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kǔ sè
  • bitter and astringent;pained;agonized;harsh to the taste
苦涩 [kǔ sè]
  • (1) [bitter and astringent]∶又苦又涩的

  • (2) [agonized;pained]∶内心痛苦的

  • 苦涩的表情

苦涩[kǔ sè]
  1. 我们一起度过苦涩而快乐的童年。

    We spent together bitter and astringent but happy childhood .

  2. 但味道苦涩,做为饮品口感不佳。

    But mulberry leaves taste bitter and astringent , and not good enough as drink .

  3. 他漫长的一生充满了关于个人生活和政治生涯的苦涩记忆。

    His long life was marked by bitter personal and political memories .

  4. 在这个甜蜜的源泉中间,已经掺和进苦涩的山水了。

    There was a spring of bitterness mingling with that fountain of sweets .

  5. 尽管研究证实甜食和性格之间有联系,但没有证据能证明喜欢苦味食物的人性格“苦涩”。

    Although the study confirms the connection between dessert and personality , there is no evidence that can prove people who like food with bitter taste tend to have a bitter personality .

  6. p一环状糊精添加量为1.2%时,杜仲叶酶提取液中活性成分热稳定性嘴显增强,苦涩味等不良口味明显减轻。

    At adding amount of 3 - cyclodextrin of 1.2 % , the hot stability of the function compositions is obviously strengthened , pained flavor obviously lightens .

  7. 他还会计算好《苦涩手指》(BitterFingers)这首歌的播放时间,以便使第二段副歌刚好在飞机起飞时开始播放。

    The song ' Bitter Fingers ' is timed so the second chorus plays as the jet is taking off .

  8. 他认为,最近超大规模的IPO特别是中国工商银行(ICBC)上月220亿美元的公开发行可能会给许多投资者留下苦涩的回味。

    He believes recent mega-IPOs – notably Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 's $ 22bn listing last month – may leave many investors with a bitter aftertaste .

  9. 当这些金属加入量小于5ppm时,会使茶汤滋味变的醇厚,茶感增强,苦涩味减缓。

    When the amount of the metals added is smaller than 5 ppm , tea liquor tastes mellow , the taste enhancement , and the astringent taste gets weaker .

  10. 更为有趣的白葡萄酒是emir和来自东北偏远地区的更加苦涩的纳伦斯,前者是信基督教的卡帕多奇亚这片神奇土地上的产物,这里能够制造出坚硬、有矿香味的干白。

    Much more interesting for white wine are Emir , a native of the extraordinary landscape of Christian Cappadocia , which can make firm , mineral-scented dry whites , and the rather more fragile narince from the far north-east .

  11. 任何甜蜜都有其苦涩,任何邪恶都有其美好。

    Every sweet has its sour ; every evil its good .

  12. 人生是苦涩的,但是你的心情却不应该是这样。

    Life is harsh , but your mood should not be .

  13. 成长的根苦涩无味,长成的果实却是甜美。

    Bitter is the root of growth , sweet the fruit .

  14. 然而在这一进程早期却是苦涩的。

    However , early in this process but it is bitter .

  15. 我可以理解中华人民共和国那边的人们那种苦涩的感受。

    I understand the bitter feelings on the PRC 's side .

  16. 同理适用于速溶咖啡的苦涩斥责。

    The same goes for the bitter reproach of instant coffee .

  17. 苦涩的沙:若尔盖将变成风起沙飞的大沙漠。

    Bitter sand : ruo Ergai plateau will become a desert .

  18. 为了这一句,斯蒂芬,爱情那苦涩的奥秘。

    For those words , Stephen : love 's bitter mystery .

  19. 子女使辛劳变为甜蜜,使不幸更加苦涩。

    Children sweeten labors ; but they make misfortune more bitter .

  20. 生命中的休眠,来自坚忍,来自苦涩;

    That rest from life , from patience and from pain ;

  21. 生活的苦涩波涛在他周围汹涌澎湃。

    The bitter waters of life surged high about him .

  22. 听着你的笑声,尝着苦涩的眼泪。

    I hear the laughter , I taste the tears .

  23. 但如果是吃蚂蚁的话,不仅味道苦涩,甚至还是有毒的。

    But ants taste bitter or even toxic when eaten .

  24. 大笑这一剂良方与苦涩难咽的药丸不一样。

    A laughter prescription is different from a bitter pill .

  25. 如果把桔子的汁都榨干,那么桔子也会变得苦涩。

    Press all the juice from an orange and it becomes bitter .

  26. 英雄之泪,永远比海水苦涩。

    Hero tear , are bitterer than the sea forever .

  27. 有一种泪水载着遗憾,苦涩中带着酸酸的味道!

    Where drops a tear of regret , sourness adds to bitterness .

  28. 她的唇边挤出一丝凄凉苦涩的微笑。

    A little laugh burst from her lips , bleak and bitter .

  29. 爱情是甜蜜的,也是苦涩的。

    Love is sweet and bitter at the same time .

  30. 你很难想象比这个会见更加充满甜蜜与苦涩的活动。

    It is hard to imagine a more bitter-sweet event .