
  • mesh belt drier
  1. 网带式干燥机网带调偏装置的改进

    An Improvement to the Adjustment Excursion set of Net-belt Dryer

  2. 网带式干燥机是人造板生产的必需设备,其网带跑偏一直是困扰使用厂家的一个难题。

    A net-belt dryer is an essential equipment for wood-based panel manufactures , but the net-belt excursion of which has been a troublesome problem for factories .

  3. 交流变频器在网带式单板干燥机改造中的应用

    Application of AC frequency inverter in the modification of the dryer

  4. DGW-28多层喷气网带式单板干燥机的研制

    Development of poly-layer jet net-belt veneer dryer

  5. 网带喷气式单板干燥机的热能消耗及其节能措施

    Energy consumption and energy saving measures of the veneer wire net dryers