
wǎnɡ ɡé xiàn
  • grid line;gridline
  1. 除可以修改控件内单元格的边框样式以外,还可以修改网格线颜色和控件边框样式。

    You can modify the gridline color and the control border style in addition to the border styles for the cells within the control .

  2. 利用B样条曲线将等高线光栅图矢量化,根据B样条曲线插值公式得到等高线与纵横网格线的交点;

    Transforming raster contour into vector one with B-spline , and getting intersect points of contour and grid line with interpolation method .

  3. 在windows窗体设计器的“选项”对话框中选择“网格线对齐”布局模式。

    Select the snaptogrid layout mode in the Windows Forms Designer Options dialog box .

  4. 绘制水平和垂直轴线后,沿着它们的标签绘制网格线,方法是均匀间隔它们,然后使用相同的moveTo、lineTo和stroke组合来绘制这些直线。

    After drawing both axes , you draw the gridlines along with their labels by evenly spacing them and then drawing the lines using the same combination of moveTo , lineTo , and stroke .

  5. 在带有内嵌对象的表格内不将文字与网格线对齐

    Don 't snap text to grid inside table with Inline objects

  6. 这些沙漠中有颜色的网格线和这有某种联系吗?

    Are these painted grid lines in desert regions somehow related ?

  7. 数据表图中网格线显示外观(三维效果)

    Appearance ( 3d effect ) of grid lines in Datasheet view .

  8. 在数据表视图中,网格线用什么颜色?

    What color are the grid lines in Datasheet view ?

  9. 是否在数据表视图下用网格线显示行及列?

    Columns and rows appear with gridlines in Datasheet view ?

  10. 在表单元格之间显示哪些网格线。

    Which grid lines to display between the table cells .

  11. 这样网格线就形成了正方形网格。

    The grid lines then form a network of squares .

  12. 返回或设置网格线的宽度,单位为像素。

    Returns or sets the width , in Pixels , of the gridlines .

  13. 可通过就地锁定控件,将单个控件与网格线对。

    You can snap individual controls to the grid by locking them in place .

  14. 添加或删除水平(主要数值轴)网格线

    Adds or deletes major value axis gridlines

  15. 仔细的考察显示,这些着色的网格线沿着山脊,并且旁边有巨大的水库。

    Careful examination shows the painted grid lines follow ridges and large reservoir are nearby .

  16. 单元格之间没有网格线。

    None no gridlines between cells .

  17. 最后,我们使用了Y网格线(从左到右)。

    Finally , we asked for Y grid lines ( they go from left to right ) .

  18. 这个例子中,我多次使用了斐波纳契网格线。

    In this example , I used multiple lines on the Phi grid for my final composition .

  19. 该方法能自动地从结构光图象中提取网格线、网格交叉点,并按行列对交叉点进行编号。

    Furthermore , the algorithm labels the grid cross points according to their row and column number .

  20. 接下来,您需要绘制这个图形的其他部分&轴线和网格线。

    Next , you need to draw the other parts of the graph & the axes and grid lines .

  21. 沿着赤道使用维度和经度相当简单,形成的网格线大致也是方形的。

    Using latitude and longitude is easiest along the equator , where the grid lines formed are roughly square .

  22. 用户填写基于表单模板的表单时,这些网格线是隐藏的。

    When users fill out a form that is based on your form template , these gridlines are hidden .

  23. 这个应用程序演示了使用一种面向对象的技术来在一个表面绘制网格线,例如在一个图片框中。

    Application that demos an object-oriented technique of drawing grid lines on a surface such as a picture box .

  24. 这是一个窗体,实现了一个英式足球运动场,你能在上面随意移动,仅使用了一个网格线控件。

    A form that implements a soccer field you can move around in and a grid using line controls only .

  25. 采用流线作为一族网格线可使网格线的分布更为合理,并使差分格式大大简化。

    The use of streamlines as gridlines makes the distributions of gridlines more resonable ; it also greatly simplifies the finite difference scheme .

  26. 本文讨论了等值线与网格线交点的追踪和计算方法。

    In this paper , the tracing and the calculation method of the point of intersection of isopleth and net line are developed .

  27. 如果要在设计模式中隐藏网格线,可以单击“表格”菜单上的“隐藏网格线”将其关闭。

    If you prefer to hide the gridlines in design mode , you can turn them off by clicking hide gridlines on the table menu .

  28. 采用百分表、网格线和数码相机,对模型的变形和位移进行监测和记录。

    Dial gauges , gridding lines and digital camera were used to monitor quantitatively and write down qualitatively the deformations and displacements of the models .

  29. 预览报表时单击鼠标右键选中多页,然后单击并拖动网格线,可以改变预览页数。

    Right-click while previewing a report , click Multiple Pages , and then click and drag the grid to increase or decrease the number of pages to preview .

  30. 本文提出了一种分布在空间曲面上的三维等值线的生成算法.该法首先用双参数曲面插值法来拟合所需曲面,曲面以双参数网格线表示,网格线的交点形成网格点阵;

    A kind of algorithm is presented for the generation of three-dimensional contours that represent the variation of a physical quantity distributed on the surface of a body .