
  • 网络Network Supervisor;webmasters
  1. 我相信决不是它们的网络主管。

    I can assure you it was not their Web master .

  2. 在盐湖城附近的希尔空军基地担任计算机网络主管的佐薇-伍德兰曾听到过这个问题。

    Zoe Woodland , a 27-year-old computer network manager at Hill Air Force Base near Salt Lake City , has heard the question before .

  3. 华为还聘请了英国政府的前首席信息官员萨福克(JohnSuffolk)担任全球网络安全主管。

    It also counts John Suffolk , former chief information officer for the U.K. government as its global cybersecurity officer .

  4. 刚刚离职的美国国防部网络政策主管罗伯特布特勒(RobertButler)告诉英国《金融时报》,这就是为何网络是一个由攻方主宰的空间的原因。

    That is why cyber is an offense-dominant space , Robert Butler , just-departed Pentagon cyber policy chief , told the Financial Times .

  5. 以色列国家网络局主管表示,“匿名者”缺乏危害重要基础设施的能力,他们很难造成任何实质的损害。

    The head of the government 's National Cyber Bureau said anonymous lacks the skills to harm vital infrastructure and that hardly any real damage occurred .

  6. 美国国会预算局前主管道格霍尔茨-埃金说:希腊经济遭重创,美国经济没有。霍尔茨-埃金是美国行动网络的主管。

    The Greek economy is broken . The US economy is not broken , said former Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Holtz-Eakin , head of American Action Network .

  7. 网络型企业主管工作研究

    Research on General Management of Network Enterprise

  8. 美国新任网络安全政策主管昨日表示,那些被指窝藏不法电脑黑客的国家本身也是受害者。这似乎表明美国不会针对中国和俄罗斯采取更具对抗性的政策。

    Countries accused of harbouring criminal computer hackers are victims themselves , the new US cyber - security policy chief said yesterday , suggesting that the US would not take a more confrontational tack against China and Russia .

  9. 作为网络公司的年轻主管,他曾一个接一个地换女朋友;直到深深爱上了意气风发的朋友谢莉尔‧桑德伯格(SherylSandberg),他开始年复一年执着地追求她。

    As a young dot-com executive , he had one girlfriend after another , but fell hard for a driven friend named Sheryl Sandberg , pining after her for years .

  10. 二是建立广泛的同事和导师网络,降低对主管经理的依赖。

    The second is to reduce dependence on that manager by developing a broad network , including peers and mentors .