
  1. 今年1月,艺术电影制片人小塞缪尔·戈尔德温(SamuelGoldwynJr.)去世后,这个家族的继承者们决定卖掉家族的艺术收藏品(和好莱坞山的宅邸)。

    The Goldwyn heirs decided to sell the family 's art collection ( and Hollywood Hills mansion ) after Samuel Goldwyn Jr. , an art film producer , died in January .

  2. 去年由韩星李敏镐(LeeMinho)主演的热门韩剧《继承者们》(TheHeirs)在中国视频网站优酷网(Youku)人气爆棚。

    Popular series in China include ' The Heirs , ' which featured South Korean heartthrob Lee Minho and last year became a huge hit on Youku , the Chinese equivalent of YouTube .

  3. 基本资料:因主演爱情剧《继承者们》而名声大噪。

    Basics : Best known for his leading role in romantic comedy drama The Inheritors .

  4. 基本资料:在韩剧《继承者们》中深陷“三角恋”的朴信惠在中国一夜成名。

    Basics : Caught in a love triangle in The Inheritors , Park rocketed to fame in China overnight .

  5. 《来自星星的你》和《继承者们》在整个亚洲都是网上热议的话题。

    You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs have been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia .

  6. 法老及其继承者们被誉为最接近上帝的人,但他们却有着同普通人一样的心脏。

    Pharaohs and their followers were revered as something close to gods , but their hearts were all too human .

  7. 边远省的统治者们我行我素,忽必烈的继承者们虽然能干、仁慈,但无法使帝国团结在一起。

    The rulers of the outlying provinces went their own ways and Kublai 's successors , able and benevolent rulers though they were , could not hold the empire together .

  8. 特点:在“韩版灰姑娘”——《继承者们》中,朴信惠饰演了一位外表平凡却心地善良的邻家女孩。

    Characteristic : Starring in The Inheritors , a quasi-Cinderella story , Park appears as a plain Jane , someone who is not hot but has a heart of gold .

  9. 但是《来自星星的你》和《继承者们》改变了这一切,中国导演们应当以此为鉴,以此激励自己提高电视作品的质量。

    But all that has changed with the success of You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs , which Chinese directors can use as examples , as well as inspiration , to improve their productions .

  10. 世界五百强的老板们或者酒店继承者们完全可以如其所愿地(经常是兵分两路地)飞到世界上任何一个如沐春风的地方,而我们却不能。

    These are Fortune 500 execs and hotel heiresses who can afford to fly ( frequently separately ) to any breezy location in the world that they please . The rest of us don 't have it so good .

  11. 在遥远而又寒冷的冰河时期,我们的祖先需要从食物中获取大量的脂肪,以用来保持温暖,不过生活在现代社会的人们似乎依旧继承者祖先们的这一遗传基因。

    Our frozen ancestors of the Ice Age needed plenty of fat in their diets to keep warm – and it seems we might still be carrying their genetic torch .