
  • 网络industry representatives
  1. 但电动自行车车主及行业代表称,让电动自行车受到不公正指责的很多问题,都是由小汽车太多引发的。

    But electric bike owners and industry representatives said the bikes were being unfairly maligned for problems caused by the fact that there are too many cars .

  2. 同时,我们将致力于在两国商贸活动中取得经验和成功的私营行业代表中,建立一个正式的定期对话机制预计将于7月9日在纽约举行第一次会议。

    Meanwhile , we will work to establish a regular , formal dialogue among private industry representatives with experience and success in commercial activities between our nations and expect to hold the first session in New York on July 9 .

  3. 美国政府和猪肉行业代表也提出了抱怨,称中国因为担心甲型H1N1流感病毒而对美国猪肉实施了进口禁令。

    U.S. government and pork-industry representatives have also complained about China 's ban of U.S. pork because of H1N1 concerns .

  4. 据报道,伦敦出租车司机本月的收入下降了20%到40%。行业代表SteveMcNamara怒斥伦敦奥运会是完完全全的灾难。

    London taxi drivers have reported a 20-to-40 percent drop in income this month , with industry representative Steve McNamara calling the Games a complete and utter disaster .

  5. 淘宝网是国内最大的C2C交易网站,可以说具有很强的行业代表性,因此笔者选取了淘宝作为实证分析的对象。

    As the biggest C2C trading site in China , Taobao is obviously a representation of Online industry . So I choose Taobao as the object of my analysis .

  6. HYT企业集团是具有垄断背景的相关企业发展的一个缩影,很具有行业代表性。

    HYT Group is a monopoly of the background of the related enterprise of the development of a miniature , very with industry representative .

  7. 本论文具有一定的行业代表性。

    This paper has highly industry typicality .

  8. 意外啊,意外:行业代表的估计比这个数字高了大约8倍。

    Surprise , surprise : representatives of the industry produce estimates that are roughly eight times greater .

  9. 参会者包括患者组织、医护人员组织、学术界、监管机构和制药行业代表。

    Participants included representatives from patients'organisations , health care professionals'organisations , academia , regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical industry .

  10. 而这些特殊功能由于其行业代表性,对于同类企业具有一定的参考价值。

    These special requirements can give some reference to the other enterprises with the same business type because of their representativeness .

  11. 科技业喜欢把自身视作未来,而政府和对手行业代表着守旧。

    The tech industry likes to regard itself as the future , with governments and rival industries mired in the past .

  12. 桂阳县烟叶生产收购规模在全国排在前三位,其基层烟草站员工培训体系建设具有行业代表性。

    Guiyang County tobacco production purchase scale in the country in the top three , the grassroots tobacco Station staff training system construction with the industry representative .

  13. 应该要以你对公司所做的业绩以及同行业代表性收入的信息作依据,来提出合理的加薪要求。

    A raise request should always be supported by evidence of what you 've achieved for the company & along with information about what people with your responsibilities typically earn .

  14. 现有的研究成果,大多数是从整个并购市场的角度进行的,缺乏一定的行业代表性,由此所得出的结论并不适用于具体行业的并购效果。

    The existing research results , most are from the market point of view , the lack of certain industry representative , the conclusion does not apply to specific industry merger effect .

  15. 伊利股份(股票代码:600887)作为业内的龙头企业,其经营业绩和财务表现具有行业代表性。

    NMYILI ( stock symbol : 600887 ) is one of the leading companies in China 's dairy industry and its financial performance can be used as a benchmark of this industry .

  16. 湖南电大开放教育试点专业毕业生追踪调查的抽样遵循随机性、分布相对均匀性、行业代表性等基本原则,采取分层等距抽样的方法。

    The sampling design of graduates'tracing survey in Hunan Radio and TV University follows the principles of randomicity , homogeneity and sampling trade representativeness and employs the method of delamination and isometry .

  17. 行业代表称,投行业能够应对雷曼破产,并在债券市场失灵的情况下继续开展交易,证明市场基础设施得到改进、防范对手风险规定的能力得到增强。

    Industry representatives say that its ability to cope with the collapse of Lehman and remain open for trading even as bond markets seized up is testament to the improvements made to market infrastructure and to the strength of provisions against counterparty risk .

  18. 但有一点受到的关注相对较少:即此次危机还对21世纪的投资以及投资业的本质提出了一些根本性的问题,该行业代表发达国家数亿公民进行投资。

    What has received less attention , however , is that the crisis has also posed fundamental questions about 21st-century investing and the nature of the industry that conducts that activity on behalf of hundreds of millions of citizens across the developed world .

  19. 届时,国家新闻出版、广播、影视管理部门的一众高级官员都将出席该盛典,另外,由两百多名代表组成影视行业代表团也将到场,其中包括一众导演,制片人和明星。

    A party of senior officials from the State Administration of Press Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) will attend , as will an industry delegation which will include more than 200 guests including directors , producers and film stars .

  20. 本文以我国汽车电子行业的代表性企业H公司为例,从实践的角度,对项目经理的绩效评价方法展开研究。

    This paper takes example for H corporation , a representative enterprise in Chinese automobile electronic industry , to study the performance appraisal of project manager in practical view .

  21. 美国自动售货协会(NationalAutomaticMerchandisingAssociation)作为食品和甜点售卖行业的代表,表示对这个规则所带来的影响持保留态度,但称两年不足以让企业尤其是小企业适应这一规则。

    National Automatic Merchandising Association , representing the food and refreshment vending industry , said it will reserve judgment on the impact on the industry , but said that two years was insufficient implementation time , especially for small businesses .

  22. 美国自动售货协会(NationalAutomaticMerchandisingAssociation)作为食品和甜点售卖行业的代表,表示对这个规则所带来的影响持“保留”态度,但称两年不足以让企业尤其是小企业适应这一规则。

    National Automatic Merchandising Association , representing the food and refreshment vending industry , said it will " reserve judgment " on the impact on the industry , but said that two years was insufficient " implementation time , " especially for small businesses .

  23. 另外,由于OSLOS公司在LED半导体行业极具代表性,OSLOS公司的竞争战略研究,对LED半导体行业的其它公司和其它相关联的公司战略管理可以提供一个可参考的范本,具有一定的借鉴意义。

    In addition , since the OSLOS LED companies in the semiconductor industry is highly representative , on the competition strategy of OSLOS company LED semiconductor industry , to other companies and other associated company strategy management can provide a reference model , has certain reference significance .

  24. 我们将和来自几个不同行业的代表们商量。

    We will be consulting with representatives from several different industries .

  25. 文中特选择了具有行业内代表性三家证券公司,对其2011年度相关重要财务指标进行了横向对比分析。

    Three selected industry representative securities companies are compared horizontally in the paper .

  26. 卫生保健行业或许代表了对IT解决方案最具挑战性的行业。

    The healthcare industry represents perhaps the most challenging industry for IT solution implementation .

  27. 众所周知,房地产属于资金密集型行业的代表,其发展需要庞大的资金作为支撑。

    The real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry , and it requires huge capital as support .

  28. 第三章是深入研究了羊绒行业有代表性的三家上市企业,比较分析了各自的优劣势。

    Chapter three probes into three representative list companys in cashmere industry and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages .

  29. 其中尤其以汽车生产相关行业为代表地大量生产型技术密集型企业在精益生产方式的指导下,更是得到了长足的进步。

    Especially for some technology-intensive industry represented by automotive industry , the improvement is rapid directed by Lean Production .

  30. 中国的水电、风电等行业的代表已经在抱怨燃煤电厂产能过剩的问题。

    Representatives of China 's hydropower and wind power industries have complained of the glut of coal power plants .