
  • 网络United States Secretary of War
  1. 1941年5月,美国战争部长亨利史汀生批准了中国方面要求提供三十个师装备的请求,并计划于1942年中期交付。

    In May1941 , Secretary of War Henry Stimson approved a Chinese request for sufficient equipment to outfit thirty infantry divisions , intended for delivery by mid-1942 .

  2. 门罗组建了一个强有力的内阁班子,他任命南方人约翰·卡德威尔·卡尔霍恩为美国战争部长,北方人约翰·昆西·亚当斯为美国国务卿。

    Monroe made strong Cabinet choices , naming a Southerner , John C. Calhoun , as Secretary of War , and a northerner , John Quincy Adams , as Secretary of State .