
In fact , the American and Soviet peoples themselves do not support war .
In China , system of people 's jury is created based on system of participating trail of continental law system .
The brief parade boosted the confidence and fighting spirit of the Soviet people at the height of their battle with the Nazi forces .
In the Second World War , the Soviet Union won the great victory of the patriotic war , which made great contributions to human civilization .
The heroic and indomitable Soviet people , fighting bloody battles and making tremendous sacrifices , defeated ferocious fascist invaders and won the victory of the war .
Just as chronic food shortages were a catalyst in the 1991 revolution in the Soviet Union , rising food prices have been a catalyst for the social unrest in the Middle East and North Africa .
Our war against Japan needs the support of the people of the whole world and , above all , the support of the people of the Soviet union , which they will certainly give us because they and we are bound together in a common cause .
Soviet Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of Latin America
To Deputy of the National Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the USSR , Commissioner of State Security Third Rank , comrade Abakumov .
It is not only a war between two armies , it is also a great war of the entire Soviet people against the German Fascist forces .
People Assessor System of China is similar to Assessor System in term of source and formation , though it came in imitation of that of the former Soviet Union .
Report of the Special Section of the Don Front NKVD ( People 's Commissariat of Internal Affairs ) to Special Sections Department of NKVD USSR , about conversations of F.Paulus , A.Schmidt and others .
Only if the nature of the war changes , if the war in one or more countries undergoes certain necessary changes and becomes advantageous to the Soviet Union and the peoples of the world , will it be possible for the Soviet Union to help or participate .
The Asian tigers were growing rather as Soviet Russia had in the 1950s . Their people were working harder , studying more and saving and investing more , creating economic growth .
Instead , while Washington irradiated Americans from Nevada , Moscow irradiated its own citizens with tests from Kazakhstan .
From the end of 1920s to early 1950s , Soviet Union , as an economically underdeveloped agricultural power , used Stalin pattern to lead its people to socialist practice .