
  • 网络expressive;expressiveness;performance;presentational;representation
  1. 表现性评价在C语言课程设计中的应用研究

    Applied Research of Performance Assessment in the C Programming Language Course Project

  2. 二是开发表现性评价的策略;

    The second is the strategies of development of performance assessment ;

  3. 现实主义和自然主义都是一种模仿体系或表现性的做法。

    Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation .

  4. 自Goodman提出美的3个性质(表现性、充实性、结构性)以来,发展心理学家们兴起了根据儿童绘画的表现性来探讨儿童认知发展的热潮。

    Since Goodman proposed the three properties of aesthetic ( expressivity 、 substantiation 、 constraction ), developmental psychologists have been interested in discussing childrens cognitive development . Based on the childrens expression of drawing .

  5. 英国高考中的表现性评价:中心评审课程作业

    Performance Assessment in GCE A Level Examination in England : Centre-Assessed Coursework

  6. 论中国传统戏曲元素在油画中的可表现性

    The Performance of Elements of Chinese Traditional Opera in the Oil Painting

  7. 叙事是纪实类电视节目各种构成因素中最具有表现性,也是最富有魅力的因素之一。

    Narrative is one of the most expressive and attractive factors in producing documentaries .

  8. 透视数学表现性评价

    Perspective of the Mathematics Performance Assessment

  9. 中国表现性油画艺术,有着一个强大的西方表现主义体系作参照。

    In China , Chinese expressional oil painting art have a strong reference to the Western expressionism system .

  10. 论文指出,村上春树在其作品中经常借鉴音乐的艺术手法来突出叙事文本的表现性。

    Thesis pointed out that Haruki Murakami usually borrows some artistic methods to highlight the performance of narrative text .

  11. 电视的信息传递功能和独特的艺术表现性在临界空间上与课堂教学具有相似性。

    There are similarities between TV 's message transmission with its unique artistic representation in critical space and classroom teaching .

  12. 由于这种艺术审美形式上含有较强的表现性,给欣赏者带来了无穷的趣味性。

    With this strong expressiveness in aesthetic forms , this art produces unlimited elegance and great interest for the viewer .

  13. 表现性评价在总结性评价中已经有着广泛的应用,甚至开始在一些高利害评价中发挥作用。

    Performance assessment has been applied widely in for summative purpose , even play a role in some high-stakes assessment .

  14. 仁爱行为是恻隐之心的自然呈露,是表现性行为,不计力量,不计后果。

    Benevolence is the natural revelation of compassion and also a kind of performing behavior which never considers ability and results .

  15. 红色视觉传达的多样象征性也使红色具有多样的艺术表现性。

    It makes the red have various artistic expression too that what the red vision is transmitted is various and symbolic .

  16. 本文依据艺术学与美学理论,对地图艺术的特性进行分析、总结,认为地图艺术具有实用性、群众性、平面造型性、语言的抽象性与含蓄性、表现性、艺术综合性等特性。

    In this paper , on the basis of the esthetics and art theories , we analyze the characteristic of cartography art .

  17. 表现主义在二十世纪二十年代传入中国,它的产生和繁荣影响了中国表现性油画艺术的初步实践。

    Expressionism art was imported in China in 1920 ' s. Its emergence and flourishing influences initial practice of Chinese expressional oil painting art .

  18. 根据不同的功能,我们应区别开研究性素描、表现性素描和速写这三种不同的形式。

    According to their different functions , three forms of sketch should be distinguished , which respectively are researchable sketch , representative sketch and hasty sketch .

  19. 艺术家进一步探索线条的韵律和表现性,把甲骨雕刻文辞转化为视觉性、图象化的创作符号。

    Here the rhythm and expressiveness of lines are further scrutinized ; the inscriptions of oracle-bones , tangibly etched , are transformed into visual and pictorial symbols .

  20. 后印象派和和野兽派的表现性色彩语言给了我极大的启发,并在自己的创作中将其更好地展现出来。

    The expressive language of color in post-impressionism and fauvism has given the painter great inspiration and it has also been better presented by the painter in the painting .

  21. 发展性评价的多样评价方式,列举了表现性评价、档案袋评价、非正式评价三种常用的评价方式。

    Evaluation of the development of a variety of evaluation methods , listing three commonly used evaluation methods : evaluation of the performance , portfolio evaluation and informal evaluation .

  22. 对建筑材料的研究,势必要综合材料的结构属性、技术构成、表面属性以及由这些呈现出来的表现性。

    For the research of architecture materials , it must synthesize the structure property of materials , technology constitute , surface property of materials and the representations assumed from those .

  23. 然而随着电影观众欣赏能力和观影趣味的发展变化,促成了电影实践中纪实性元素与表现性,戏剧性原始的融合。

    Appreciate ability and view shadow-interesting development and change with film audience , having facilitated the record element and behaving in practice of the film , the integration with primitive dramatics .

  24. 唐诗是中国古典诗歌的精华,是中国古典文化中的最高表现性形式,是内容和形式的完美体现。

    Tang poetry is the essence of Chinese classical poetry , the highest form of expression of Chinese classical culture , and it is the perfect reflection of form and content .

  25. 先赋角色和自致角色;自觉的角色和不自觉的角色;规定性角色和开放性角色;功利性角色和表现性角色,等等,都是对社会角色不同方面的认知。

    The original role and acquired role ; the conscious role and unconscious role ; the role of stipulation and the role of open nature ; the role of utility and the role of performance .

  26. 在总结已有研究的基础上,我们将表现性评价定义为:在尽可能合乎真实的情境中,运用评分规则对学生完成复杂任务的过程表现或结果做出判断。

    After summarize the past study results , we can define performance assessment as in a real situation , apply scoring rubric to judge the students ' performance or results during they accomplish a complex task .

  27. 通过植物生理学中质壁分离法来测定细胞渗透势的实验,在高校生物实验教学中引入了表现性评价的方法,来测查和提高学生的实验能力。

    Through the experiment of testing cell osmotic potential in methods of plasmolysis in plant physiology , this paper makes use of performance assessment on biology experiment class to evaluate and improve students ′ experiment skills in the university .

  28. 田园牧歌式的乡土小说作为最具表现性的中国早期生态文学,其自然观既蕴涵传统伦理价值取向,又兼具后现代重建自由精神乌托邦的努力。

    The idyllic native soil novel is regarded as the most representative literature of the early Chinese ecology . Its natural view has a traditional ethics value orientation and modern efforts to rebuild spiritual Utopia of freedom in post-modernity .

  29. 当代表现性风格的油画发展到今天,随着中西艺术不断深入的交流和对话,在几千年表现传统熏陶下的中国油画艺术必将在表现领域大显身手。

    With the continuously deeper communication between the western and the Chinese art , Chinese oil painting art which has been influenced by several - thousand - year traditional expression will be more and more important in the expression field .

  30. 文艺复兴以科学的精神研究发展了人物绘画中的透视、解剖等问题后,具象性的人物造型基本分为了具有严谨再现性和一定表现性两大类。

    Renaissance " scientific " research and development of the spirit of drawing figures in perspective , anatomy and other issues , as with the figures of the basic divided into " a strict reproduction " and " a certain performance of the " two major categories .