
zì shā qǐ tú
  • suicidal attempt
  1. 与不伴人格障碍自杀未遂者比较,伴人格障碍自杀未遂者有较多的既往自杀未遂史和精神科治疗史,自杀意图和自杀企图致死性较低,冲动性较高。

    Compared with ones without personality disorder , attempted suicide had more histories of past attempted suicide and psychiatry treatment , and suicidal idea and lethality of suicidal attempt were lower and impulsiveness was higher .

  2. 雅雷姆卡博士指出,慢性炎症与心脏病、关节炎、II型糖尿病,甚至自杀企图有关。

    Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease , arthritis , Type 2 diabetes and even suicide attempts , Dr. Jaremka noted .

  3. 比如说65%的自杀企图都与酒精有关。

    For instance 65 % of suicide attempts are linked to alcohol .

  4. 4.98%的学生有过自杀企图;

    4.98 % of them had attempted suicide .

  5. 那是阶段性的自杀企图。

    It would be a staged suicide attempt .

  6. 她笨手笨脚的自杀企图。

    Her botched attempt at suicide .

  7. 研究资料都报告说,性别转化前的自杀企图比例为20%以上,男性变女性的自杀企图相对高于女性变男性的。

    Studies generally report a pre-transition suicide attempt rate of20 % or more , with MTFs relatively more likely to attempt suicide than FTMs .

  8. 这些形式的暴力会导致抑郁症、创伤后应激障碍、睡眠困难、进食障碍、情感压力和自杀企图。

    These forms of violence can lead to depression , post-traumatic stress disorder , sleep difficulties , eating disorders , emotional distress and suicide attempts .

  9. 方法:本研究采用配对个案控制设计,配对自杀企图组与对照组具有相同的性别、年龄及居住地区。

    Method : Using a case-matched design matched for gender , age , and living location , 129 pairs of subjects were recruited and assigned into the suicide attempt and control groups .

  10. 他使她的死亡看起来像是自杀,企图以此掩盖自己的罪行。

    He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide .

  11. 现在再来考虑一下富士康(Foxconn)位于深圳制造园区发生的一系列自杀与企图自杀事件,包括iPad在内的许多苹果产品都是在那里组装的。

    But now consider also the wave of suicides and suicide attempts at Foxconn 's manufacturing plant in Shenzhen , southern China , which is where many Apple products , including iPads , are assembled .

  12. 但是,完美的佛陀当下知道瓦库拉要自杀的企图。

    But the Perfect One knew instantly that Vakula was intent upon killing himself .

  13. 小说的结局无疑是根据伦敦早年曾有过自杀的企图所构思的。

    The ending of the novel was no doubt suggested by London 's earlier attempt at suicide .

  14. 但在现实中,她是一个务实的政界人士,无意做出政治自杀的企图,比如拆毁福利制度的支柱。

    In reality , however , she was a pragmatic politician who showed little interest in embarking on politically suicidal attempts to demolish pillars of the welfare state .

  15. 这包括自杀念头和企图、精神痛苦以及疼痛、眩晕和阴道分泌物等身体症状。

    This includes suicidal thoughts and attempts , mental distress , and physical symptoms like pain , dizziness and vaginal discharge .

  16. 结果:混合组年龄稍低,多见于女性和独身者,性格多为外向型或中间型,首次发作多为抑郁,多伴有精神病性症状及自杀意念和企图。

    Results : Some features in mixed group were as following : more female , more celibate , more extroversion or intermedius type , more depressive episodes of onset , more with psychotic symptoms , more with suicidal ideation or attempts .

  17. 我发现,恋爱关系越偏离女孩的想象,她们患严重抑郁症的风险、自杀的想法和企图就会增加。该研究的作者、新墨西哥大学的社会学助理教授布瑞恩索勒博士说道。

    I found that girls risk of severe depression , thoughts of suicide , and suicide attempt increase the more their relationships diverge from what they imagined , said the studys author Brian Soller , Ph.D. , an assistant professor of sociology at the University of New Mexico .

  18. 周四又有一名鸿海工人企图自杀,这是今年以来龙华工厂第13个自杀或企图自杀的员工。

    Another Hon Hai worker tried to kill himself Thursday , becoming the13th person to commit suicide or attempt to do so this year at the Longhau complex .