
xínɡ zhènɡ tiáo jiě
  • administrative mediation;administrative conciliation
  1. 和谐社会背景下行政调解制度探讨

    On Administrative Conciliation System against the Background of Building a Harmonious Society

  2. 论专利侵权损害赔偿中的行政调解

    On Administrative Conciliation in Damage for Patent Tort

  3. 作为ADR方式之一的行政调解,兼具上述特点,更加符合中国的国情与发展需要。

    As one of the ADR method , Administrative mediation has the all characteristics mentioned above and conforms to the China status and development .

  4. 我国警察行政调解制度存在的问题与对策

    The Problems and Solutions in the System of Police Administrative Mediation

  5. 我国环境纠纷行政调解制度研究

    Research on the Administrative Mediation System of Environmental Disputes in China

  6. 本文在此基础上也介绍了国外行政调解的相关制度。

    This part also introduce other countries ' administrative intermediation .

  7. 社会转型对作为东方经验的行政调解提出了新的挑战。

    Oriental administrative mediation has been challenged by social transition .

  8. 行政调解、人民调解和司法调解并称为三大调解制度。

    Administrative mediation , mediation and judicial mediation are called the three .

  9. 论我国农村纠纷行政调解的制度构建

    On the Construction of System of Disputes Administrative Mediation in Rural Areas

  10. 传统上一般将调解分为司法调解、行政调解、人民调解。

    Traditionally , mediation generally is categorized tion , and people 's mediation .

  11. 论多元化视野下环境纠纷行政调解机制

    On the Pluralistic Vision of the Environment under the Administrative Dispute Mediation Mechanism

  12. 浅谈环境行政调解在环境污染投诉处理中的效能应用

    Efficiency Application of Environment Administration Mediation in Dealing with Appeal of Environment Pollution

  13. 第二部分回顾了行政调解制度及环境纠纷行政调解制度的历史发展;

    Part two introduces the history of administrative mediation ;

  14. 行政调解制度的设计包括五个方面:扩大调解范围;

    A new design should include following contents : broadening the scope of compromise ;

  15. 赋予行政调解协议法律效力,完善行政调解机制;

    Giving an administration reconciliation agreement to a legal effect , perfecting administration mediating mechanism ;

  16. 人民调解、行政调解、司法调解有机衔接的对策思考&以上海市杨浦区整合调解资源的实践探索为视点

    Reflection on Measures of Systematically Combining People 's Mediation , Administrative Mediation and Judicial Medication

  17. 行政调解在我国纠纷解决中占据着重要而特殊的地位。

    Administrative mediation in the settlement of disputes in China holds special and important position .

  18. 第三部分总结了环境纠纷行政调解制度存在的必要性及意义;

    Part three summarizes the necessity and advantages of the administrative mediation of environment disputes ;

  19. 社会转型中的行政调解制度

    On Administrative Mediation System in Social Transition

  20. 行政调解的制度设计

    Construction of the System of Administrative Compromise

  21. 同时如何认识行政调解的性质,学术界也存在不同的认识。

    And how to understand the nature of the administrative mediation , academia has different understanding .

  22. 本文以期对行政调解制度的发展献绵薄之力。

    This paper in order to offer the development of the system of administrative mediation bit .

  23. 行政调解的法理学思考

    The jurisprudence ponders about administrative mediation

  24. 本文主要从行政调解的角度阐述与相关救济途径的分工。

    This article mainly from administrative mediation angle elaboration and related relief way division of labor .

  25. 文章的第二部分分析了行政调解制度的现状和法理基础。

    Part two of this article analyzes the present situation of administrative mediation system and legal basis .

  26. 目前,无论是源于本国的内在需求,还是来自国际环境的外在压力都需要完善行政调解制度。

    We need administrative intermediation now , for the reason of need of ourselves and international circumstance .

  27. 如何借鉴国外的成功经验来更好的完善我国的行政调解制度。

    How to draw lessons from the successful experience abroad to better improve our administrative mediation system .

  28. 论警察行政调解

    The Administrative Mediation of Police

  29. 提出如何从立法和实际运行机制上完善行政调解制度。

    Proposed legislation and how to improve the administrative mechanism for the actual operation of the mediation system .

  30. 积极做好人民调解司法调解行政调解的衔接和互动

    Taking Initiatives to Improve the Connection and Interaction of the People 's Mediation , Judicial Mediation and Administrative Mediation