
  • 网络Career Center;Career Centre;job centre;job center
  1. GOG职业中心致力于协助机构建立工程和技术资源。

    GOG career center is dedicated to assisting organizations in building their engineering and technical resources .

  2. 去当地的职业中心,了解一下职业中心必须得提供怎样的职业人。

    Go to your local career center and see what they have to offer .

  3. 波士顿东北大学(northeasternuniversity)mba职业中心主管林恩萨丽卡斯(lynnesarikas)表示,在金融服务业工作的校友拥有“一套技能,使得他们非常容易转入企业金融、咨询和风险投资业”。

    Lynne sarikas , director of the MBA Career Centre at Northeastern University in Boston , says alumni working in financial services have a " skill set that is eminently transferable to corporate finance , consulting and venture capital " .

  4. 伦敦政治经济学院职业中心主管菲奥娜•桑德福德(FionaSandford)对此表示同意:我的确认为许多[投行业]人士正在每个国家锁定一所他们心目中的顶尖院校。

    Fiona Sandford , head of careers at the LSE , agrees : I certainly think a lot of [ banking ] people are identifying their top school in one country .

  5. 我会写信给职业中心。

    I might write to people in the career office .

  6. 为了寻找替代之路,我来到了一家职业中心,参加了一场职业适宜性测试。

    Seeking an alternative path , I found myself in the careers centre , taking a job suitability test .

  7. 马里兰大学职业中心的主任里克·希尔因说如果大学生有进取心,那么他们中大多数人能找到他们理想的工作。

    At the University of Maryland 's career center , director Rick Hearin says most students can get placed in jobs they want if they are aggressive .

  8. 还说,如果你拖欠了债款,你必须与贷方联系,同时联系纽约大学职业中心寻求帮助。

    Also , they say , Kyra , if you are in default you should contact the lender , of course , and NYU 's Career Center for help .

  9. 这家快递服务供应商还拥有在线招聘工具“职业中心”,员工可以借助这一工具在公司内部寻找新的工作机会,并对自己的职业生涯进行规划。

    The delivery service provider also has an online recruitment tool , Career Hub , which allows employees to track new job opportunities within the company and plan their careers .

  10. 他在职业介绍中心办理了失业登记。

    He has signed on at the job centre

  11. 6.jobcentre职业介绍中心英国的大小城市中有许多职业介绍中心,它们由政府设立,提供就业信息和相关咨询。

    In Britain , there are many job centres set up by the government in towns and cities where people can look for jobs or ask for advice on finding jobs .

  12. 莱斯利·史蒂文森(LeslieStevenson)执掌弗吉尼亚州里士满大学职业发展中心。

    Leslie Stevenson directs the Career Development Center at the University of Richmond in Virginia .

  13. NACE的MimiCollins说,最有效的工具就是学校的职业辅导中心。

    Mimi Collins at NACE says the most tool is a school 's career center .

  14. 复旦管理学院职业发展中心主任黄智颖(GeneHuang)表示:我观察到的现象是,它们(跨国公司)有美国和欧洲的雇员,现在他们希望招聘更多的本土MBA学员。

    My observation is that they [ multinationals ] have US and European employees and now they want to have more local MBAs , says Gene Huang , director of the career development office at Fudan .

  15. 这家商学院mba职业管理中心主任苏珊埃米(susanamey)表示,各个行业对mba都有着强劲的需求。

    Susan Amey , director of the MBA career management centre at the school , says there is strong demand for MBAs in all sectors .

  16. 外面是有工作,但它们都需要更高的技能与教育水平,职业链中心现场主任尼基•伍兹(NickiWoods)表示。

    There are jobs out there but they require higher skill and education levels , said Nicki Woods , site administrator at Career Link .

  17. 纽约哥伦比亚大学(Columbia)职业管理中心副主任、常务主管吉娜•雷斯尼克(GinaResnick)表示,曾经的华尔街就业大户、哥伦比亚商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)就是如此。

    Such is the case at Wall Street specialist Columbia Business School in New York , says Gina Resnick , associate dean and managing director of Columbia 's career management centre .

  18. 但招聘人数已急剧下降哥伦比亚职业管理中心管理负责人吉娜雷斯尼克(GinaResnick)表示。

    But numbers have dropped dramatically , says Gina Resnick , managing director of Columbia 's career management centre .

  19. 哥伦比亚商学院(columbiabusinessschool)副院长兼职业发展中心执行主任吉娜雷斯尼克(ginaresnick)表示,她非常关心今年春天金融服务业招聘的小幅下降会如何影响明年9、10月份学生找工作的情况。

    Gina Resnick , assistant dean and managing director of the career management centre at Columbia Business School , says she is concerned about how the slight decline in financial services recruiting this spring will translate for students looking for jobs in September and October next year .

  20. 哥伦比亚大学商学院的职业管理中心主管吉娜雷斯尼克(GinaResnick)表示,招聘正在减少,存在很大不确定性。该学院有一半的学生通常会从事金融相关工作。

    Gina Resnick , who heads the career management centre at Columbia , where half the students usually go into finance-related jobs , says that recruiting is down and there is a lot of uncertainty .

  21. VicSnyder是华盛顿大学西雅图职业服务中心的高级职业顾问,他建议求职者在和员工随意的交谈中,可以在问他们多久有一次全休假时提出这个问题。

    Vic Snyder , senior career counselor at the University of Washington 's Center for Career Services in Seattle , suggests that in informal conversations with employees , you pair this question with one about how often employees take their full vacations .

  22. 联合国纳米比亚职业训练中心理事会;

    Governing body of the United Nations Vocational Training Centre for namibia ;

  23. 2004年四川成都职业介绍中心。

    Labor exchange centre of Sichuan province , 2004 .

  24. 管理自我诊断是职业培训中心改进工作、促进中心发展的重要环节。

    Management Self-assessment is an effective way of improving work for vocational training centers .

  25. 他在天津职业实训中心考察时发表以上讲话。

    He has made the call while visiting a vocational training center in Tianjin .

  26. 对初中(数学)骨干教师培训课程的探索师专数学教育专业教师职业能力中心教学法实验探析

    The investigation of training curriculum for the core members of junior middle school mathematics teachers

  27. 政府的职业介绍中心和继续培训计划。

    Government job centres and retraining programmes .

  28. 英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士的职业介绍中心会进行更加严格的测试。

    Job centres in England , Scotland and Wales will use the more robust test .

  29. 江宁职业教育中心涉茶专业开发的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Developing the Specialty of Tea in the Jiangning Vocational Education Center

  30. 试办纳米比亚人职业培训中心

    Pilot Vocational Training Centre for Namibians