- 网络nrc;Nuclear Regulatory Commission;U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission;USNRC;US NRC

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko also said America has a strong program to deal with earthquake threats .
In Washington , the White House said two officials from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission were already in Tokyo giving assistance .
Separately , civilian agencies such as Nuclear Regulatory Commission started holding discreet meetings with each other last autumn on cyber issues too .
It wasn 't until a videotape of guards sleeping in a " ready room " at the Peach Bottom plant in south-central Pennsylvania surfaced several months after it got the tip that the NRC announced in September a special investigation .
Gregory jaczko , head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said his organisation believed one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima plant number four had run dry and was emitting " extremely high " radiation levels .
As Peter Bradford , a former member of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission , points out , we have never before seen " the image of a nuclear power plant blowing up before your eyes on television " .
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said the plant 's safety systems are operating as needed .
The cost of permanently shutting down a reactor ranges from US $ 300 million to US $ 400 million .
Last week , the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission acknowledged it should have done more to investigate a tip that security guards routinely took naps while on the job at a Pennsylvania nuclear plant .
Fortunately the pressure vessel housing the core held , and virtually nodangerous radioactive gases escaped from the plant , says J.
But the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , or NRC , which s facilities in the United States , said the tritium leaks fell below the federal safety limits .
In the U.S. , Russ Wilcox , CEO of Cambridge , Mass . - based MSR developer Transatomic Power , implores the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to broaden its focus beyond conventional reactor safety , which he says " freezes progress . "