
yāo bāo
  • pocket;purse;wallet;bumbag
腰包 [yāo bāo]
  • [pocket;purse] 腰间所带的钱包;亦指私囊

  • 大量公款都落于他的腰包

腰包[yāo bāo]
  1. 他在掏腰包买知名度。

    He 's loosening his purse strings to gain more popularity .

  2. 你总得估摸着我们雀起镇百姓的腰包,出个能让人接受的价钱啊!

    You 'll need to fix your prices closer to the size of a Lark Rise purse .

  3. 这一次掏腰包的又得是纳税人。

    Once again it will be the taxpayer who has to foot the bill .

  4. 折扣的大部分进了零售商的腰包,而顾客没有得到实惠。

    Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers .

  5. 但如果人们确切知道自己的钱会用于做善事,他们就可能更愿意掏腰包。

    But the likelihood is that people would be willing to pay if they were certain that their money was going to a good cause

  6. 租房子只会鼓了房东的腰包,自己投资买房要合算得多。

    Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords . It 's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own

  7. 那个警察接受贿赂肥了自己的腰包。

    The policeman lined his pockets by taking bribes .

  8. 他把一半利润放进了自己的腰包。

    He pocketed half the profits .

  9. 他得为这扇窗户掏腰包,是他打破窗户的。

    He has to dig down for the window , for he broke it .

  10. 自己不花一个钱,全由雇主掏腰包,这样的旅行可真妙!

    It 's nice to travel with expenses paid by your employers , at no cost to yourself !

  11. 参与者必须自掏腰包来支付各种服务费用,而这会使他们重新考虑一项昂贵或多余的检查是否值当。

    Enrollees would have to pay more money for many services out of their own pockets , and that would encourage them to think twice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it .

  12. 这意味着你的钱没有花给大型国际公司,而是流到了当地人的腰包里。

    This means that your money will go to local people , rather than to a large international company .

  13. 我们不得不“掏光腰包”,才够付新车的定金。

    We had to dig deep to find enough money to pay a deposit for our new car .

  14. “盐爹”是“糖爹”的反义词,“盐爹”也想成为“糖爹”,但是无奈腰包太瘪。

    Saltdaddy is the complete opposite of a sugardaddy , one who tries , but is broke and fronting .

  15. 虽然环境保护主义者们对此感到高兴,但一些业界人士担心其价格费用,因为商户可能会被要求为安装和运行押金退还项目掏腰包。

    Environmentalists are delighted but some industry figures may be worried about the price tag because business could be asked to pick up the bill for installing and running the deposit return scheme .

  16. Tip:为了确保安全,将你的护照、银行卡和现金放在衣服里面的腰包里。

    Wear a money belt inside your clothes to keep your passport , cards and money supply safe .

  17. 敢不敢提fannypack(腰包)啊?

    Dare I even mention the fanny pack ?

  18. 5.ultimatelyad.归根结底,最终他们创造的价值最后全进了他们老板的腰包。

    Every value they created ultimately redounded to his boss .

  19. 但是JesusMiranda说,这些钱不是进入自己腰包,但是他拒绝给出详细信息。

    But Jesus Miranda says that money won 't go to him but he would not give specifics .

  20. 电子艺界还能通过销售虚拟货币和虚拟物品获利,例如《模拟人生Facebook版》的重度玩家就会乐意为此掏腰包。

    EA also makes money from games such as Sims social when heavy users buy virtual currency and other items for their games .

  21. 一个香奈尔(Chanel)的手提包握在手,就能说明你的腰包有多鼓,当然最终也成为一种经济地位的象征。

    Carrying a chanel bag suggests you have a fat wallet inside , which is the ultimate status symbol .

  22. 外界正要求中国为IMF提供更多资金,中国也想确保,它不是在为一个过时的机构掏腰包。

    China , which is being asked to stump up more money for the IMF , would also like to ensure that it is not bankrolling a has-been institution .

  23. 我之所以会在Richard的电子邮件列表上,是因为我听说有一个搞计算机编程的自掏腰包,为天体爱好者新成员们安排了一场到佛罗里达和加勒比海游玩的活动(译注:于是报名参加晚宴先来了解一下)。

    I was expecting beach . I was on Richard 's email list because I 'd heard that a computer programmer arranges all-expense-paid trips to Florida and the Caribbean for nudist rookies .

  24. 迈克尔•戴尔自掏腰包买了约1000本《长寿生活简明指南》,分发给戴尔公司的高管们、其资产管理公司MSDCapital及其家族基金会的员工。

    Michael Dell personally purchased about 1,000 copies of the book for executives at Dell , as well as for employees at MSD capital , his wealth management firm , and his family foundation .

  25. 高的大的胸袋&这个设计是为了不用LBE和腰包。

    Hi-rise large main chest pockets – Designed for LBE and pack waist belt clearance .

  26. 卡梅隆的“深海挑战者”(DeepseaChallenger)号深潜器价值大约1亿美元,其中很多都是卡梅隆自掏腰包。

    Cameron 's submersible , the Deepsea Challenger , is valued at around $ 100 million , much of which Cameron paid for out-of-pocket .

  27. 象安哥(Encore)这样的公司从银行和信用卡发卡机构以几美分的价格买进一美元的坏账,然后把收来的现金装入自己腰包。

    Companies like Encore buy bad loans from banks and credit card issuers for pennies on the dollar and pocket the cash they collect .

  28. ShaiReshef额外支付200万的花费,这些钱来自自己的腰包或者募捐。

    Mr Reshef pays for incidental expenses with $ 2m of his own money and donations .

  29. 弗鲁曼说,在欧洲五大联赛,球队70%以上的收入都流进了球员的腰包;而在NFL,这个比例还不到50%。

    Players receive over 70 % of team revenues in the top five European soccer leagues , says Vrooman , compared to less than half in the NFL .

  30. IFYOU'RECURVY如果你有曲线美红毯上的新血液伊丽莎白·奥尔森已经是个时尚专家了,她用一条收腰包肩的裙子强调自己的女人味。

    Red carpet newcomer Elizabeth Olsen is already a fashion pro , highlighting her feminine curves with a dress that has both a waist - slimming belt and full shoulders .