
xíng zhèng guǎn lǐ
  • administration;administrative management
行政管理[xíng zhèng guǎn lǐ]
  1. 加入WTO,对我国的经济、政治和社会都将产生深远的影响,对我国的行政管理制度的冲击也非常巨大。

    Joining WTO will influence economy , politics and society of China , influence administration of China .

  2. 文章从加入WTO对政府职能转变的角度,探讨政府行政管理如何积极迎接WTO的挑战。

    This article , from the angle of conversion of government function , probes how the administration of government department makes positive measures to meet the challenge of WTO .

  3. 我在行政管理事务上花了大量时间。

    I spend a lot of my time on administrative duties .

  4. 一个好的行政管理人员通常与人们相处得很好。

    A good executive usually gets on well with people .

  5. 市场准入的行政管理措施

    Administrative Aspects of Market Access

  6. 因此,一个空港经理必须既是一个计谋家,又是一个能应付各种情况的行政管理家。

    This was why an airport manager needed to be a tactician as well as versatile administrator .

  7. 英国高等教育统计局的数据表明,商务和行政管理是英国最热门的专业(34万2970个学位)。

    Respecting the UK , data from the British Higher Education Statistics Agency illustrate1 that Business & Administrative2 studies are the most popular subjects ( 342970 ) .

  8. 论加入WTO后我国政府行政管理

    Our Governmental Administration in WTO Situation

  9. 加入WTO,必将会给我国各个领域带来强大的冲击,行政管理体制首当其冲。

    Entering into WTO will bring us a great impact on every field ; and the first is the administrative management system .

  10. 指出MPA教育在我国尚处于起步阶段,课程的设计和教育模式的创建也处在摸索阶段。分析了MPA教育与行政管理专业的区别及我国目前MPA教育课程体系的现状。

    In China , MPA education is still in the beginning period , hence , the curriculum planning and construction of education model are under exploration .

  11. 电子政务是电脑和网络技术的发展在政府行政管理领域的一场革命性变革,在我国已经加入WTO的情况下,实施电子政务显得尤为重要。

    E-government is a revolutionary change with computer and net development in the field of government 's administration . It is very important to realize e-government under the circumstances of Chinese have entering WTO .

  12. 加入WTO,必将对我国的经济运行、政府部门的行政管理、国家权力机关的立法乃至人们的传统观念等各方面产生影响。

    China 's accession to WTO must exert influence on various aspects such as economic operation , administration of government departments , legislation of organs of state power as well as people 's traditional ideas .

  13. 本文设计了一套高校行政管理干部绩效考核指标体系,并用层次分析法借助SPSS软件包为各指标确定了权值。

    This author designs a set of index system and use the method of AHP with the help of SPSS package to determine the weight for each index .

  14. 根据国家工商行政管理总局(SAIC)网站发布的消息,该局还突击检查了承担微软公司财务外包的咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)的办公室。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce also raided the offices of consultancy Accenture , which does financial work for Microsoft , according to a message on the SAIC website .

  15. 文章从行政管理系统、教学管理系统、师资管理系统三个方面介绍了澳大利亚TAFE教育模式的基本情况,并对它们的特点进行了归纳和分析。

    The paper presents a survey of Australian TAFE from three aspects of administration system , education management system and teachers ' management system . It also concludes and analyses the characters of them .

  16. 在广西基层政府中实施TQM,能使基层政府确立全新的行政管理思想,使政府内部运行日趋科学化、规范化和精细化,促进依法行政服务质量的不断提高。

    The implementation of TQM in the Grass-roots government in Guangxi enables the grass-roots government to establish a new administration idea , the internal operation to be more scientific , standardized and refined , and impels improving the service quality in administration according to law .

  17. 改革行政管理体制,提高行政效率;

    Reforming the administration management system ; Enhancing the administration efficiency ;

  18. 现代行政管理法制化的内在动因与本质要求

    Intrinsic Motivation and Essential Requirement of Legalization in Modern Administrative Management

  19. 近代山东盐务行政管理机构的演变

    The Evolution of Salt Administrative Organ of Shandong in Recent Dynasty

  20. 试析委托&代理理论在我国行政管理领域的应用

    The Analysis of Principal-agent Theory Applications in Our Country Administration Field

  21. 从行政管理到治理:当代卫生管理的必由之路

    Only way of Public Healthy Administration : From Administration to Governance

  22. 精简机构,深化行政管理体制改革;

    Streamline organizations , deepen the administrative management system reform ;

  23. 创建学习型高校行政管理队伍

    Create Studying - pattern Administration Troops in Colleges and Universities

  24. 湖泊渔业行政管理存在的问题与对策

    A View on Problems and Countermeasures in Lake Fisheries Management

  25. 高校内部行政管理应当建立听证制度

    On the Establishment of Hearing System in Interior Executive Administration of Universities

  26. 历史、现状与未来:中国行政管理教育发展分析

    China 's Public Administration Education : Past , Present , and Future

  27. 保护矿产资源的行政管理辨析

    The Analyses of Administrative Management on Protecting the Mineral Resources

  28. 是政府行政管理方式和管理体制的重要变革。

    It is an important transformation in government administrative methods and system .

  29. 市级工商行政管理电子政务系统的构建

    Construction of City-level Industry and Commerce Administration E-government System

  30. 电子政府是政府行政管理现代化的当代表现。

    E-Government represents the modernization process of government administration .