
  1. 英国广播公司(BBC)一名资深记者称,BBC存在一种系统性歧视女性的“秘密且非法的薪酬文化”,她在得知两名同级别男同事的薪酬显著高于自己后,辞去了BBC中国主编职位。

    The BBC operates a " secretive and illegal pay culture " that systematically discriminates against women , according to one of its most senior journalists , who has quit her job as China editor after learning that two of her male peers were paid significantly more .

  2. 新的薪酬文化就是按业绩付酬。

    The new culture of compensation is about payment by results .

  3. 而最近大部分怒火针对的都是投行内部的总体薪酬文化,其始作俑者通常是最高职位以下的呼风唤雨者,而这些人的个人奖金是保密的。

    Much recent ire has been directed at the general pay culture within investment banking , often earned by rainmakers below the top level where individual awards are hidden from view .

  4. 得到如下研究结论,国有银行知识型员工流失影响因素的影响程度大小排列如下:职业生涯发展、福利薪酬、企业文化、自我价值、工作自主。

    Obtain the following conclusion , the influence factor of the loss of knowledge workers in state-owned bank descending order as follows : career development , welfare compensation , corporate culture , self-worth , job autonomy .

  5. 浅析全面薪酬体系与绩效文化建设

    Analysis on the All - round Compensation System and the Performance Culture Construction

  6. 薪酬制度与组织文化的匹配性实证研究&以浙江省高新企业为例

    Empirical study of compensation system and organizational culuture alignment

  7. 在广播电视产业人力资源管理实践中,三大维度影响员工的忠诚度:薪酬管理、组织文化与政策、工作设计。

    On the whole , influence factor of employee 's loyalty is compensation management , work design , culture and policy of organization .

  8. 在确定发展目标的基础上,从人力资源制度建立、观念转变、员工培训、绩效考核、薪酬制度以及企业文化建设等方面提出了具体的实施策略。

    After the identification of development objectives , specific implementation strategies are put forward from various perspectives such as human resources system establishment , concept change , staff training , performance appraisal , pay systems and corporate culture .

  9. 人们不会说债券交易员不应该挣1000万美元,相反,对于金融业的薪酬制度即奖金文化为什么是问题的核心,我们有一系列理论解释。

    People will not say bond traders should not be able to earn $ 10m . Instead we get a stream of rationalisations about why the compensation system in finance , the bonus culture , is at the heart of the problem .