
  • 网络professional association
  1. 出席一些职业协会帮助更大,因为你会遇到和你身处同一领域的人。

    Attending professional association meetings can be even more beneficial , since you 'll meet people who are working in your field .

  2. 基于我国行业协会的具体情况以及我国《反垄断法》的宗旨,《反垄断法》规制下的行业协会范围应当包括工商行业协会、职业协会以及商会等。

    Based on the specific conditions of domestic industry associations and the purpose of the Chinese Anti-monopoly Law , the range of industry associations regulated by the Anti-monopoly Law shall include commerce industry association , professional association , chamber of commerce and so on .

  3. 据德国表演、电影和电视职业协会(InstituteforActing,FilmandTelevisionProfessionals)的数字,这个行业在2013年创收1.25亿美元。

    The industry generated $ 125 million in 2013 , according to the country 's Institute for Acting , Film and Television Professionals .

  4. 前身为美国国家秘书协会(NationalSecretariesAssociation)的美国行政管理职业协会(InternationalAssociationofAdministrativeProfessionals,简称IAAP)表示,具备大学文凭是担任高级助理的必要条件。

    According to the US 's International Association of Administrative Professionals , formerly the National Secretaries Association , college degrees are necessary for high-level assistants .

  5. 英国高尔夫职业协会是世界上历史最悠久的pga,也是传统和公正的代名词。

    The British Professional Golfers Association is the oldest PGA in the world and is synonymous with tradition and integrity .

  6. 你认为哪些行业组织和职业协会最有用?

    Which trade or professional associations have you found most useful ?

  7. 在业内博得一些名气,比如通过公开演讲、为行业刊物或被广泛阅读的博客撰稿,或者积极参加职业协会等,都可以帮助你吸引高层的注意。而他们决定着你能否得到升职。

    Making a name for yourself in your industry through public speaking , writing for the trade press , or a widely-read blog , or being active in professional associations can get you noticed by higher-ups who are in a position to promote you .

  8. 虽然美国职业篮球协会(NationalBasketballAssociation)的板凳球员每年能挣到逾50万美元,但职业游戏玩家却拿不到这么多。

    While even bench warmers in the National Basketball Association make more than $ 500,000 a year , the same is not true of professional gamers .

  9. 我听说,美国职业高尔夫协会(pga)的代表已经参观过海南观澜湖。

    Professional golf association representatives , I was told , have toured Mission Hills Hainan .

  10. 按照职业猎人协会(ProfessionalHuntersAssociation)公布的数据,在这些国家中,南非的狩猎行业规模最大,估计产值在6.75亿美元左右。

    Of those , South Africa 's hunting industry is the biggest , estimated to be worth around $ 675 million , according to the Professional Hunters Association .

  11. 大多数回应都比较正面,但仍有一些负面批评,其中就包括来自职业钻孔协会(APP)的指责性言论。

    The initiative has drawn mostly positive feedback , but there are some negative comments , including criticism from the Association of Professional Piercers .

  12. 但是1996年,这项运动首次被带到了室内进行——在第一次入选奥运会之后,它开始蓬勃发展。DonaldSun是排球职业发展协会的一员。

    But in 1996 the sport was beamed into people 's living rooms for the first time - and after that first Olympics it started to Donald Sun is from the Association of Volleyball Professionals .

  13. 维尔贝克和英格兰新一代让GordonTaylor乐开了花,他从职业球员协会在曼彻斯特的办公室看了三一学校的训练课。

    Welbeck and England 's new breed bring a smile to the face of Gordon Taylor , who had popped out from the Professional Footballers'Association 's Manchester office to watch events at Trinity .

  14. 由于一名手无寸铁的黑人男子被警方枪击引发愤怒,8月26日,密尔沃基雄鹿队发起了一场史无前例的抵制美国职业篮球协会(NBA)季后赛的活动,导致联盟的三场比赛被迫推迟。

    The Milwaukee Bucks staged an unprecedented boycott of the NBA playoffs on Wednesday , forcing the league to postpone three games following outrage over the latest shooting of an unarmed black man by US police .

  15. 冯珊珊对女子职业高尔夫球协会(LPGA)说,就她自己而言,她希望能像网球冠军李娜那样,以自己的成功鼓舞中国年轻的高尔夫运动员。

    For her part , Feng told the LPGA she hopes that her success can help to inspire young golfers in Chinathe way tennis champion Li Na has .

  16. NOSA综合五星管理系统是由南非国家职业安全协会创建的一套综合的安全、健康、环保管理系统。

    The NOSA integrated five star system is a systematic framework for the management of safety , health and the environment in an integrated manner established by NOSA in South Africa .

  17. SCDA中文名为学生职业发展协会,工作宗旨是帮助大学生树立正确的职业价值观,培养良好的就业意识,建立完善的职业发展规范,同时提高学生的择业综合能力。

    The aim of SCDA is to help undergraduates to establish occupational values , to train their awareness of employment , to build career development norms , and to improve career comprehensive capacity .

  18. 作为内容最为广泛的一项新研究,来自耶鲁大学的计算生物学家古尔·雅里(GurYaari)与他的同事收集到了NBA某个完整赛季的所有罚球数据以及5万场职业保龄球协会比赛的比赛数据。

    In the most wide-ranging of the new studies , Gur Yaari , a computational biologist at Yale , and his colleagues gathered enormous amounts of data about an entire season 's worth of free throw shooting in the N.B.A. and 50000 games bowled in the Professional Bowlers Association .

  19. 建立甘肃省职业经理人协会网站。

    Establish web site for Gansu Professional Managers Association .

  20. 国际职业潜水员协会国际旅行卫生保健中心工作人员职业危险因素及防护措施

    The Occupational Risk Factors and Protection Measures of the International Travel Healthcare Center Members

  21. 职业高尔夫球协会大满贯赛仅限于四大赛事的冠军参加。

    PGA Grand Slam of Golf is limited to winners of the four majors .

  22. 你参加职业竞争力协会的原因?

    Why do you apply for ACC membership ?

  23. 世界旅游职业训练协会

    World Association for Professional Training in Tourism

  24. 这位俄罗斯天才少女从美国选手达文波特手中抢过了世界女子职业网球协会头号女单的宝座。

    The Russian teen had taken over the WTA Tour 's No.1 ranking from Lindsay Davenport .

  25. 亨特至少得到了职业足球协会首席执行官泰勒的安慰。

    Hunt could at least draw comfort from Gordon Taylor , the chief executive of the Professional Footballers'Association .

  26. 世界女子职业网球协会从1975年开始用电脑计算选手排位,莎拉波娃是世界上第15位、也是俄罗斯历史上第一位登上女单头号宝座的选手。

    Sharapova is the15th player and the first Russian to be No.1 since the tour began its computer rankings in1975 .

  27. 维埃里宣称,在今晚的颁奖中亨利应该获得职业球员协会的最佳球员称号。

    Vieira claimed it would be well deserved if Henry won the PFA 's player of the year award tonight .

  28. 和往常一样,去年她成为美国职业高尔夫球协会锦标赛中最年轻的选手。

    The following year , Michelle competed in the Jennie K.Wilson Invitational , Hawaii . s most respected women . s amateur tournament .

  29. 美国职业篮球协会正在调查可能是洛杉矶快船队老板唐纳德·斯特林和他混血女友在对话时使用了种族言论的录音。

    The NBA is investigating a recording supposedly of Los Angeles ' Clippers ' owner Donald Sterling making a racist comment to his mixed-race girlfriend .

  30. 你晒完了日光浴和潜水之后,戴上花环环视周围,你会发现这里有历史小镇和职业高尔夫协会青睐的高尔夫球场。

    After you finish sunbathing and snorkeling , put on your flowery lei and explore the surrounding area , which includes the historic town of Lahaina and PGA-worthy golf courses .