
  1. 烟草产品的香味是人的生理感官对烟草香气和吃味的综合感受,是烟气特有的风格和风味。

    Tobacco aroma is integrated feelings of flavor and taste of physical sense , is the unique style and flavor of cigarette smoke .

  2. 网站的视觉风格是站点的整体形象给浏览者的综合感受,是通过网页上的视觉元素体现出来的。

    The visual genre of a website is the wholesome impression of the website to viewers , represents its general characteristics by the visual elements on the Web pages .

  3. 自我是一个复杂的概念,自我同一性则是依赖于我们经历过的所有不同的自己的综合,可感受为对自身发展的一种强烈的一致性和连续性的主观感觉。

    Self is a complex concept , self - identity depends on the integration about many different selves in the past , self - identity is also the subjective sense of consistency and succession on self development .

  4. UHF的EPCgen2应用的蓬勃发展&日本第八届自动识别综合展览会的新感受

    The Great Development of Applications in UHF EPC Gen2 & New Feeling from 8th AUTO-ID EXPO