
yī bō
  • a Buddhist monk's mantle and alms bowl which he hands down to his favourite disciple;legacy;Buddhist monk’s mantle and alms bowl which he hands down to his favourite disciple;mantle
衣钵 [yī bō]
  • [legacy; Buddhist monk’s mantle and alms bowl which he hands down to his favourite disciple] 原指佛教中师父传授给徒弟的袈裟和钵,后泛指传授下来的思想、学问、技能等

衣钵[yī bō]
  1. 在九十年代后期开始出现了后现代性,比如隋建国的《衣钵》和展望的假山石作品,还不能说是后现代雕塑。

    They began to appear postmodern in the late90s , such as Sui Jianguo 's " Legacy " and Zhan Wang 's " Artificial Rocks ", and could not be considered as postmodern sculpture .

  2. 在对城市下层社会的社会调控方面,他们一方面继承了中国封建主义的衣钵,一方面又糅和了西方法西斯主义的流毒,成为封建的法西斯主义。

    As to the social regulation and control of the urban lower society , on the one hand they inherit the legacy of Chinese feudalism ; on the other hand they rub up the dead hand of western fascism .

  3. 源于GATT四十多年争端解决实践中的司法克制思想,在WTO时代也得以衣钵继承并呈现出新的特色。

    The judicial restraint originated from GATT dispute settlement has been preserved and obtains a new characteristic in WTO .

  4. 老式吉普切诺基(Cherokee)的“衣钵传人”自由人(Liberty)采用专为越野用途设计的独特的车身结构。

    The spiritual successor to the old Jeep Cherokee , the liberty has a unique body structure designed for off-road use .

  5. 欧洲中央银行(EuropeanCentralBank,ECB)的共同货币政策继承了其最优秀的成员国央行–德意志联邦银行(Bundesbank)的衣钵,而且创造了更佳的低通胀纪录。

    The European Central Bank 's ( ECB ) common monetary policy has drawn on the traditions of its best constituent central bank , the Bundesbank-and has produced an even better record of low inflation .

  6. 她成为有史以来登上Billboard榜的最年轻的“歌手”——也许长大后她还会继承母亲的衣钵。

    She is the youngest person ever to appear on a Billboard chart - perhaps she will follow in the footsteps of her mother !

  7. 或许没那么神奇,但也绝非荒谬之谈,如果iPad真的继承了iPhone和iPod衣钵,不久后你就有可能在报纸上读到这条消息。

    Maybe not magical , and definitely not absurd , but if the iPad follows in the footsteps of the iPhone and iPod , you could be reading this newspaper on it in the near future .

  8. 故事发生在神秘的维京人世界,一个名叫Hiccup的年轻维京男孩为继承父亲衣钵要成为一名屠龙者。

    The story takes place in a mythical Viking world where a young Viking teenager named Hiccup aspires to follow his tribe 's tradition of becoming a dragon slayer .

  9. 这告诉我们,卡梅伦是一位继承哈罗德麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)之中间派衣钵的保守党人,而不是像玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)那样的激进分子。一位同事称他在大多数事情上都持温和意见。

    What this tells us about Mr Cameron is that he is a Conservative in the centrist tradition of Harold MacMillan rather than a radical such as Margaret Thatcher . A moderate in most things is how one colleague describes him .

  10. 夫妇俩而后把衣钵传给五个女儿,如今孙女西尔维亚芬迪(SilviaFendi)与老佛爷一起,掌管男装与配饰系列(正是她于1997年首推风靡世界的Baguette手袋)。

    The couple then passed on the reins to their five daughters and , today , granddaughter Silvia Venturini Fendi oversees the men 's and accessories lines alongside Lagerfeld ( it was she who introduced the cult " Baguette " handbag in 1997 ) .

  11. 我会很高兴继承他的衣钵的。

    I 'd have been very happy to inherit his shoes .

  12. 现在二儿子已经继承了父亲的衣钵。

    The second son has now assumed his father 's mantle .

  13. 于是一批新领导人纷纷起来继承他的衣钵。

    And a host of new leaders rose to claim his mantle .

  14. 将权力的衣钵传给年轻人。

    Place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders .

  15. 他已继承了报纸业主的衣钵。

    He had assumed the mantle of newspaper proprietorship .

  16. 律师的儿子想要继承他老爸的衣钵,

    The lawyer 's son wanted to follow in his father 's footsteps ,

  17. 美国企图继承英国的衣钵;

    America tries to become england 's heir ;

  18. 涉足约翰毕业后便继承了他父亲的衣钵,当了一名律师。

    After graduation John stepped into his father 's shoes to become a lawyer .

  19. 你的哥哥们也会继承我的衣钵。

    And your brothers will after me .

  20. 到此为止,一切尚好,艺术仍然固守着它想象性的创造力的衣钵。

    So far so good , art still adheres to its legacy of imaginative creativity .

  21. 他那个时代的经济学家们承袭了杰里米?沁及其实用主义哲学的衣钵。

    The economists of his day took their cue from Jeremy Bentham and his utilitarian philosophy .

  22. 最后由对马克思主义生态伦理思想的初步形成,继承马克思主义经典作家衣钵的生态学马克思主义对马克思经典作家的生态伦理思想的推进和发展。

    The Marxist ecological ethics was preliminarily formed , and Marxist classical ecological ethics was promoted .

  23. 作为家中唯一的儿子,终有一天要接掌衣钵。

    As the only son , he would be required to take over the family business .

  24. 已故女星安娜·妮可·史密斯的6岁女儿继承母亲衣钵。

    The 6-year-old daughter of the late Anna Nicole Smith is walking in her mother 's modeling shoes .

  25. 我觉得他希望有另一个儿子,一个有资格继承他衣钵的人。

    I think he wishes he had another son , one who was worthy of taking his place .

  26. 你的骨子里仍然是纳粹的衣钵,你还在穿新鞋走老路。

    Your essence remains the Nazi mantle , you are still wear new shoes to follow the beaten track .

  27. 我是他的门徒.福尔摩斯太太,如果他死了.我会继承他的物品和衣钵

    I 'm his protege , Mrs Holmes.When he dies , I get all his stuff and his job .

  28. 家里希望我继承父亲的衣钵进入医药行业。

    My family hoped that I would follow in my father 's steps , entering a career in medicine .

  29. 新制度经济学不过是一般均衡理论的现代制度版本,方法上仍然继承了新古典的衣钵。

    New institution economics is merely the modern institutional edition of GE theory and inherits methodological tools of Neo-classical economics .

  30. 你可能说盖瑞正在继承我的衣钵而且做相同的事物,虽然使用不同的技术。

    You might say Gary was following in my footsteps and doing the same thing , albeit using different techniques .