
  1. 口头表达与现代政治:清季民初社会变革中的言语文化

    Oral Expression and Modern Politics : " Speech Culture " in Social Transformation in Late Qing and Early Republic China

  2. 英汉非语言交际跨文化对比研究英中非言语交际文化差异研究

    A Contrastive Study of Cross-cultural Non-verbal Communication Between English and Chinese

  3. 大学英语教学中的非言语跨文化交际探究

    Study of Non-Verbal Intercultural Communication in College English Teaching

  4. 本文还论述了英语课堂教学和学习应融入文化教学,特别是非言语交际文化知识的教学,以增强跨文化自觉性,并提出了一些有效提高学生的跨文化交际能力的措施。

    At last , the importance and some feasible proposals for developing intercultural communicative competence , especially communicative competence in nonverbal communication are discussed .

  5. 言语行为的文化特性与大学英语教学

    Cultural identity of verbal actions and college English teaching and learning

  6. 中英言语禁忌的文化透视

    Probe into the Cultural Distinctions Between Chinese and English Verbal Taboo

  7. 英汉拒绝言语策略跨文化社会语用研究汉语拒绝型言语的划分依据及其诱因(英文)

    A Cross-Cultural Sociopragmatic Study on English and Chinese Refusal Strategies ;

  8. 成事性言语行为与文化语境翻译

    The Function of " Perlocutionary Act " in the Cultural Context Translation

  9. 非言语行为的文化内涵与高校外语教学

    Cultural Connotation of Non-verbal Behaviors and Its Application to FLT

  10. 古典诗词言语教学的文化观照

    The Embodiment of Culture in Speech Teaching of Ancient Poetry

  11. 言语行为的文化语用研究&论日语依赖表达形式

    A Cultural Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts : on Japanese Request Expressions

  12. 言语幽默的文化屏蔽探析

    An Analysis of the Culture Block in Verbal Humour

  13. 商务英语谈判中言语行为受文化影响的探析

    Exploration and Analysis on Verbal Language 's Cultural Influence in Business English Negotiation

  14. 礼貌言语行为的文化内涵研究

    Research on cultural implication of polite speech act

  15. 几种非言语行为的文化差异

    Non-verbal Behavior 's Cultural Differences in Intercultural Communication

  16. 从文学文本翻译看言语礼貌的文化制约性

    Cultural Restriction on Language Politeness in Literary Translation

  17. 跨文化交际的言语风格与文化特征

    Speech Styles and Cultural Characteristics in Intercultural Communication

  18. 言语理解的文化制约

    Cultural Restrictions on Understanding of Language

  19. 中美电影中的恭维言语行为跨文化比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Compliment Speech Act in Chinese and American Movies : An Intercultural Perspective

  20. 言语与中西文化差异&张东荪的言语观诠次

    Language and the Differences Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture & On Zhang Dong-suns Opinion of Language

  21. 英汉礼貌言语行为在文化环境下的认知过程阐释对文化语境的认知与广告语篇的英译

    A Cognitive Interpretation of English and Chinese Politeness on Cultural Basis ; Cultural Context in C-E translation of Advertisements

  22. 非言语交际的文化差异及其对跨文化交际能力培养的启示非言语交际的描述与翻译

    Cultural Difference in Nonverbal Communication and the Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence The Description of Nonverbal Communication and Its Translation

  23. 从体态语、空间语和时间语等方面对比分析了非言语因素的文化差异。

    The cultural difference of non-verbal factors , such as kinesics , space language and chronemics is presented and comparatively analyzed .

  24. 非言语交际受到文化因素的影响,因为交际与文化密不可分。

    Most important of all , nonverbal communication is subject to the influence of culture in that communication and culture are inseparable .

  25. 通过与跨文化交际学中的文化价值和宗教两方面结合,阐释了言语幽默在文化交流和学习中的重要性。

    The importance of verbal humor in cultural communication and language learning is displayed by combining cultural value and religion with cross-cultural communication .

  26. 跨文化交际研究包含文化价值观的文化纬度理论研究、言语行为的文化特征研究和非言语交际研究三方面。

    The research into the intercultural communication includes three aspects , that is , theoryof cultural dimension , verbal communication and non verbal communication .

  27. 言语运用与文化相互依存、相互影响,汉语模糊修辞过程积淀着浓郁的民族文化底蕴。

    As the application of language and culture is mutually dependent and influenced , the making of Chinese ambiguous figure of speech embodies profound ethical cultural legacy .

  28. 第四章从价值体系,高、低语境,以及农业文化与工业文化三个角度进行分析,探讨了中美非言语交际的文化差异的文化及历史根源。

    Chapter four explores the cultural and historical roots of the temporal-spatial differences between Chinese and Americans from the perspectives of value systems , high-context , low context , and agriculture and industry cultures .

  29. 其后的篇章是论文的主体部分,第一,在语言与文化关系的基础上讨论间接言语行为与文化的关系,这是作为对比研究的理论基础。

    Then , the body of the paper is presented . First , based on the relationship between language and culture , the relationship between indirect speech act and culture is discussed . This serves as the theoretical foundation for the contrastive study .

  30. 言语礼貌英汉跨文化对比及其对英汉教学的启示

    Linguistic Politeness in Cross-cultural Communication and Its Implications for EFL Teaching