
  • 网络integrated learning;comprehensive learning;integrative study;General Studies;Synthetic Learning
  1. 根据小世界特性和BA无标度网络中的择优增长特性,提出一种基于综合学习和智能协同的改进粒子群优化算法(PSO-CLIC)。

    According to the characteristic of small-world networks and the preference of growth characteristic of BA scale-free network , the method for improving algorithm of PSO-CLIC based on comprehensive learning and intelligent cooperation is proposed .

  2. 日本综合学习时间与中国研究性学习的比较研究

    A comparative study of the Japanese comprehensive learning and Chinese research study

  3. 最后一点是关键:施莱歇表示,俄罗斯在考察死记硬背能力的评估中表现出色,在Pisa调查中则不然。而中国在考察死记硬背能力和考察综合学习能力的评估中均表现优异。

    The last point is key : Russia performs well in rote-based assessments , but not in Pisa , says Schleicher , head of the indicators and analysis division at the OECD 's directorate for education .

  4. 剖宫产组出生的早产儿重度窒息率,NRDS、脑出血发生率、病死率均低于阴道分娩组(P005),但综合学习能力比率较高;

    The incidence of severe asphyxiation , NRDS , cerebral hemorrhage and mortality of premature baby of cesarean decreased significantly in comparation with that of vaginal delivery ( P 0 05 ) . Colligation learning ability in cesarean was better than that of vaginal delivery ( P 0 05 ) .

  5. 日本“综合学习”的背景与特点

    On the Backgrounds and Characteristics of " Comprehensive Studies " in Japan

  6. 高中综合学习课程开发的实践研究

    Practice study on integrated curriculum development in high school

  7. 自适应变异综合学习粒子群优化算法

    Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Adaptive Mutation

  8. 当今日本课程改革中,综合学习时间是人们关注的一大热点。

    In Japanese present curriculum reform , people focuses on the comprehensive learning time .

  9. 三是阶段合作学习教学模式对学生综合学习素质的影响。

    The influence which is taken on the students ' overall qualities by this mode .

  10. 该调查强调的是综合学习能力:例如,读写能力测试中就包括推理能力。

    The emphasis is on broad learning : literacy tests involve reasoning , for example .

  11. 知识经济时代要求学习者具有更强的综合学习能力及创新能力。

    In knowledge economy era , students should have more integrated learning ability and innovation capability .

  12. 日本中小学的综合学习时间概述

    A summary of the content of Comprehensive study time in Japan 's elementary and secondary schools

  13. 他认为用于语言学习的交互式多媒体软件的设计方法应该是基于学习者的设计方法,即从学习者的需求出发,综合学习者的情况、学习者的目标而进行设计。

    He thinks that the approach for the design of interactive multimedia language learning software should be a learner based approach .

  14. 例如,蓝莓能提高人体的运动技能和综合学习能力。

    For example , blueberries are well known for their role in improving motor skills as well as your overall learning capacity .

  15. 这一平台上的语文综合学习教学建模,可以分为观察体验模式、活动组织模式、调查分析模式、问题解决模式、研究学习模式。

    Its modals are subcategorised into observing and experiencing , activity and organizing , investigating and analysing , problem-solving and researching and learning .

  16. 随着日本综合学习时间的全面实施,日本国内也出现了针对宽松教育的质疑与批评。

    Along with the comprehensive implementation of " comprehensive study time ", questions and criticism about " relaxed education " also appeared in Japan .

  17. 第二,高职学生通常没有专门的写作课,而是综合学习听、说、读、写等技能。

    Second , vocational students usually do not have English writing classes specially and they learn listening , speaking , reading and writing comprehensively .

  18. 专为忙碌的成功人士设计的多元化综合学习课程,为您提供了更贴心,更有效的英语教育。

    For students with a busy work life , we 've designed a kinder and more effective English education that is varied and comprehensive .

  19. 就“综合学习”的必要性,日本中央教育审议会在第15次会议的报告中指出:“综合学习”是实施国际理解教育、信息教育和环境教育等的需要。

    The necessity of " Comprehensive Studies " is what is pointed out in the report of the15th session of the Japanese Central Educational Discussion .

  20. 日本为了发展学生的“生存能力”,也准备于2002年在全国范围内开设类似的课程&“综合学习时间”。

    The government of Japan also wants to set up similar curriculum - " ComprehensiveStudy Time " in2002 in order to develop students ' " viability " .

  21. 服务学习是一种将学校课程与社区服务、教与学、行动与反思相结合的综合学习活动。

    Service learning is a comprehensive learning activity which combines school curriculum and community service , teaching and learning , as well as action and reflection together .

  22. 综合学习课程的设置对于教育目标、课程内容与学习过程的改革都富有启示。

    The installment of the curriculum of synthetical studying can give references for the reforms on educational goal , the contents of curriculum and the course of studying .

  23. 综合学习强调指导学生进行跨越各学科内容的横向与综合的学习,被认为是培养学生生存能力的重要途径。

    Synthetical studying focuses on guiding students to study synthetically by integrating each subject , which is regarded as an important way to cultivating the ability for existing of students .

  24. 日本基础教育改革中所设置的综合学习时间与当前我国所推行的研究性学习既有相似之处,也各有自身的特点。

    Japan has placed comprehensive study time on its curriculum during the basic educational reforms , which has similar elements with Chinese research-based learning , but both of them have their owns characteristics .

  25. 伍德哈尔称:下一个趋势是综合学习社区',这将吸引那些不喜欢从书本中学习,而是需要和群体在一起才能学习的人们。

    The next trend is the integrated learning community , ' which will attract people who don 't like learning from books but need a community in order to learn , he says .

  26. 通过对这一系列问题的阐述以及对一些较有代表性的实施综合学习时间的学校情况的介绍,概要地展示了日本初中课程改革的新动向。

    The paper reveals the new tendency of the curriculum reform in Japanese junior middle school by analyzing these problems and introducing the situation of carrying out the comprehensive learning time in some schools .

  27. 作为学校教育主阵地的课堂教学成为艺术综合学习探索、研究、实践的主战场,先进的教学理念与理想的课堂教学还要依靠综合性专业教师的实践来完成。

    Classroom teaching is becoming the main battlefield of arts integrated learning 、 research and practice , and the advanced teaching concepts and ideal classroom teaching all depend on the practice of comprehensive professional teachers .

  28. 本文在综合学习以前的电力产业的研究成果,借鉴国外发达国家的成功经验,运用波特的钻石模型系统的研究中国电力产业。

    I studied the researching results of the electric industry in the past synthetically , learned the successful experiences of the foreign developed country . I use the diamond model to research electric industry of China .

  29. 通过研究可以得出如下结论:专题学习网站在地理教学研究性学习活动中的应用是有效的,提高了学生信息素养和综合学习的能力。

    Through research can be drawn the following conclusion : subject Learning Website in the Geography Teaching is effective ; inquiry learning of the application site to improve information literacy of students and overall ability to learn .

  30. 信息技术应用于研究性学习,在培养学生综合学习能力、增进课堂活力和为教师提供发展空间等方面具有常规教学模式所不能比拟的优势。

    The practicing of applying information technology into inquiring learning has many incomparable advantages over traditional teaching model in cultivating the integrative learning capability , enhancing the vigor in classroom and providing more developing room for teachers .