would be more and more strict limited , except dividend .

  13. 作为一种法定犯罪,对其犯罪主体、犯罪的主观方面以及犯罪客体和犯罪的客观方面进行认定,应当结合《证券法》等法律法规的规定予以正确把握,从而有效打击此类犯罪。

    As a statutory crime , it is determined by its subject , object as well as its subjective and objective elements . Its determination should also accord with securities law . Therefore it can be effectively cracked down .

  14. 而我国现行证券法和相关法律法规对行政责任和刑事责任都作了不同程度的规定,但对最能直接体现对受害交易相对方进行补救功能的民事责任缺乏系统的规定。

    Current Securities Law and relevant laws of our country have all done the regulation in various degree to the administrative and criminal liability , the civil liability which directly can reflect the remedy function to those injured trading parties lacks the systematic regulation .

  15. 对于上市公司,如何在现有的会计准则和证券法等相关法律法规的制约下实现企业融资的目的成为企业最为关心的问题,盈余管理就是在这一背景下逐步形成并发展起来的。

    For the listed companies , the most concerned issue is how to realize the financing aim under the restriction of the current accounting standards system and the relevant regulations of the stock law , and the earnings management is gradually formed and developed under this background .

  16. 我国的证券市场还很不完善,证券法律法规以及监管体系还不是很健全。

    The stock market of our country is not perfect , the securities laws and the supervision system are still not very sound .

  17. 文章最后还对此类案件发生的原因进行了分析,并从个人角度和法制角度进行了反思,最终得出结论,那就是要加强证券市场的监管,健全证券市场的法律法规的建设。

    The paper analysis the cause of case and make introspection from the perspective of personal view and rule of law . The paper finally gets the two conclusions : the market supervision should be enhanced .

  18. 证券民事责任是指在证券发行交易过程中违反证券法律法规而承担的民事法律后果。

    The securities civil liability is the liability in the securities law during the issuing and trading .

  19. 具体表现为投资者决策标准、证券价格标准和发行人品质不利影响标准,分别见于相关的证券法律法规中。

    The specific performances are as follows : " investors decision-making " standard 、" the prices of securities " standard and the adverse effect on the issuer quality are all found in the relevant securities laws and regulations .

  20. 证券法律机制是在规范证券发行和交易过程中,诸种证券法律、法规、司法解释相互联系和作用的制约关系及其运转方式。

    Securities law mechanism refers to the mutual conditionality and reciprocity between securities laws , securities regulations and judicial interpretations during the process of the regulation of securities issuing and securities exchange .

  21. 我国证券经纪人制度仍然是以证券经纪商为主体的法人模式,证券经纪人制度法律、法规和管理机构、职能建设不健全;

    Securities broker system of our country is still a mode for corporate security broker . Securities broker system law and regulation , management organization and function construction are imperfect ;

  22. 证券欺诈的民事责任成为2001年我国证券市场热点之一。然而我国现行证券法律、法规有关民事责任的规定满足不了社会实践的需要。

    Civil liability of security fraud became tbe hottest issue of our security market in 2001 . However , tbe regulations about civil liability in current security laws and regulations could not satiate the need of the social practice .

  23. 第一百六十四条证券业协会履行下列职责:(一)协助证券监督管理机构教育和组织会员执行证券法律、行政法规;

    Assist the securities supervision and administrative organization in educating the association 's members on securities laws and administrative regulations and organizing the members to implement these laws and regulations ;