
  • 网络Marketing audit;market audit
  1. B公司营销审计的应用探讨

    The Marketing Audit Applying Probing of B Company

  2. 电力营销审计是一系统性的营销控制工具。

    Electric power marketing audit is a systemic marketing control tool .

  3. B公司营销审计方法研究&对贵阳分公司的诊断式营销审计

    The Study of B Company Marketing Auditing The Diagnose Marketing Auditing In Guiyang Branch

  4. 但我们如何才能实现营销审计的根本目的?

    But how can we realize the underlying purpose of marketing audit ?

  5. 管理期权度量方法与传统度量方法在营销审计中的比较研究

    The Comparision Research Between Managerial Option and Traditional Measurement Method in Marketing Audit

  6. 对于营销审计来说,传统的度量方法最大的缺点是忽略了营销的不确定性。

    The biggest weakness in traditional measurement method is to neglect the marketing 's unknown .

  7. 而营销审计作为一种新兴的,有效的营销管理工具日益显示出它强大的作用。

    Marketing audit as a new , effective marketing management tools increasingly shows its powerful function .

  8. 市场营销审计的演进和发展的理论基础

    The Theoretical Fundaments of Marketing Audit

  9. 但是到目前为止,尚没有一种关于营销审计的一个综合评价体系。

    But so far , there has not been a comprehensive evaluation system about marketing audit .

  10. 本文首次将营销审计全面、深入的运用于企业营销活动中,对于营销审计在企业内的进一步实施具有指导意义。

    And it also has guiding significance for the further use of market auditing in the enterprises .

  11. 本文在营销审计的方法、营销审计的评价标准、评价体系等应用方面的探讨与研究有独到的地方。

    This thesis has creative research in marketing audit methodology , marketing audit evaluation criterion and evaluation systems .

  12. 我国需要加强市场营销审计理论的研究,推广市场营销审计在实践中的运用。

    China needs to strengthen the study of the marketing audit , and spread its use in the practice .

  13. 市场营销审计可以把市场营销理论与市场营销实践有机地结合起来,有效地提高企业的市场营销效率,改善企业的市场营销效果。

    The marketing audit can combine the marketing theory and the practice , enhance the marketing efficiency , and improve the marketing effect .

  14. 通过对营销审计内容的提炼和整理,相信本文的营销审计指标可以反映可口可乐公司的营销审计重点。

    Through refinement and sorting the marketing audit content , I believe the marketing audit index can reflect the Coca-Cola Company marketing audit emphasis .

  15. 可重复级的关键过程域有战略控制、年度计划控制、项目规划、盈利能力控制和营销审计;

    The KPAs of level 2 are controls and managements of strategic , plan of all the year , project layout , payoff and audit .

  16. 端正内部审计与“左右邻里”关系和被审单位关系,内部审计的工作重点定为市场营销审计。

    We should also correctly handle the " neighboring " relationships and the relationship with the audited work units . The internal auditing should be focused on marketing auditing .

  17. 第二部分,对前人理论并未涉及的营销审计本质理论进行了理论研究,并首次提出企业各相关利益体的营销审计本质关系图,包括第三章内容。

    The second part theoretically analyzes the nature theory of marketing audit which is not mentioned before . It is the first time to bring forwards the marketing audit natural relationship diagram of the benefit-relevant parties in the enterprise .

  18. 市场营销审计的主要职能是评价和控制,只有通过对市场营销活动的评价和控制,才能发现市场营销活动中的问题与机会,最终才能实现良好的市场营销效果。

    The main function of marketing audit is evaluation and control . Through the evaluation and control of the marketing activities may find the problems and opportunities of the marketing activities , and ultimately to achieve the good marketing effect .

  19. 同时,本文通过对西方营销审计理论和实践的较深入研究,结合我国实际,初步提出更加完善的且较为适合中国国情的营销审计定性分析内容,并初步建立用于进行定量分析的指标体系。

    Meanwhile , with the in-depth study on the western theory and practice of marketing audit and combination with the actual conditions in China , this paper introduces a more suitable qualitative analysis way and builds the dynamic index system which can be used for quantitative analysis .

  20. 接着通过问卷调查剖析了我国企业实施市场营销审计的现状,分析了影响我国市场营销审计发展的原因,在借鉴国外成功经验基础上提出了相应的对策性建议。

    The following part is that via the questionnaire this paper analyses the actuality of the enterprises ' using the marketing audit , analyses the causes influencing the development of the marketing audit in our country , and put forwards the corresponding advices on the basis of foreign successful experience .

  21. 随着公司制在我国的普及以及市场营销活动的蓬勃发展,相信市场营销审计的研究也会在我国不断深入。

    Along with the universality of company system and the booming development of marketing activities in our country , I think the research of marketing audit in our country will get further development .

  22. 为了确保营销战略目标的实现,文章提出运用营销审计对营销战略实施过程进行控制。

    At the end of this article , marketing auditing has been used to ensure that the marketing strategy be correctly put into operation .

  23. 世界已进入产品极其丰富的时代,市场营销在企业经营活动中的重要性与日俱增,营销审计的作用也日显突出。

    In the age with abundant products , since marketing becomes more and more important , marketing audit plays a great role in the enterprise operation .

  24. 论文最后从四个方面阐述了轻骑农用车的营销战略管理,包括快速反应、业务流程再造、产品结构调整和营销审计。

    The strategic management is made up of four parts , including the speedy reaction , the renewing of the technological process of business , the adjustment of the product structure and the audit of marketing .