
  • 网络planetary reducer
  1. 链条圆弧齿行星减速机是一种新型行星传动。

    Chain arc tooth planetary reducer is a new type of planetary transmission .

  2. 应用于塔式起重机回转机构的行星减速机

    Planetary Reducer of Slewing Mechanism for Tower Crane

  3. 链条圆弧齿行星减速机的研究及其CAD

    Research and CAD method of planetary circular tooth chain retarder

  4. DANA驱动桥和REXROTH行星减速机,内置湿式多片制动器,断油制动,安全可靠;

    DANA driving axle and REXROTH planet gear reducer integrated with wet multi-disc brake with oil-cutoff braking for reliable safety .

  5. 驱动装置采用Y系列电动机和NGW系列行星减速机。配套闸门有电动、手动、翻板三种类型,可实现物料的运输。

    Y series motor and NGW series planet speed reducer are used as the drive units and the valves applied include electric type , manual type and revolve plate type , which can convey the materials .

  6. 摆线针轮行星减速机的回程误差分析

    Analysis on the Return Error of Cycloidal Pin Wheel Speed Reducer

  7. 铸造起重机中行星减速机的断轴检测与保护

    Axis Breaking Detection and Protection for Planet-Gear Reducer Casting Crane

  8. 基于行驶仿真试验的行星减速机动力学仿真

    Dynamic Simulation Of The Planetary Reducer Based On Running Simulation

  9. 带制动器的二级行星减速机

    Two-stage planet-gear speed reducer with a brake

  10. 双曲柄输入连杆&齿轮少齿差行星减速机的模糊可靠性优化研究

    Study of Fuzzy Reliability and Optimization on Novel Reducer with Double-Camshaft-Input Link and Few Teeth Difference

  11. 浅析杏花矿主井提升机减速机润滑油粘&温特性带制动器的二级行星减速机

    Lubrication Oil 's Specific Viscosity and Temperature Property of Reduction Device of Main Well Hoist in Xinghua Mine TWO-STAGE PLANET-GEAR SPEED REDUCER WITH A BRAKE

  12. 对于以传递运动为主的摆线针轮行星减速机,回程误差可能是影响其使用性能的因素之一。

    For cycloidal pin wheel speed reducers which are mainly used to transfer motions , the return error will be one of the factors influencing their use performance .

  13. 本文在分析和讨论了现有的外平动三环减速机结构的基础上,提出了一种新的内平动少齿差行星减速机的结构方案。

    On the basis of analyzing and discussing the structural theory of Three-Ring Gear Reducer , this dissertation gave a new scheme of planetary gear reducer with few teeth difference .

  14. 本文利用虚拟设计方法,在计算分析的基础上对创新构想的新型双曲柄少齿差行星减速机进行了整机设计,并对重要的零部件进行了有限元分析。

    This paper , according to calculation and analysis , carried on a entire design of new planetary gear reducer with few tooth difference driven double cranks with method of virtual design and made an finite element analysis of the important parts .

  15. 日本渐开线行星齿轮减速机的测绘与剖析

    Measurement & Analyses of Involute Planet Gear Decelerator Made by Japan

  16. 塔式起重机行星齿轮减速机的设计研究

    The Research and Design of Epicyclic Reduction Gear Unit in Application to Tower Carane

  17. 摆线式行星齿轮减速机

    Cycloidal planetary gear speed reducer

  18. 行星摆线针轮减速机轮齿啮合噪声及工艺分析

    Engage gears noise and technological analysis of planet cycloidal needle wheel decelerator

  19. 行星摆线针轮减速机左右摆线轮传递功率不均衡研究

    Research on the unevenness of powers transmitted by left and right cycloidal gear of cycloidal pinwheel reducer

  20. 主要产品有:“天星”牌行星摆线针轮减速机系列、电动滚筒系列,硬齿面渐开线减速机系列。

    Our main products include " Tianxing " planetary cycloidal pin wheel reducer series , drum motor series , rigid tooth reducer series .

  21. 由于采用行星传动结构,所以该机构的设计和制造可以充分利用我国行星齿轮减速机生产行业的成熟技术,加工设备。

    The design and manufacture of this mechanism can take full advantage of the mature technology and process equipment of our country in the field of planetary gear reducer .