
  • 网络manshu
  1. 归根到底,这是由苏曼殊所处的时代文化背景决定的。

    In the final analysis , it was the cultural background of Su Manshu 's age that engendered his poems .

  2. 从文化系统来看,本章主要聚焦于报纸业的发展对苏曼殊翻译雨果的小说《悲惨世界》所产生的影响。

    From cultural system , the chapter focused on how the development of newspaper exerted a great influence on Su Manshu 's translation of Hugo 's Les Miserables .

  3. 论苏曼殊对中国20世纪通俗小说发展的影响

    On Su Man-shu 's Influence on Chinese Popular Novels in the 20th Century

  4. 新世纪苏曼殊研究综述(2000-2006)

    A Summary of the Study of Su Man-shu in the New Century ( 2000-2006 );

  5. 郁达夫与苏曼殊的女性观在表现形式上相同,但是却有本质的区别。

    Although the manifestation of perspectives on women is the same , they have essential distinctions .

  6. 据柳无忌的研究,历史上对苏曼殊的研究经历了三个阶段。

    According to Liu Wu-chi , the study on Su Man-shu has undergone three stages since his death .

  7. 对其作者究竟是苏曼殊本人还是其友人飞锡,学术界长期未有定论。

    Over a long period of time it is an open question as to who is the author , Su Manzhu or his friend Feixi .

  8. 通过横向比较,这种人格类型可归结为转型文化的产物,并以此来阐释苏曼殊的文学创作、革命思想及生活态度。

    By parallel comparison , the author attributes SuManShu 's personality to cultural transformation , and further interprets his literature creation , revolutionary thoughts , and outlook on life .

  9. 苏曼殊的作品在揭示有情皆苦的人生本质之外,还对僧人在面对爱情时的心理做出精彩的叙述,同时塑造起了纯净化的女性形象。

    Except revealing " Truth of Suffering " in his works , he make wonderful narrative of psychological of the monks in love and shaped the pure image of women .

  10. 本章通过分析具体的篇章,试图展示出苏曼殊在中西方不同的小说技巧上的取舍态度。

    By analyzing his particular novels , this paper is trying to find out his attitude of accepting or rejecting about the different writing skills of China and western countries .

  11. 情佛两难的矛盾与天性自然的和谐&苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》与汪曾祺《受戒》文化意识比较

    Contradiction between Love and Buddha and Harmonious Natural Instinct & Comparison between Su Man-shu 's " Lonely Wild Goose " and Wang Zeng-qi 's " Shou Jie " in Cultural Awareness

  12. 第二部分归纳总结了苏曼殊的主要翻译思想,这主要包括他的翻译原则和诗歌翻译思想。

    The second part analyzes Su 's views on translation , including his principles of translation , his views on poetry translation , and his views on other aspects of translation .

  13. 首先,与当时盛行的政治功利性文本选择不同,苏曼殊关注以爱情、自由、自然为主题的诗歌。

    First of all , despite the political utility in relation to text choosing at that time , Su insists on translating poems with themes of love , liberty and nature .

  14. 第三部分力图把苏曼殊的翻译活动放在特定的历史文化背景中进行评价,论述了他的翻译活动所起的重要社会作用、对于纠正当时不良翻译风气的贡献以及他的翻译中存在的不足之处。

    The third part evaluates Su 's translation by taking into account the specific historical and cultural background , analyzing its social and literary contribution , and discussing its limitation as well .

  15. 《潮音跋》一文是研究苏曼殊身世、经历,特别是血统问题的最直接最重要的资料。

    The essay Chao Yin Ba ( A postscript to tide ) is the most direct and important material for the study of Su Manzhu 's life experience and especially his origin .

  16. 苏曼殊浪漫主义不是西学东渐的直接产物,而是固有文化生态发生结构变动之结果。

    The formation of Su Manshu 's romantic style was not the direct result of the eastward spread of Western learning but was the natural outcome of structural change in China 's innate cultural ecosystem .

  17. 苏曼殊诗画带有明显的禅佛色彩,如其诗画里大量出现的禅佛名相以及带有依我自悟表征的我的形象第一人称代词,进一步强化了其现代禅僧的身份特征。

    For example , the Zen - Buddhist touch in his use of nouns together with the first - person pronouns indicating his own image and manifesting his " self - awareness by myself " further highlighted his identity as a modern Zen - Buddhist monk .