
  • 网络Demographics of the United States;Population
  1. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)一项新的预测显示,本世纪下半叶,外来移民及其子女在美国人口中的占比将升至创纪录水平,亚裔移民将接棒成为美国人口增长的主要来源。

    The ranks of immigrants and their children will grow to hit a record share of the US population in the second half of this century , new projections show , with Asian immigration taking over as the major source of population growth .

  2. 2010年,拉丁裔占美国人口的16%(据皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)数据),但只占有投票资格选民的10%,因为拉丁裔族群相对年轻,且很多属非法居留。

    Hispanics made up more than 16 per cent of the US population in 2010 ( according to the Pew Research Center ) but only 10 per cent of eligible voters , because of their relative youth and the fact that so many are in the US illegally .

  3. 有6,000万人口的东北部是美国人口最稠密的地区。

    The north-east , with 60 million people , is the most densely populated part of the United States

  4. 由于出生率激增而引起的人口统计学上的急转突变事件(b美国人口统计数据)

    The demographic roller coaster caused by the baby boom ( bAmerican Demographics )

  5. 美国人口统计局(uscensusbureau)数据显示,届时26%的埃及人将超过50岁。

    According to the US Census Bureau , 26 per cent of the population will be over 50 .

  6. 美国人口调查局(TheCensusBureau)最近报告,有15%或4650万美国人生活贫困。

    The Census Bureau recently reported that 15 % of Americans , or 46.5 million people , live in poverty .

  7. 这包括未包括在Medicare项目内的美国人口的95%。Medicare是美国政府为老年人设立的保险项目。

    That is about ninety-five percent of Americans who are not already ed by Medicare , the government insurance program for older people .

  8. 在本文中,我们将开发一个简单的mashup示例,它使用来自美国人口局的数据。

    In this article , we 'll walk through how to make a simple example mashup , which uses data from the US Census Bureau .

  9. 人们还将记住,近期公布的罗姆尼2011年完整税单显示,这位贝恩资本(baincapital)前高管的整体税率,比占美国人口五分之一的最低收入人群还低。

    They will also be remembered for the release of his full 2011 tax return , which showed that the former Bain Capital executive pays a lower overall rate than the poorest fifth of Americans .

  10. 每一年,记者们(包括笔者)都能从美国人口局(CensusBureau)的最新数据中看到,最富有的1%人群所持有的全美财富比例越来越高。

    Every year journalists ( myself included ) would point to the latest census bureau data showing that the top 1 % of earners were taking a bigger and bigger share of the national pie .

  11. 虽然10-65岁的美国人口中使用三星手机的数量超过使用iPhone手机的数量:26%vs.25%,但是在移动游戏方面,苹果比三星更为成功。

    Apple has had more success than Samsung in this arena , despite the fact that a slightly higher share of Americans between ages 10 and 65 use a Samsung phone than an iPhone : 26 % vs. 25 % .

  12. 结论:本研究提供了美国人口卫生保健机构索赔数据库RVO患者心血管和脑血管事件的发生率的数据资料。

    Conclusions This study provides quantitative data on the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular outcomes in patients with RVO in a large US population-based health care claims database .

  13. Yeh说,约翰。霍普金斯的这项研究是糖尿病和癌症交叉研究的一部分,这是美国人口的两大主要死亡原因,关于这部分的交叉研究也日益增多。

    Yeh says the Johns Hopkins study is part of a growing volume of research under way at the intersection of diabetes and cancer , two leading causes of death in the United States .

  14. EarthSky就人口老龄化原因的话题采访了卡尔•霍伯。他是美国人口咨询局的一名人口统计学家,也是华盛顿智囊团的成员。

    EarthSky spoke with Carl Haub , a demographer at the Population Reference Bureau , a Washington D.C. - based think-tank , about why the population is getting older .

  15. 想想这超过了美国人口的两倍

    think about it over twice the population of the United States

  16. 美国人口老龄化对医疗器械市场的影响及启示

    Impact and Enlightenment of Aging of Population on Medical Device Market

  17. 美国人口增长的压力现在开始显现出来,施工人员回应道。

    The pressure from America 's growing population is now showing .

  18. 美国人口在20年间翻了一番,达到8000万

    In 20 years , the U.S. population doubles to 80 million .

  19. 从更大的层面上说,美国人口的老化也在影响这一统计结果。

    The broader ageing of the American population is also affecting the .

  20. 中国人口比美国人口多得多。

    The population of China is much larger than that of America .

  21. 这个数目占到了全体非裔美国人口的七分之一

    one in seven of the entire African-American population of the US .

  22. 即使在美国人口十分稠密的地区还有大片大片的尚未耕种的地带。

    There area vast uncultivated areas even in most populous of the States .

  23. 专业和技术人员是美国人口中流动性最大的。

    Professional and technical populations are among the most mobile of all americans .

  24. 美国人口中

    there will be more people in the United States

  25. 我是超过百分之二美国人口的家园。

    I 'm home to more than two percent of the U.S. population .

  26. 非洲裔美国人占美国人口的12%。

    Afro-Americans account for12 % of the US population .

  27. 岁以下的年轻人几乎占了美国人口的一半。

    Young persons under twenty-five make up nearly half of the American population .

  28. 三年就能飞出一个全美人口。(美国人口3亿)。

    The entire US population could fly through there once every 3 years .

  29. 当代美国人口迁移特征及原因分析

    Characteristics and Cause Analysis of Modern American Migration

  30. 到2060年或者更早的时候,西班牙裔和黑人将会占美国人口的多数。

    By2060 or earlier , Hispanics and blacks will be a majority in America .