
  • 网络United daily news;United Daily;Daily Union
  1. 在接受台湾本地报纸《联合日报》(uniteddailynews)采访时,施颜祥表示,他对于允许半导体企业在大陆寻求机会持开放态度。

    In an interview with the United Daily News , a local newspaper , Mr Shih said he was open to the idea of allowing semiconductor companies to pursue opportunities in China .

  2. 据联合日报报道,周杰伦说等他冷静下来,他会在网上分享自己的消息。

    Chou said he would share his news online later , when he is calmer , reported United Daily News .

  3. 台湾联合日报的受访者中,61%的人认为马英九是清白和诚实的,比去年11月上升了至少5个百分点。

    Sixty-one percent of those surveyed by taiwan 's daily news believe Ma is clean and honest , up at least five percentage points from last november .

  4. 联合日报称,随着缠绕着昆凌的流言接踵而至的是21岁的她剖腹提早诞下一名婴儿的证实消息。

    The confirmation came after rumours went round that Quinlivan , 21 , had given birth to a preterm baby by caesarean , said United Daily News 。

  5. 这些研究对于联合日报社树立危机意识,做大做强自己的细分市场,抓住新媒体时代的机遇提供了有益的借鉴。

    By learning from these research , Union Daily Press can set up crisis consciousness , make its classified market stronger , gain opportunities in the era of new media .