
  1. 进入WTO后,加强药品知识产权保护可能对化学药品制剂工业造成最为严重的冲击;

    After entered WTO , the protection of intellectual property is increased , and will bring a great a shock on the chemical drug industry .

  2. 加入WTO后,发达国家药品知识产权保护将更加严格,我国医药企业只有依靠科技兴药,同时充分利用国际资源和国际市场才会有出路。

    The developed country drugs intellectual property rights protection will be stricter after we take part in to WTO , our medicine enterprises will only have the dependence on science and technology to make medicines , and use the international resources and the international market then can have the outlet .

  3. 药品知识产权保护的策略与技巧

    Strategies and Skills of the Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Drugs

  4. 药品知识产权证券化资产池构建的理论探析

    Construction of the asset pool of pharmaceutical intellectual property securitization

  5. 我国药品知识产权法律制度认知进路及立法进程

    Understanding route and legislative progress of the legal system of pharmaceutical intellectual properties in China

  6. 全球公共健康危机与药品知识产权的冲突与解决

    The Conflict and Solution between the Public Health Crises of the World and the Pharmaceutical Patents

  7. 药品知识产权保护的全球化进程在过去十年内不断发展。

    Globalization of intellectual property ( IP ) protection for medicines has been advancing during the past decade .

  8. 比如可将药品知识产权保护期起始时间从该品面世当日挪到获得许可的那一天。

    For instance , protections could be timed from when a medicine is approved , not when it is invented .

  9. 同时,新药保护、反不正当竞争保护、商标保护等也为药品知识产权的保护提供了有效的途径。

    And other alternatives available to proprietors , including registration of innovative Pharmaceuticals , anti-unfair competition policies , and trademark registration .

  10. 随着药品知识产权保护制度形成与不断发展,公共健康利益与药品专利专利保护之间的矛盾逐渐成为世界各国关注的热点问题。

    With the formation of pharmaceutical intellectual property protection system and continuous development , the conflict between public health benefits and pharmaceutical patent protection has become the focus of world attention .

  11. 药品知识产权保护水平的提高必将影响药品的价格,并使南方国家身患疾病的人们更难以获取必需的药品。

    Strengthened protection of pharmaceutical IP is to have significant impact on the prices of drugs , making it even more difficult for millions of patients in poor countries to access life-saving medicines .

  12. 入世后,随着关税的逐渐降低,专利药品知识产权的严格保护,国外流通企业进入国内的限制逐渐放开。

    Meanwhile , Chinese pharmaceutical industry is facing big challenge along with tariff tax 's reduction , strictly protection of patented drug 's property , gradually opening restriction foreign circulation enterprise into domestic market .

  13. 现对上述国家的药品知识产权保护制度逐一进行分析,论述其本国知识产权制度、历史沿革以及保护形式等,并探析其可为我国借鉴之处。

    Now this paper will make an analysis on the IPR protection for medicine industry , including the IPR principles , history and forms of protection and then point out what we can learn .

  14. 美国及主要欧盟国家对药品的知识产权保护制度探析

    The IPR protection of America and the major EU countries for medicine

  15. 经过30多年的制度建设,目前已基本形成了行政保护和法律保护并举,不同效力法律文件共存的多方面、多形式、多层次的药品领域知识产权保护法规体系。

    After 30 years ' systematic building , China has basically formed both administrative and legal protection , the different effects of the coexistence of various legal documents , various forms and levels of IPR protection laws and regulations of pharmaceutical sector .

  16. TRIPS协议几乎为所有类型的知识产权确立了最低的全球保护和实施标准,其中包括与药品有关的知识产权。

    The TRIPS Agreement introduced a minimum global standard for the protection and enforcement of nearly all categories of intellectual property rights : patents , trademarks , copyrights , and undisclosed information , including those applying to Pharmaceuticals .

  17. 这种分析和评估对理解美国等发达国家药品工业与药品知识产权国际保护之间的相互关系,以及发展中国家及最不发达国家对药品知识产权的立场和态度极为必要。

    The analysis and assessment are necessary steps to understand the interaction between the advanced pharmaceutical industry in developed countries and the international pharmaceutical IP agenda .

  18. 药品数据保护是知识产权保护的重要组成部分,对新药产品的开发有非常重要的激励作用。

    The protection of drug test data is an important component of intellectual property right protection , which provides incentives for the development of innovative pharmaceutical products .

  19. 我对有这次机会共同探索药品采购做法、知识产权政策、竞争政策以及最终的价格如何才能改进药品的获得性表示欢迎。

    I welcome this opportunity to jointly explore how drug procurement practices , intellectual property policies , competition policies , and ultimately prices can improve access to medicines .