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xùn dǎo
  • discipline;lesson;teach sb. a lesson;lecture sb;instruct and guide
训导 [xùn dǎo]
  • [lesson;instruct and guide] 教训开导;教育学名词。训导与训育涵义大致相同

训导[xùn dǎo]
  1. 这位训导员对着他大声呼喝。

    The disciplinarian bawled against [ at ] him .

  2. 这位训导主任总是充满朝气蓬勃的精神。

    The dean is always full of youthful spirit .

  3. 加拿大贝尔公司称他们的训导系统是伙伴—伙伴系统

    Bell Canada called their mentoring system a buddy-buddy system .

  4. 我一直在跟随WhiteCloud的训导,还有你们的教导很长时间了,这看起来所有都综合到一起了。

    I have been following the teachings of White Cloud and yourselves for a long time now and it all seems to be coming together .

  5. 来自日本京都产业大学(KyotoSangyoUniversity)的3名学生受到的处罚较轻,他们写了道歉信,被勒令停学两周,并接受了多次训导。

    The three students from Kyoto Sangyo University got off relatively lightly , writing letters of apology , receiving a two-week suspension and undergoing counselling sessions .

  6. 20世纪90年代末,一位前警犬训导员JosePeruyero为了提高狗狗们嗅臭虫的能力,他开始与佛罗里达大学的昆虫学家合作。

    In the late 1990s , Jose Peruyero , a former police dog handler , began collaborating with entomologists at the University of Florida to improve training for bug-detecting dogs .

  7. 你看我像检查逃学的训导员吗?

    How did you know I was a truant officer ?

  8. 愤怒的猛虎比训导过的马匹聪明。

    The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction .

  9. 你训导的那个男孩,已经不在了。

    The boy you trained , gone he is .

  10. 在日常训练中,队友们有个很好的机会可以相互训导对方。

    Teammates have an outstanding opportunity to coach each other during daily training .

  11. 她绝对一点也不像我的童子军女训导。

    She is absolutely nothing like my den mother .

  12. 听着我不是你的训导员

    Look , I 'm not your handler .

  13. 他亦利用浪子回头比喻中父亲的榜样来训导我们。

    He also taught us the example of the Father in the Prodigal Son .

  14. 缺氧缺血性脑损伤患儿康复训导手册的建立与应用

    Establishment and application of rehabilitation training handbook for children with hypoxic ischemic brain damage

  15. 我们一直受训导要相信那些统治我们的人的智能。

    We 've been taught to believe in the wisdom of those who govern us .

  16. 今晚我是你们的童子军女训导。

    Tonight I 'm your den mother .

  17. 因为在那个时候他们最易训导;

    For then they are most flexible ;

  18. 学生自理自治并参与书院的管理,教师的训导和榜样作用又将管理置于其引导之下。

    The administration of students in Ancient Academies focused on students mastering knowledge and forming morality .

  19. 如果你再那样做,我会把你送到训导处。

    If you do that again , I 'll send you to the Students Affair 's Office .

  20. 针对驿运运夫,四川省办驿运采取诸多措施,对运夫进行日常管理与精神训导。

    Aiming at the courier , the Post-station Transportation Administrative Office of Sichuan had adopted much measure .

  21. 一听到巴斯克维尔他就派我的训导员来卧底了还用假名

    One mention of Baskerville and he sends down my handler to spy on me , incognito .

  22. 他对于不听从训导的人总是和颜悦色、彬彬有礼。

    You find him quite bland and urbane toward the people who would not listen to him .

  23. 或是是在新地方,它不愿离了训导员的援助?

    Support in this new place ? Ideally , the dog will be alert , curios and .

  24. 课程旨在教授基本管理技能,如沟通、召开会议与训导员工。

    The programme aims to teach basic management skills such as communication , running meetings and disciplining staff .

  25. 必须诚信。不可提供虚假记录或训导工人。

    To be completely honest with Sears Holdings Corporation . They will not falsify records or coach workers .

  26. 公主在对人世间的快乐重新估计时,突然想到也许该改革一下自己精神上的训导。

    In reassessing worldly pleasure , it occurred to the princess that she might also change her spiritual preceptor .

  27. 辅导及训导老师每天当值,协助同学即时解决困难。

    Members of discipline and counselling teams are on duty every day to help students solve their immediate problems .

  28. 训导-自主&安徽电大现代远程开放教育中观层面主导教学模式

    " Tuition-Independence " Leading Pattern of Teaching in Middle Layer of Modern Distance and Open Education of Anhui Radio TV University

  29. 这是天主教会训导非常重要的一部分,但基督新教的兄姐姐妹常持否定的态度。

    I think that this is a very important part of the Church 's teachings that the Protestants are trying to divide .

  30. 主要的技术及手段有:培训、在岗培训、轮岗、员工继续教育计划、辅导、训导。

    The main technology and tools include : training , job training , job rotation , staff continuing education programs , counseling , discipline .