
zì yóu zī běn zhǔ yì
  • laissez-faire capitalism;non-monopoly capitalism
  1. 英国维多利亚时期(1837-1901年)是自由资本主义的鼎盛时期。

    The British Victoria time ( 1837-1901 ) is the non-monopoly capitalism prosperous time .

  2. 而此时的西方列强已开始由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义,即帝国主义过渡。

    And the Western imperialist powers at this moment had already begun transition from non-monopoly capitalism to monopoly capitalism , namely , imperialism .

  3. 弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(FriedrichWilhelmNietzsche,公元1844&1900年)是德国由自由资本主义向帝国主义过渡时期最敏锐地反映资产阶级要求的哲学家和政治思想家。

    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche ( 1844-1900 ) is a philosopher and political thinker who can keenly reflect the bourgeois demands during the period of transition from capitalism to imperialism .

  4. 法国知识分子讨论哈里是否灌输自由资本主义思想给孩子们。

    French intellectuals debate whether the stories indoctrinate kids into free-market capitalism .

  5. 美国内战之后,自由资本主义得到迅速的发展,并完成了向垄断阶段的过渡。

    After the American Civil War , Laissez-faire capitalism developed rapidly to monopoly capitalism .

  6. 一方面,资本主义由自由资本主义阶段向垄断资本主义阶段过渡;

    On the one hand , capitalism transited from liberal capitalism to monopoly capitalism .

  7. 有华盛顿共识之称的自由资本主义神圣原则被撕成了碎片。

    The sacred text of liberal capitalism known as the Washington consensus was shredded .

  8. 全球化进程从19世纪下半叶,即自由资本主义发展到垄断资本主义时代就开始了。

    The globalization process has been going on when free capitalism developed monopoly capitalism .

  9. 商业和投资银行在新自由资本主义下发展新改革方案使利益最大化。

    Commercial and investment banks developed new innovations to maximize profits under new liberal capitalism .

  10. 在自由资本主义时期,公民对其财产拥有占有、使用、收益、处分的极大自由,是一项神圣不可侵犯的权利。

    In Free capitalist era , citizens have absolute right to posses and dispose their property .

  11. 杜威处于美国由自由资本主义走向垄断资本主义时期的时代。

    Dewey lived in an epoch when the American liberal capitalism was going toward the monopolist capitalism .

  12. 直到最近,美国自由资本主义蒙受的耻辱还是人们谈论的焦点。

    Until quite recently , the talk was about the humbling of America 's laisser faire capitalism .

  13. 马克思恩格斯在自由资本主义时代对未来社会提出了计划经济的构想。

    Marx and Engels in a free capitalist era of the planned economy of the future community vision .

  14. 至于西方的自由资本主义模式,很难说它目前的状态上佳。

    As for the western model of liberal capitalism , well , it is hardly in great shape .

  15. 尽管如此,俄罗斯拥有的这种武器,使其在奉行自由资本主义的全球经济体制中,成为一个有些尴尬的参与者。

    Nevertheless , its possession of this weapon makes it a potentially awkward participant in the liberal-capitalist global economy .

  16. 旧中产阶级是自由资本主义生产关系的代表。

    With the rising of monopoly capital and the establishment of welfare state , American old middle class declined .

  17. 大陆法系的缔约过失兴起于自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡的时期。

    " Culpa in contrahendo " in civil law system started in the transition from freedom capitalism to monopoly capitalism .

  18. 尽管人们进行了种种志向高远的讨论,试图遏制自由资本主义的过度行为,但市场仍然是主宰。

    For all the grandiose talk of curbing the excesses of laisser faire capitalism , the markets remain the masters .

  19. 邓肯·肯尼迪曾把法学院传统的第一年的课程形象描述为基本上是教19世纪后期自由资本主义的一些基本原则。

    Duncan Kennedy has described the traditional first-year curriculum as basically teaching the ground rules for late19th century laissez-faire capitalism .

  20. 与马克思所处的自由资本主义社会相比,晚期资本主义社会有了非常大的变化。

    Capitalism has been in late capitalism so far . Compared with laissez-faire capitalism , late capitalism changes a lot .

  21. 处分权从罗马法时代开始,经历了封建社会、自由资本主义社会,最终得到确立;

    From Roman Law to feudal society and free capital society , the right of disposition finally has been established .

  22. 清末的法律近代化是指法律具有自由资本主义时代法律的立法精神与特点。

    The law modernization in the last stage of Qing Dynasty means the legislative spirit and characters in liberal capitalization era .

  23. 直到18、19世纪的资本主义初级阶段即自由资本主义时期,资本主义国家在经济领域形成了完备的自由市场和自由的主体之后,以契约为媒介的市场交易开始成为经济往来的主要形式。

    When an open market has been established , transactions linked by contracts became the main form in the economic intercourses .

  24. 劳动监察和劳动争议仲裁都产生于自由资本主义过渡到垄断资本主义的时代。

    The legal system of labor supervision and labor arbitration bears in the historical period between liberal capitalism and monopoly capitalism .

  25. 到了自由资本主义时期,正如亚当·斯密所讲,国家只是充当了一个守夜人的作用,经济的发展依赖市场机制这只看不见的手来调节,而财政这只看得见的手未受到重视。

    During the period of free capitalism , just as what Adam Smith said , government acted as a night watchman .

  26. 这一时期英国自由资本主义发展到顶峰,但也显现了许多问题。

    It was an age when the laisser faire capitalism reached its peak in Great Britain and many problems emerged as well .

  27. 各行各业都被一些大的托拉斯公司垄断,致使美国经济结构发生了质变,由自由资本主义过渡到垄断资本主义。

    Most American industries were monopolized by trusts , eventually leading to the change of economic structure from liberal capitalism to monopoly capitalism .

  28. 传统的公司法理念以公司营利为本,以股东利益为重,这是在自由资本主义时期的古典经济学的影响下形成的。

    Traditional legal concept of the company to company profit for the shareholders ' interests in the classical period free capitalist economic impact .

  29. 近代资本主义在其资本原始积累、自由资本主义和垄断资本主义三个发展阶段中,推行了内容不尽相同的殖民政策。

    Modern capitalist pursued the different policies at the three stages of development-capital primitive accumulation , non - monopoly capitalism , and monopoly capitalism .

  30. 15世纪18世纪英国从农业社会过渡到工业社会,19世纪20世纪英国从自由资本主义发展到垄断资本主义。

    15-18 century British transition from an agricultural to an industrial society , 19-20-century England from the free development of capitalism to monopoly capitalism .