
  • 网络securities arbitration
  1. 证券仲裁是一种快捷、经济的解决证券纠纷的方式。

    Securities arbitration is a quick and economical type of securities dispute resolution .

  2. 第六章论述了证券仲裁的司法监督与裁决的执行。

    The last chapter discusses about justice supervision on securities arbitration and arbitrament 's enforcement .

  3. 这从理论上证明了证券仲裁制度的价值。

    In that way , it proves its value theoretically .

  4. 证券仲裁制度研究

    The Study of Securities Arbitration System

  5. 浅议美国证券仲裁制度的特征

    US Securities Arbitration System : Characteristics

  6. 关于美国证券仲裁发展的几个重要判例之评析

    Comments on Some Important Cases on the Development of Securities Arbitration System of the United States

  7. 美国证券仲裁裁决及其救济方法探讨

    Arbitration and Relief in US

  8. 第三部分,本文分析了我国证券仲裁所存在的现实困境。

    Then the third part comes to point out the realistic predicaments existing in our security arbitration currently .

  9. 论证券仲裁制度的建立&兼论新型经济纠纷的司法与司法外解决

    On the Arbitration of Security Disputes : A Study of Judicial Settlement and ADR of New-pattern Economical Disputes

  10. 这使证券仲裁制度在我国证券市场上不能发挥其应有的功能和价值。

    All these factors doubtlessly prevent the security arbitration system from exerting its desirable functions and value in the security market .

  11. 证券仲裁是针对证券纠纷的一种诉讼外解决方式,是仲裁制度在处理证券行业纠纷中的应用。

    Securities arbitration is a kind of settlement for securities dispute , and the application of the arbitration system in dealing with them .

  12. 即在立法层面上,我国没有制定独立、统一的证券仲裁规则体系;

    Namely , on the legislative aspect , our country has not yet set up an independent , unified system of arbitration rules .

  13. 第二章主要突出了我国目前证券仲裁制度存在的主要问题及其原因,从证券仲裁的历史和现状两个方面展开论述。

    The second chapter focuses on the major issues of securities arbitration and underlying reasons thereof , discussing this issue from both historical and current angles .

  14. 我国目前已经开始推行证券仲裁制度,但发展现状并不理想,主要表现为提交仲裁的证券纠纷非常少。

    Presently China has carried out such system , but status quo is not so satisfactory , mainly lying in few stock disputes submitted to arbitrations .

  15. 第二节则从宏观角度出发提出了进一步建设、发展、完善我国证券仲裁制度的若干建议;

    The second section mainly puts forward certain proposal as to how to erect and improve on the securities arbitration mechanism in China on a macro basis .

  16. 然而,由于传统观念的束缚、原有体制的缺陷以及现行立法的缺失,使得证券仲裁未能在实践中发挥应有作用。

    However , due to traditional ideals'astriction , original system 's limitation and existing legislation 's vacancy , it has not been brought into play in practice .

  17. 第一章主要从宏观角度指出了构建证券仲裁制度的大背景,即我国缺乏高效、低成本的证券争议解决机制。

    The first chapter tries to describe the general background of securities disputes in China , pointing out that the lack of an efficient and low-cost dispute resolution mechanism has become a great hindrance .

  18. 我国的仲裁机构应当敢为人先,率先制定自己的证券仲裁规则,尽早将投资者与上市公司及相关当事人之间的证券纠纷纳入到仲裁范围。

    The arbitration organs of our country should make out security arbitration rules of our own , bring the security disputes between investors and listed companies and relevant parties into the arbitration range as soon as possible .

  19. 我国证券仲裁制度经过短短十多年的发展,已经初步建立了一套由有关法律、行政法规、部门规章及规范性文件组成的证券法律仲裁制度的基本框架。

    We possess of a systematic legal system , from constitutional law to administrative regulations . In section three , the necessity of establishing and improving securities arbitration system in China is discussed and detailed measures are put forward .

  20. 证券仲裁主要是用来解决证券业主体之间、证券业主体与投资者之间、证券业主体与证券发行人之间因证券的发行或交易而引起的契约性与非契约性纠纷的。

    Securities arbitration is mainly used to resolve those disputes of contractual or non-contractual nature , which arise out of the issue or transaction of securities among the entities in securities industry , or between those entities and investors or securities publishers .

  21. 无论从证券仲裁的价值理念,还是国外的仲裁实践抑或我国的立法状况,仲裁机构受理投资者与上市公司及相关当事人之间的证券纠纷应当不存在障碍。

    No matter the value and idea of the security arbitration , or foreign arbitration practice , or the legislative state of our country , the arbitration organ should not have obstacles while accepting the securities dispute between investor and the listed company and relevant parties .

  22. 美国证券纠纷仲裁除了可仲裁性的范围广外,证券仲裁机构的设置也呈现多元化特色。

    Besides , there are many forums for securities arbitration in USA.

  23. 一桩证券交易仲裁案裁决始末

    Court verdict of an arbitrage about securities exchange

  24. 论证券争议仲裁制度的立法完善&以投资者合法权益的保护为中心

    On Perfecting the Legislation of Securities Arbitration System & On the protection of investor 's rights

  25. 美国证券纠纷仲裁起源于1817年美国纽约证券交易所,至今已有186年的历史。

    Originally , securities arbitration was applied by the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ) in 1817 , and has stood for 186 years .

  26. 投资人与上市公司证券纠纷可仲裁性探讨

    On The Arbitrability of Security Disputes between Investors and Listed Companies

  27. 其二,建立我国群体性证券欺诈纠纷仲裁模式,打破任意性仲裁对群体性证券欺诈纠纷解决领域内的局限。

    Second , to establish a group of securities fraud dispute arbitration mode , breaking the arbitrary nature of arbitration to solve the limitations of the field on groups of securities fraud disputes .

  28. 另一方面,是因为我国的证券行业对仲裁的不够重视,没有认识到证券仲裁制度的优越性,没有做应有的宣传与推广,导致证券仲裁的发展缺乏一个良好的外部环境。

    On the other hand , we fail to provide a good external environment for its development due to lack of enough attention , lack of recognition of its superiority , and lack of proper promotion and popularization .

  29. 同时结合我国实际,提出了建立证券民事诉讼与证券民事仲裁相结合的法律制度。

    Meanwhile , this article suggests to establish a juristic system combining securities civil lawsuit and arbitrage .

  30. 第二章是对美国证券民事纠纷解决的比较研究,集中介绍了美国证券仲裁和证券集团诉讼制度。

    Chapter two introduces the securities arbitration and securities class action in the United States .