
  • 网络ship model
  1. 动量守恒的一个特例&人船模型问题

    Man - made Ship Model : A Typical Example of the Law of Conservation of Momentum

  2. 介绍了用于振动计算的单层甲板模型、尾部上层建筑模型、全船模型和简化全船模型及应用实例。

    The single-deck model , stern superstructure model , overall ship model and the simplified overall ship model used for vibration calculation and their applications are introduced respectively .

  3. 论文建立了LNG航线运输风险评价模型及基于风险评估的航线配船模型,并通过实证研究验证了模型的可行性,对于LNG项目规划中航线选择及配船具有很好的实际运用价值。

    Through empirical research to verify the feasibility of the model , which has a good practical application for routes selection and shipping arrangement in the LNG project planning .

  4. 将开关控制和单神经元ADRC控制器引入多模态控制策略,设计控制器,并对集装箱实船模型进行仿真验证,结果表明多模态控制器的有效性。

    Switch control and single neural ADRC controllers into multi-modal control strategies , design the controller , and the simulation show that the effectiveness of the multi-modal controller .

  5. 模拟了wigley船模型的规则波绕射问题。

    Finally , a wigley model is introduced to replace the vertical circular cylinder in the regular wave diffraction problems .

  6. 集装箱班轮航线配船模型的优化研究

    Optimization Research about Fleet Deployment Model for Liners Container Marine Lines

  7. 大明和西蒙做了一个中国太空船模型。

    Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship .

  8. 班轮航线配船模型的分析与改进

    Analysis and improvement on the vessel allocation model of liner service

  9. 内河货运航线配船模型与算法

    A Civil river Shipment Seaway Ship Assignment Model and Its Algorithm

  10. 带首鳍的侧壁式气垫船模型试验探讨

    The model experimental exploration of sidewall type surface effect ship & bow fins

  11. 双体水翼船模型试验研究

    An Experimental Research for Hydrofoil Catamaran Model

  12. 船体结构有限元计算方法分为两种,舱段模型有限元分析方法和全船模型有限元分析方法。

    There are two methods of the FEA of ship structure , the part-cabin FEA and the whole ship structure FEA .

  13. 该选船模型应用10年以来,极大地促进了亚太地区港口国监督工作的发展。

    The Ships Targeting System has greatly promoted the development of port State control in the region in the last ten years .

  14. 三体船模型横摇试验包括静水中的自由横摇衰减试验、规则波中的零速横摇试验。

    Free decay experiments were conducted in calm water at various model speeds and roll experiments in transverse regular waves at zero speed .

  15. 选取3条主要的国际航线,分别是上海-美国、上海-欧洲、上海-日本,建立单航线单船模型,用黄金分割法进行船型优选。

    Based on the prediction of the port 's TEU throughput , a single ship optimizing model was set up on three major international routes , which are the routes from Shanghai to west USA , to North Europe and to Japan .

  16. 其正确分析与否,主要取决于正确的波浪载荷的计算、工况的确定、整船模型的正确建立、边界条件的给出以及科学而合理的结构应力的分析。

    Whether the subject is analyzed correctly or not depends on the right calculation of the loads , the supply of proper load cases , the construction of the whole model of the fleet , the appropriate giving of boundary conditions and scientific and reasonable analysis of structure stresses .

  17. 在分析双尾鳍船型尾部伴流场的基础上,采用补偿导流技术对西江3000t级江海直达集装箱船进行模型试验与研究。

    By analyzing the incidental flow of the twin tail fin ship , a model test on the compensating duct used on the 3 000 t river sea container ship on the Xijiang River is studied .

  18. 基于层次分析法的多船避碰模型

    A Model of Multi-Ship Collision Avoidance Based on the AHP Method

  19. 或是你可以买飞机和船的模型让他们组合。

    Or you can buy them model planes and ships to build .

  20. 他用零碎木料做了一只船的模型。

    He modelled a ship out of bits of wood .

  21. 韩佳,这里怎么摆着这么多船的模型啊?

    Han Jia , why there are so many boat models placed here ?

  22. 氮化硼固相转变的船形模型

    On the boat deformation in BN diffusionless phase transition

  23. 他喜欢做一些船的模型。

    He likes to make some model ships .

  24. 一艘装有回转导管工作船的模型操纵性试验

    The manoeuvring test of model of a cable laying vessel fitted with Kort nozzle rudder

  25. 本文主要深入研究并设计了监控系统的绞吸式挖泥船实物模型。

    The cutter suction dredger practicality model of the monitoring system is studied and designed in depth in this paper .

  26. 耙吸挖泥船的模型试验研究及其实船性能预报对船型设计有重要意义。

    Model testing and full scale performance prediction on trailing suction hopper dredger is very important for ship lines design .

  27. 三体船阻力模型试验经实船航行试验证明,所开发的船型阻力性能优良。

    The sailing experiment of the real ship has testified that the resistance feature of the developed ship type is advanced .

  28. 你能准备一些装在1个帆英语情景会话船的模型上的活虾、蟹、贝类之类的东西吗?

    Can you prepare some fresh crabs , shrimps , shellfish and such things served on a model sailing-ship on each table ?

  29. 在耐波性水池中对顶推船组模型进行了三次试验。

    Three experiments on the models of a pusher barge train were carried out under various wave conditions in the experiment tank .

  30. 相信在不远的将来,实船数学模型甚至物理模型与虚拟现实环境的结合必将应用于船员的培训中。

    The intergration of mathematical model or physical model with the virtual environment will be used in the training of the crew in future .