
  • 网络video coding standards
  1. 为了满足这种需求,新的视频编码标准MPEG-4和多媒体内容描述接口MPEG-7就应运而生了。

    To meet these requirements , new video coding standards , MPEG-4 and MPEG-7 were established .

  2. 本文首先分析了目前较为流行的几种视频编码标准,在此基础上确立了以MPEG-4作为平台开发的视频编码标准。

    At first , the article analyses some popular video coding standards nowadays and affirms the MPEG-4 as the standard of video coding based on the analysis .

  3. 与其它视频编码标准相比,它在编码效率方面有强大的优势:在相同的重建图像质量下,H。

    It has great advantage on encoding efficiency compared with other standards : under the same reconstructed picture quality , H.

  4. 随着新的视频编码标准H.人民群众广泛参与;

    With the increasingly extensive application for the new emerging video coding standard , H.

  5. MPEG-4是一种新近成熟的、高性能的视频编码标准。

    MPEG-4 is a newly developed video coding standard that gives outstanding performance .

  6. IPTV应用中视频编码标准的分析与比较

    The Analysis and Comparison of Video Coding Standard in the Application of IPTV

  7. 与此同时,中国正努力推出自己的视频编码标准AVS(AudioVideoCodingStandard)。

    At the same time , China is applying herself of establishing the first national audio and video coding standard ( AVS for short ) .

  8. AVS视频编码标准的关键技术研究与优化实现

    Research and Optimization of the Key Technologies of AVS

  9. 经过DCT离散余弦变换的自然图像具有良好的能量集中特性,故而DCT变换被大多数视频编码标准所采纳。

    The DCT coefficients of nature image have good energy compaction , so DCT is adopted by most of coding standards .

  10. 视频编码标准H.263原理及其软件实现

    The Principle of H.263 & Its Implementation

  11. 之后通过对目前的视频编码标准的分析和比较,选择了MPEG-4视频编码标准作为监控视频编码框架。

    Then through analysis and comparison for present video encoding standards , MPEG-4 is chosen as the core video compression framework .

  12. H.263甚低码率视频编码标准的码率控制方法

    Method for controlling the bit rate in video encoding standard H.263 with very low bit rate

  13. 最后调试了H.26L视频编码标准的源代码。

    Finally , the source code of H.26L is debugged .

  14. 概述了国际国内视频编码标准发展的过程,侧重介绍了中国制定的具有自主知识产权的视频标准AVS(AudioVideoCodingStandard)标准。

    The paper summarized the most of video coding technologies and standards , furthermore , have a detailed presentation of Chinese standard of our own : AVS ( Audio Video coding Standard ) .

  15. 究竟选择哪种标准取决于系统的清晰度要求以及信道的带宽。对于PSTN等低速率信道,本文选择了低码率视频编码标准H。

    It depends on that fine definition requirement and bandwidth of the channel which kind of standard is chosen on earth .

  16. MPEG-4视频编码标准以其开放性、灵活性和高效性得到广泛的研究和应用。

    The MPEG-4 video compression standard has been paid much attention in research and application , for its high openness , flexibility and efficiency .

  17. 根据H。26L视频编码标准的分块特点,引用多阶层连续消除算法,并加以改进。

    A multi-level successive elimination algorithm ( MSEA ) was proposed based onthe structures of H.26L , then I improved it .

  18. AVS(AudioVideoCodingStandard)是我国自主制定的,拥有自主知识产权的第二代音视频编码标准,具有先进、自主、开放三大特点。

    AVS ( Audio Video Coding Standard ) is the second-generation of audio and video coding-decoding standard , which is owned by China , it has three major characteristics of advanced , independent and opening .

  19. 近年来出现了很多视频编码标准,如MPEG-1、MPEG-2、H.261、H.263。

    In recent years , a lot of video encoding standards such as MPEG-1 , MPEG-2 , H.261 , H.263 .

  20. 基于H.263视频编码标准,提出了一种新的采用二级筛选机制的场景自适应编码方案。

    Based on analyzing H.263 recommendation , a new scene adaptive video coding scheme which used two layer filter mechanism was proposed .

  21. 而新一代的视频编码标准MPEG-4提出的基于对象的编码方式,使得作为计算机视觉的基本问题之一的数字视频的对象分割,得到了很多学者和专家的深入研究。

    The new coding standard MPEG-4 adopts content-based coding method , and it makes many scholars and experts to study the problem of video object segmentation in depth .

  22. 为降低AVS视频编码标准中帧间模式选择算法的复杂度,提出自适应阈值帧间模式快速选择算法。

    In order to reduce complexity of AVS inter-frame mode selection algorithm , this paper proposes a self-adaptive threshold algorithm for inter mode fast selection .

  23. 最后,介绍视频编码标准的发展并详细探讨中国正努力推出的视频编码标准AVS(AudioVideoCodingStandard)。

    Then a full discussion of the development of video coding standards and the Audio Video Coding Standard ( AVS for short ) & the first national audio and video coding standard China is establishing , is made .

  24. 根据AVS音视频编码标准中提出的环路滤波算法设计了一个高效的环路滤波器。

    In this paper , according to the arithmetic of loop filter in AVS audio video coding standard , a high effective loop filter circuit is designed .

  25. 本系统中采用最新视频编码标准MPEG-4压缩算法,以MPEG-4标准为基础,使用C语言实现一个Windows平台下的图像编码。

    Make use of the newest MPEG-4 compression algorithm of video code standard in the system , Take the MPEG-4 standard as the foundation , uses the C language to realized image coding under a Windows platform .

  26. 介绍了MPEG视频编码标准,着重叙述了MPEG-1和MPEG-2视频编码的关键技术帧内编码和帧间编码。

    In this article , we provide an overview of MPEG video-coding standards and mainly discuss the key techniques of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video coding-intraframe coding and interframe coding .

  27. 采用基于内容的MPEG-4视频编码标准进行压缩,得到较高的压缩比和压缩质量。

    It utilized MPEG-4 , one of video coding standard based on content , to encode the video stream , which can result in higher encoding rate and better encoding quality .

  28. 其次阐述了MPEG-2视频编码标准,包括系统结构,编码方式,以及型和级的概念。

    Secondly , MPEG-2 video coding standard including system architecture , coding , as well as the concept of " profile " and " level " are introduced amply .

  29. 基于分块DCT变换的编码方法,由于具有良好的去相关性和能量压缩特性,已经成为现有大多数图像和视频编码标准的核心技术。

    The Method based on the DCT transformation has been the center technology for most of the digital image and video coding standards , since it features on good de-correlation and energy compression .

  30. 在现在流行的视频编码标准中(例如H.263+)均使用可变长编码(VLC)来获得高效的压缩比。

    Ali current video coding standards such as H.263 + employ variable length codes ( VLC ), to achieve high compression efficiency .