
chòu yòu
  • skunk;mephitine
臭鼬[chòu yòu]
  1. 受到攻击时臭鼬会发出一种难闻的气味。

    The skunk gives off an unpleasant smell when attacked .

  2. 他还添加了一些英语词典中没有的美国单词,比如臭鼬和南瓜。

    He also added American words that weren 't in English dictionaries like skunk and squash .

  3. 但不是所有的臭鼬宝宝都会如此幸运。-我们正在下来

    But not all baby skunks are so lucky . - We 're coming down .

  4. 5臭鼬坐在树墩上,臭鼬认为树墩臭,树墩认为臭鼬臭。

    A skunk4 sat on a stump5 . The skunk thought the stump stunk6 , and the stump thought the skunk stunk .

  5. 你认为他诚实而坦率&他(实际上)狡猾得像只臭鼬(乔治w凯布尔)。

    You think he 's open and blunt-he 's as sly as a mink ( George W. Cable ) .

  6. 在记者采访时,孩子们正在做Khan学院的网上练习,随后他们玩起了“臭鼬”游戏,这个游戏包含了概率的原理。

    When this correspondent visited , they practised on KhanAcademy but then played SKUNK , a game involving probability .

  7. 词典中也收录了一些美国独有的新词汇,如skunk(臭鼬),opossum(负鼠),hickory(山核桃),squash(南瓜)和chowder(杂烩)。

    It also documented new words that were uniquely American such as skunk , opossum , hickory , squash and chowder .

  8. 根据历史学家的记录,公元前373年,希腊海利斯城(Helice)发生大地震前,有很多老鼠、蛇和臭鼬纷纷迁出城。

    In373 B.C. , historians recorded that rats , snakes and weasels abandoned the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a quake devastated the city .

  9. 苗条的天鹅和纤细的臭鼬在滑滑的黏泥上游泳。

    Slim swans and slender skunks swim in the slippery slime .

  10. 就像那只法国臭鼬对母猫做的那样。

    Just like that French skunk does with the girl cat .

  11. 我们曾经称他“臭鼬鼠菲立斯”

    We used to call him " ferris the ferret . "

  12. 一只臭鼬可以释放毒液击退捕食者,

    A skunk can spray a noxious liquid that will repel predators ,

  13. 律师尸体是臭鼬尸体之前的刹车痕。

    There are skid marks in front of the skunk .

  14. 异曲同工&对臭鼬工作法和波音777工程两种并行工程道路的评述

    From Shunk Works to Boeing 777 , Different Approaches to Concurrent Engineering

  15. 我只要一看到臭鼬就会逃之夭夭。

    Anytime I see a skunk I just run away .

  16. 昨天臭鼬在我们院子里弄得好臭。

    A stunk made a bad smell in our yard last night .

  17. 青草绿树蟾蜍青苔臭鼬死臭鼬池塘泥土山羊

    Grass tree toad moss skunk dead skunk pond mud goat

  18. 荷兰涂料交叉与著名的超级臭鼬。

    Dutch Dope crossed with our famous Super Skunk .

  19. 这只甜美的小臭鼬从不发臭。

    This sweet smelling skunk never raises a stink .

  20. 他保证用这种方法可以去除臭鼬的味道。

    He promised it would remove the skunk smell .

  21. 你有没有看到灌木丛里的臭鼬?

    Have you seen the skunk in the bush ?

  22. 臭鼬是温顺的小动物,黑白色的皮毛魅力无穷。

    Skunks are small , gentle animals with attractive black and white coats .

  23. 他睁开眼睛看到四只臭鼬。

    He opened his eyes and saw four skunks .

  24. 它们任何时候都会对臭鼬尿液提取物感兴趣。

    They 'll take skunk urine extract any day .

  25. 让我们用心想想不起眼的、常被遗忘的臭鼬吧。

    Let us spare a thought for the lowly and often forgotten skunk .

  26. 她把臭鼬也抱在怀里吗?

    Did she also take the skunkto her bosom ?

  27. 像臭鼬被另一只臭鼬喷了臭气似地。

    It 's like a skunk skunked a skunk .

  28. 你不尊重我的奶奶,她被埋在那件臭鼬屁股毛的毛毯里。

    You disrespected my grandmama , who I buried in that skunkbutt rug .

  29. 欧洲臭鼬的家养变种,用于捕鼠和兔子。

    Domesticated albino variety of the European polecat bred for hunting rats and rabbits .

  30. 小王子就和小兔子和小臭鼬玩吖?

    Does the young prince play with the Wittle Bunny and the Wittle skunk ?