
  1. 本文一方面阐明了对应的prolepsis的规定性内容和它的认识作用,另一方面则说明了其自明性来源及根据。

    On one hand , this paper illuminates the prescription of corresponding prolepsis and its epistemological function , on the other hand , it explains the self-evidence of prolepsis and its origin .

  2. 美术的认识作用和教育作用,在历史画中表现得最为突出。

    The cognitive and educational functions of arts are mostly realized through history-theme paintings .

  3. 黄河下游沁河灌区古水利碑刻的认识作用

    Ancient Stone Tablet Inscriptions Concerning Water in Qinhe Irrigation Area in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River

  4. 认识作用通过证明而达到的必然性,正是构成认识的出发点的反面。

    The necessity which cognition reaches by means of the demonstration is the reverse of what formed its starting point .

  5. 许多人说,认识作用除了将当前给予的具体对象析碎成许多抽象的成分,并将这些成分孤立起来观察之外,没有别的工作可做。

    Cognition , it is often said , can never do more than separate the given concrete objects into their abstract elements , and then consider these elements in their isolation .

  6. 我们从奥运理想和美学角度评析《体育颂》&作为散文诗杰作的审美价值,指出该作品的认识作用、教育作用和美悦作用。

    This paper sheds a new light upon Ode to Sports from an aesthetic viewpoint , i.e. , its aesthetic value as a prose masterpiece and discussed its cognitive function , educational function and aesthetic function as well .

  7. 就像所有实验科学一样,我们仍然没有完全认识营养作用。

    As in all experimental sciences , we still do not know everything about nutrition .

  8. 用模型化合物模拟光解酶诱导的DNA光复活作用,能深入认识其作用机理。

    Model compounds play an important role in the study of the molecular mechanism of DNA photoreactivation .

  9. 走出崇拜:正确认识GDP作用

    Out of Adoration : To Have a Correct Understanding of the Effect of GDP

  10. 符号认识中介作用论

    On the function of cognition of symbol as medium

  11. 迎接知识经济的过程,就是科学认识知识作用和真理的过程。

    Process of meeting knowledge economy is that recognizes knowledge affect and truth .

  12. 正确认识意识作用,有利于充分发挥主体创造性。

    Realizing the role of mind correctly is helpful to bringing into full play the subject 's creativity .

  13. 游击队和正规军的领导者们,都应明确地认识其作用。

    The commanders both of the guerrilla units and of the regular forces must clearly understand this role .

  14. 人力资源管理活动的量化研究利于准确认识其作用和经济增长机制。

    A quantitative study of HRM is helpful for a better understanding of its function and economic growth mechanism .

  15. 总体来说,它在科学发现、科学论述、科学争论中都发挥了重要的认识论作用。其功能也主要体现在科学的论证功能、科学论述的发明功能以及科学理论的构造和发展功能。

    Generally speaking , the method played an very important role in scientific discovery , discuss , and demonstration .

  16. 最后,我发现帮助别人认识大脑作用的原理是一件无比有趣而有意义的事情。

    Finally , I think they are infinitely interesting and valuable , for giving one some insight as to how the brain works .

  17. 充分认识图像作用,积极发挥图像优势,为语言组接恰当图像,使语言与图像协调互补、相得益彰,是正效配置实现的关键。

    The key to positive disposition is to lake advantage of picture and to ensure that language and picture work in concert and complement each other .

  18. 一要正确认识其作用和地位;二要掌握仪器故障理论,提高利用率;

    First , to understand its status , second , to grasp trouble theory of the equipment , last , to carry out PM theory to prolong the service life of the apparatus .

  19. 化石DNA的研究将在修正进化率、认识成种作用、独立检验生物分类以及各种进化理论方面具有重大意义。

    The study of fossil DNA contributes significant ideas in evolutionary rate and provides independent testing on many evolutionary theories .

  20. 结论SEBL教学法是精神卫生学教学中一种简便易行、行之有效的教学改革方法,对于促进医学生对生理-心理-社会医学模式转变的认识具有积极作用。

    Conclusion SEBL method is an simple , effective teaching reform way , play a positive role in promoting medical students learning the changing of physiology-psychology-society model .

  21. 概念形成过程和认识主体性作用机制的图解分析

    Graphical Analysis on Concept Formation Process and Mechanism of Cognitive Subjectivity

  22. 信号传导的研究对生命现象认识的推动作用

    Promotion of Understanding of the Life Phenomena by Signal Transduction Research

  23. 论意志在认识中的作用论愿望在认识中的作用

    On the Functions of Desires in the Process of Cognition

  24. 论价值在认识中的作用

    On the Functions of Value in the Process of Cognition

  25. 论逻辑在认识中的作用

    On the Functions of Logic in the Process of Cognition

  26. 解析几何的创立及其在近代科学认识上的作用

    The Foundation of Analytic Geometry and Its Function in Modern Science Cognition

  27. 论信念在认识中的作用

    On the Functions of Beliefs in the Process of Cognition

  28. 论公理方法在科学认识中的作用

    On Function Axiomatic Method in Process of Scientific Cognition

  29. 居家环境致跌因素评估在提高老人对致跌危险因素的认识中的作用

    Home Fall Hazards Assessment in Raising the Awareness of HFH among the Elderly

  30. 认识中国文化作用加强中国文化教育

    On the Role of Chinese Culture in College Education