
  • 网络vehicle load
  1. FWD时程数据可自动采集记录:这种加载方式较好地模拟了行车荷载对桥面的作用。

    FWD collect time history datum automatically . This kind of load mode simulates vehicle load to bridge surface preferably .

  2. 本文以九江长江大桥为工程背景,应用有限元分析软件ANSYS,建立大桥第三联有限元模型,分析其在行车荷载作用下的冲击作用。

    This article take Jiu-jiang Yangtze River as an example , to analyze the impact effects produced by the vehicle load on this bridge . This text established the finite element model with the application of the software ANSYS .

  3. 现有的反演理论基本上都是以拟静力分析方法为基础,而实际的行车荷载和FWD荷载都是动荷载,因此开展动力模型下的反分析是路面材料性能反演的必然趋势。

    Up to now , most of present back-analysis theories are based on quasi-static analysis method , in fact , the load of FWD is dynamic , so it is necessary to develop dynamic back-analysis .

  4. 路面板的疲劳断裂是UTW路面的主要破坏模式,据此提出以控制行车荷载反复作用在板内所产生的荷载疲劳应力不大于混凝土弯拉强度作为路面板厚度设计的标准。

    The fatigue rupture of the pavement slab was confirmed as the main destroy model , and the criteria that the fatigue loading stress induced by the repeated traveling is controlled not to exceed the flexural-tensile strength of the concrete was used to design the thickness of UTW .

  5. 行车荷载作用下软弱黄土路基的竖向应力特征

    Characteristic of Vertical Stress in Soft Loess Subgrade under Driving Loading

  6. 阻尼对行车荷载下大跨桥梁振动的影响

    Effects of Damping on Vibration of Long Span Bridge under Moving Vehicles

  7. 分析行车荷载作用下加铺层结构的受力状态。

    The vehicle load stress characteristic of overlay road structure is analyzed .

  8. 行车荷载作用下湿软路基残余变形的研究

    On Residual Deformation of Saturated Clay Subgrade under Vehicle Load

  9. 行车荷载作用下刚性路面结构体系的动力响应

    Dynamic Response of Rigid Pavement Structure System under Vehicle Load

  10. 行车荷载作用下隔震双层连续梁桥的舒适度评价

    Riding Comfort Evaluation of Isolated Double-decker Continuous Bridge under Moving Vehicle Loads

  11. 地铁行车荷载下土体动强度和动应力-应变关系

    Dynamic Strength and Dynamic Stress-strain Relation of Silt Soil under Traffic Loading

  12. 行车荷载和填筑高度对粉性土路堤变形的影响

    Effect of Traffic Load and Fill Height on the Silt Embankment 's Deformation

  13. 重载车辆行车荷载已经成为了高速公路路面破坏的一个重要原因。

    Heavy vehicle overload becomes an important cause for damage of high way pavement .

  14. 而后对反射裂缝在行车荷载与温度荷载耦合作用下的裂缝扩展模式进行了研究。

    Then , reflective crack 's propagation model under traffic load coupled with temperature load was analyzed .

  15. 行车荷载及路面结构对车辙影响的有限元分析

    Mechanics Analysis of Loads and Pavement Structure Type to Asphalt Pavement Rutting by 3D Finite Element Method

  16. 得到标准行车荷载和超载情况下,再生集料刚性基层沥青路面结构的受力情况及应力应变变化规律。

    Under the standard traffic load and overload conditions , its stress and strain changing rules were obtained .

  17. 除了行车荷载之外,温度和湿度等环境因素对沥青路面的使用性能也有着重要的影响。

    Besides vehicle load , the environment factors such as temperature and moisture have great effect on flexible pavement .

  18. 本文主要针对沥青混凝土路面在周期性变化的外界环境温度和行车荷载反复作用下的疲劳特性进行研究。

    This paper mainly researches the asphalt concrete pavement structure fatigue performance under seasonal environment temperature and repeated vehicle load .

  19. 文中还对行车荷载作用时的冲击系数进行了测定分析。

    In the paper , the impact coefficient of the live load of the running vehicle is measured and analysed .

  20. 行车荷载作用下级配碎石基层沥青路面开裂及疲劳寿命分析

    Propagation of Surface Crack in Graded Macadam Base Asphalt Pavement under the Traffic Load and the Research of Fatigue Life

  21. 研究了行车荷载与温度荷载耦合作用下裂缝尖端应力场的强度特征,在这2种荷载共同作用时的裂缝扩展为复合型扩展。

    It is shown that the temperature load and traffic load can produce a compound crack propagation model in the base .

  22. 路桥过渡段行车荷载的计算高速公路施工作业区前的车辆合流模型研究

    The calculation of vehicle load of highway and bridge transition section Research on Vehicle Merging Model Ahead of Expressway Constrution Section

  23. 由于设计标准低,加上恶劣的地理环境及大行车荷载作用,道路极易产生翻浆。

    The frost heave in a road is easily induced due to low standard design , poor geographical circumstance and effect of daily travel loads .

  24. 采用有限元建模,分析了行车荷载作用下旧路加宽工程沥青路面纵向裂缝的扩展规律及影响因素,并对面层形成贯通裂缝的疲劳寿命进行了预测。

    The propagating rule of longitudinal cracks and influence factors under traffic loads were analyzed , and the fatigue life of transfixion cracks was predicted .

  25. 在行车荷载作用下,钢桥面铺装层的受力与变形较一般公路沥青路面或机场道面复杂得多,也是钢桥面铺装层结构设计的一个重要因素。

    The mechanics and deformation of deck surfacing of steel bridges are , due to wheel loading , more complicated than asphalts for road and airport .

  26. 路面使用过程中其使用性能会因行车荷载和环境因素的不断作用而逐渐衰变。

    In the using process of the pavement , the road performance will gradually deteriorate as it bears the effect of the traffic loads and environmental factors .

  27. 因此,研究沥青混凝土路面结构的力学性能及疲劳特性,必须同时考虑行车荷载和环境温度变化共同的作用。

    The common action of vehicle load and varying temperature should be taken into account when we research the asphalt concrete pavement structure 's performances of mechanics and fatigue .

  28. 研究行车荷载作用下,钢丝网在基础模量、荷载大小变化时对旧水泥路面沥青加铺层路面荷载应力影响规律。

    This article also analyses the stress changes of asphalt overlays on existing concrete pavements with or without steel mesh with foundation modulus and loads size changing under traffic loads .

  29. 在行车荷载和自然因素的综合作用下,寒冷地区水泥混凝土路面容易破坏,其中裂缝是主要的破坏形式之一。

    Cement concrete pavement are apt to damages in cold regions under the effect of traffic load and natural conditions , and the crack is one of the most important damage forms .

  30. 对于路面加铺结构的受力分析,以前的研究也多采用静止荷载,因移动荷载更符合实际情况,故本文采用移动均布荷载来模拟行车荷载。

    Many researchers also use linearity Finite Element Model about the static load to study the stress of pavement structure , but the moving load is more tally with the actual load .