
jì nǚ
  • stepdaughter;stepchild
  1. 雷博洛夫列夫计划周四(9月24)在巴黎归还毕加索的肖像画。他想通过此举支持毕加索的继女凯瑟琳·于坦-布莱(CatherineHutin-Blay)。法国警方正在调查这桩盗窃案。

    Now , by returning the Picassos as planned in Paris on Thursday , Mr. Rybolovlev is supporting Picasso 's stepdaughter , Catherine Hutin-Blay , whose theft claim is being investigated by French officials .

  2. 陶布曼和苏富比的联系一直持续到现在:他的儿子罗伯特(Robert)是该公司的一个主管,他的继女蒂法尼·杜宾(TiffanyDubin)也在这里工作。

    The association continues to this day : In addition to his son Robert , who is a director of the company , his stepdaughter , Tiffany Dubin , works there .

  3. JillHall有两个继女,但是Thomas使她有了第一次母乳喂养的经历。

    Jill Hall has two stepdaughters , but Thomas is her first experience with breastfeeding .

  4. LynneShaner使用互联网购买了婚礼所需的一切东西,以及给丈夫和继女的节日礼物。

    Lynne Shaner used the Internet to buy everything she needed for her wedding and holiday gifts for her husband and step-daughter .

  5. 莉莉·詹姆斯(LilyJames)在《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中饰演克劳利家的表亲——活泼迷人的罗斯·阿尔德里奇·麦克克莱尔夫人(LadyRoseAldridgenéeMacClare);为迪士尼的《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)试镜时,她本该饰演被宠坏的继女。

    As Lady Rose Aldridge n é e MacClare , the ravishingly feisty Crawley cousin on " Downton Abbey , " Lily James might have appeared the embodiment of a spoiled-rotten stepsister when auditioning for Disney 's " Cinderella . "

  6. 日前,美国警方通过利用Fitbit手环的数据,调查了一名90岁的男子是否杀害了自己的继女。

    Fitbit data has been used by US police investigating whether a 90-year-old murdered his stepdaughter .

  7. 你真的认为是受害者的继女下的药?

    Do you really think the victim 's own stepdaughter drugged him ?

  8. 所以我的继女现在就是我的继母。

    So my stepdaughter is now my stepmother .

  9. 合理而言,我继女成了我的继母,而我太太成了我的祖母。

    Legally now my daughter is my mother and my wife is my grandmother .

  10. 缺德的白雪公主的恶毒继母非常嫉妒她继女的美貌。

    Snow White 's wicked stepmother is very jealous of her stepdaughter 's beauty .

  11. 把我当做伤心的继女。

    Like I 'm the grieving stepdaughter .

  12. 其三位主要人物分别是女主人公法兰西斯、婆婆茱莉亚和继女西尔维娅。

    The three main characters are the heroine Frances , mother-in-law Julia and stepdaughter Sylvia .

  13. 梁安琪现年46岁,仅比她的继女何超琼大两岁。

    At 46 , Ms Leong is just two years older than her stepdaughter , pansy .

  14. 我喜欢缝纫;多年前和继女一起缝制舞会礼服仍是一段温馨的回忆。

    I love sewing ; making prom dresses years ago with my stepdaughter is a fond memory .

  15. 他结了两次婚,帮着抚养大了两个女儿和两个继女。

    He has been married twice and has helped to bring up two daughters and two stepdaughters .

  16. 听说那位地主对他的继女很苛刻。年轻的女主人轻快地走下楼来。

    The land owner is said to give hard measure to his step-daughter . The young hostess romped downstairs .

  17. 据圣经记载亚布拉罕对于他未来继女瑞贝卡好生照料骆驼的美好心灵印象深刻。

    In the Bible , Abraham was impressed by how well his future daughter-in-law Rebecca cared for their camels .

  18. 他给自己当时的妻子写了一封信,信中坦白了自己侵犯亲生女儿和继女的事实,妻子当即就报了警。

    He had confessed to abusing his daughter and stepdaughter in a letter to his then-wife , who notified police .

  19. 内心充满着嫉妒和邪恶的皇后企图杀死她漂亮的继女,那位被认为比她更美丽的白雪公主。

    A jealous and wicked queen attempts to kill her beautiful stepdaughter who is deemed " fairer " than the queen .

  20. 所以我跟你说,我的继女和我爸结婚,她就成了我的继母。

    So as I told you , when my stepdaughter married my dad , she was at once , my stepmother .

  21. 为了自己的婚礼及给她的丈夫和继女的节日礼物,林恩·沙纳通过互联网购一切她需要的。

    Lynne Shaner used the Internet to buy everything she needed for her wedding and holiday gifts for her husband and step daughter .

  22. 她还说,HeyGorgeous网站对这些女人说,她们“不是丑陋的继女,而是女性的主流”。

    HeyGorgeous tells these women they " aren 't the ugly stepsister , they 're our main woman , " Ms. Cheshire said .

  23. 安迪打破了一个叫卢斯特的家伙的鼻子,那家伙是个粗壮的农夫,因为打死继女而被关进牢中。

    He broke the nose of a fellow named Rooster MacBride , a heavy-gutted farmer who was in for beating his stepdaughter to death .

  24. 他的表姐艾尔莎,也是他的情妇之一,后来成了他的第二任妻子。然而在此之前,他甚至考虑娶她的女儿,也就是自己未来的继女为妻。

    One mistress , his cousin Elsa , would eventually become his second wife , although he also considered marrying her daughter , his future stepdaughter .

  25. 的确,继父继母不能给继子继女生命,但如果他们付出了爱与理解,他们就是好父母。

    True , step parents can 't give birth to a step child , but if they give love and understanding , they are good parents .

  26. “维尔福小姐,我的继女。”维尔福夫人对基督山道,她身子靠在沙发上,用手向瓦朗蒂娜挥了一下。

    " Mademoiselle de villefort , my daughter-in-law ," said Madame de Villefort to Monte cristo , leaning back on her sofa and motioning towards Valentine with her hand .

  27. 《莎乐美》是爱尔兰剧作家及诗人奥斯卡。王尔德所创作的一部戏剧,该剧讲述了圣经中希律王之继女莎乐美的故事。

    Salome , a drama created by Irish playwright and poet Oscar Wilde , tells a story about Salome , the stepdaughter of Herod the Great in the Bible .

  28. 同时,凸轮不单符合强调,从一个新的父母来了,展位有助于保持凸轮的继女米歇尔(嘉宾蒂芙尼海因斯)一致。

    Meanwhile , Cam copes with the stress that comes from being a new parent , and Booth helps keep Cam 's stepdaughter Michelle ( guest star Tiffany Hines ) in line .

  29. 老巫婆长着千里眼,一下就看见了她的继女,正跟着自己的爱人罗兰匆匆忙忙地远去。

    The witch flew into a rage , jumped to the window , and as she could see far into the world , she saw her stepdaughter hurrying away with her sweetheart Roland .

  30. 由于他批评希律.安提帕的婚姻不合法而被捕入狱,后来因希律的继女撒罗米要求得到约翰的首级作为她为宾客跳舞的代价,约翰因而被处死。

    John was imprisoned for criticizing the illegal marriage of Herod Antipas , and was executed after Herod 's stepdaughter , Salome , demanded his head as a reward for dancing for the king 's guests .