
zì xiū
  • Self study;study independently;have self-study;teach oneself;cultivate oneself;review one's lessons by oneself;study by oneself
自修 [zì xiū]
  • (1) [study by oneself;have self-study]∶自习

  • (2) [study independently;teach oneself]∶自学

  • 自修法语

  • (3) [cultivate oneself]∶自我修养

自修[zì xiū]
  1. 手册里满是有关自修课程的行话术语。

    The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses .

  2. 展会召开得非常及时,因为“自修”艺术正在广泛流行。

    The exhibition is timely , since ' self-taught ' art is catching on in a big way .

  3. 论文提出了一种基于不动点定理和Quine的建立自修复式程序的算法。

    This paper presents an algorithm based on fixed-point theorem and Quine .

  4. 笔者和同事在多年教学与研究的基础上利用现代多媒体技术试图开发出特别针对公外学生的语音语调自学课件,用于CAI自修室和空中英语课堂,以促进公共英语的语音教学。

    The author and her colleagues have managed to make an English Pronunciation & Intonation Courseware that specially targets to non-English majors in order to promote their English study .

  5. Quine和自修复式程序生成算法研究与实现

    Quine and Self-recovering Program Generating Algorithm

  6. 胚胎电子系统借鉴了生物生长及修复机制,具有自生长、自检测、自修复且重构机制简单等特点,是近年基于EHW容错的研究热点。

    Embryonics system is a self-repair and fault-tolerant system based on the mechanism of multi-core embryo development . It has the characteristics of self-grow , self-detection , self-repair and simple reconfigurable mechanism , and has become the research focus of Evolvable Hardware in the recent years .

  7. 磨损自修复膜具有减小摩擦发热、抑制油温上升的作用:油温温升为15℃,比N46-T202的降低了68.1%。

    In addition , the wear-self-compensation film contributed to relieve the friction-induced heat and restrain the temperature rising of the lubricating oil as well , with the temperature rising of the lubricating oil at 294 N to be 15 ℃, smaller than that of ( N46-T202 ) by 68.1 % .

  8. 1916年入上海复旦大学法文系半工半读,并自修素描。

    In1916 the fudan university in Shanghai in repentance and sketch .

  9. 至于成年犯人,则可以自修生身分参加考试。

    Adult inmates can sit for the examination as private candidates .

  10. 我的父亲正在撰写一本组成的自修室。

    My father was writing a composition in the study room .

  11. 自修&反思师资培训模式探索

    Self-cultivation Self-examination Exploration on the Mode of Teachers ' Training

  12. 金属磨损自修复剂是实现自修复技术的核心。

    The reconditioner package is the core of auto-reconditioning technology .

  13. 不同照度下萤光灯在两节自修课中对学生视觉功能的影响

    Illuminating Effects of Luminescent Lamps on Visual Acuity of Students during Self-study

  14. 不同工况对金属磨损自修复层形成的影响

    Influence of Different Conditions on the Formation of Reconditioned Layer

  15. 本局将于2013年为自修生举行最后一届高考。

    The last HKALE will be held in2013 , for private candidates only .

  16. 今天微笑着走进教室,晚自修出奇的安静。

    I enter in my classroom with smile , for the special quietness .

  17. 自修大型工程船舶项目研究

    PROJECT The Study of Repairing Large-scale Engineering Ships Independently

  18. 他将教授伦理学并代替我管理自修室。

    He 'll teach ethics and supervise the study hall instead of me .

  19. 这男孩工作之后在晚上还得自修。

    The boy had to educate himself in the evening after finishing his work .

  20. 大家可以从两者学习,然后择一供个人自修。

    People can learn from both , and then choose one for personal practice .

  21. 修葺及支出方面的免税额成绩好的学生免上自修课。

    Allowance for repairs and outgoings Good students are exempted from attending study hall .

  22. 我的父亲是一个自修的曼陀林球员。

    My father was a self-taught mandolin player .

  23. 犯人如有兴趣,也可攻读自修课程及遥距学习课程。

    Self-study packages and distance learning courses are also available for those who are interested .

  24. 不,我船不能自修损坏处。

    No , I cannot repair damage .

  25. 从思贤讲舍到湖南自修大学

    From Sixian Academy to Hunan Self-Study College

  26. 研究了直接自修复律的参数选取问题;

    The problem of parameter selection in direct self - repairing law is also discussed .

  27. 虽然主要自修,凯文有强的背景在建筑学,起草和设计。

    Although largely self-taught , Kevin has a strong background in architecture , drafting and design .

  28. 晚上,我拼命地学习,为艾丝黛拉而自修。

    In the evenings I studied as hard as I could , educating my-self for Estella .

  29. 汤姆有自修的能力。

    Tom has capacity for selflearning .

  30. 使学生具有基础科技英文阅读、撰写及自修能力。

    Let the students equip for technical English with the fundamental reading , writing and self-learning ability .