
  • 网络installation art
  1. 如今,装置艺术已成为一种重要的艺术样式。

    Recently , Installation Art has been an important style of art .

  2. 论环境设计中的装置艺术

    Opinion on the Installation Art in the Environmental Design

  3. 雨。中。舞:利用装置艺术的学习空间(PDF)

    Danc . in . rain : Learning space with installation ( PDF )

  4. 他自称“装置艺术和行为艺术家”,是Boom剧团(Boom!TheaterCompany)的一员。

    He describes himself as an " installation and performance artist " and is a member of the Boom ! Theater Company .

  5. 其中一个展览委托作品是居住在香港的艺术家杨沛铿(TrevorYeung)创作的装置艺术《长于香港,生于东莞》(LiveinHongKong,BorninDongguan),内地城市东莞位于香港以北不远处。

    One commissioned work is an installation titled Live in Hong Kong , Born in Dongguan , a mainland Chinese city just north of Hong Kong , by the young Hong Kong-based artist Trevor Yeung .

  6. 你可以看到许多官方装置艺术或者永久装置,如果你想要找街头艺术,需要导览的话,可以使用GeoStreetArt这个应用装置,它经常更新,但上面也会有一些现在不复存在的作品。

    Dozens of official installations and permanent works are on view . If you 're looking for street art and you need a guide , you can try the Geo Street Art app , which is regularly updated , but includes at least a few works that are now gone .

  7. 运用这些原理与法则,我们也能看到更多的优秀装置艺术作品。

    We expect to see more excellent works within those principles and rules .

  8. 本文就从这几个方面对新媒体互动装置艺术进行了分析。

    This paper will analyze those factors of new media interactive installation art .

  9. 融入装置艺术的产品设计研究

    The Research on Product Design with Assemblage Installation Art

  10. 论环境陶艺中的陶瓷雕塑与装置艺术

    On ceramic sculpture and installation of Environmental Ceramic Art

  11. 活动项目包括倍受瞩目的艺术展览,装置艺术和表演。

    The event programme will include high profile exhibitions , installations and performances .

  12. 装置艺术甚至是作为一种方式而存在。

    Installation art even exists as a mathod .

  13. 人机交互技术在装置艺术中的应用

    The Application of Human-Computer Interaction in Installation Art

  14. 浅谈当代中国装置艺术

    A Discussion on the Contemporary Installation of China

  15. 互动装置艺术的特征研究

    A Study of the Features of Interactive Installations

  16. 单片机的多机控制在装置艺术中的应用

    Application of multi-single slice control in equipment design

  17. 室内设计与装置艺术关系初探

    The Relation between Interior Design and Installation art

  18. 加里·希尔的视频装置艺术

    Gray Hill Device Art of Video Frequency

  19. 整场展览大可形容为:一件绝对超现实主义的装置艺术作品。

    The entire exhibition is best described as an utterly surreal piece of installation art .

  20. 那位女总裁(席执行长)个装置艺术的行家。

    The female CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) is a connoisseur of installation art .

  21. 这是我新创作的装置艺术

    It 's me new art installation .

  22. 装置艺术具有观念艺术的根源。

    Installation Art has some concept roots .

  23. 《岁月·1978》是带有装置艺术色彩的情景体验式展览剧。

    " Ages · 1978 " is an experimental exhibition drama designed with the installation art .

  24. 装置艺术与物品的摆放同时,还邀请观众能动地参与到作品中。

    With the installation of objects , it also encourages the audience to actively engage the artwork .

  25. 除了在绘画艺术上零星的探索,更多的动态影像都出现在了装置艺术上。

    In addition to painting sporadic exploration , more dynamic images have appeared in the installation art .

  26. 除了装置艺术外,您会用石头来进行其他的艺术创作吗?

    Except for art installation , what else do you think you can make art with stone ?

  27. 装置艺术经过短短几十年的发展,现在已然成为当下艺术中的潮流。

    Installation art after just a few years of development , has become the trend of recent art .

  28. 并通过对表达方式的讨论,研究在装置艺术表达过程中最为重要的两个要素,即物与空间。

    Object and Space are two of the most important elements in the expression of the installation art .

  29. 中国的当代女性装置艺术有着较诸如绘画、雕塑等传统艺术门类更加特别的地方。

    Chinese women installation is more specially than some other kinds of traditional art like painting and sculpture .

  30. 影像装置艺术从起源、发展、到未来,每一个阶段都不是孤立存在的。

    Every stage of video installation art from the origin , development , to the future is not isolated .