
  • 网络structure selection;structure form selection
  1. ±800kV换流站阀厅和主控楼结构选型

    Structure Form Selection of the Valve Hall and Control Building of ± 800 kV DC Converter Station

  2. 结构选型的模糊多属性决策方法

    Fuzzy decision making method on multiple attribute for structure form selection

  3. FAST铝制背架结构选型及优化研究

    Comparison and Optimization of Structure Patterns for FAST Aluminum Back-Structure

  4. FAST背架结构选型及其受力性能分析

    The Overall Design and Performance Analysis of Fast Back-Structure

  5. 内嵌CLIPS推理引擎的中文专家系统开发工具及其在厦门市深基坑支护结构选型专家系统中的应用

    Realization of a Chinese expert system developing tool with the clips reasoning engine embeded

  6. 多雷区OPGW结构选型分析和工程应用

    OPGW structure model selection analysis and the application in thunderstorm area

  7. 单芯XLPE电力电缆负载试验与铠装结构选型

    Simulated load test of single core XLPE power cable and selection of armour construction

  8. 在其结构选型以及用TBSA程序进行结构计算时又存在着许多问题。

    There were many problems both in structure selection and in structure calculation with program TBSA .

  9. 提取高层建筑结构选型的主要控制因素,以此建立基于BP(Back-Propagation)神经网络的高层建筑结构体系选择的数学模型。

    In choosing structural system for a high rise building , main control factors are drawn , and with which a mathematical model is formed on the basis of back propagation ( BP ) neural net .

  10. 本文应用VISUALBASIC6.0作为专家系统界面和驱动程序的开发工具,以CLIPS作为内部推理机,采用MicrosoftAccess2003为基础建立数据库,完成了桁架结构选型优化专家系统的开发。

    The expert system for optional design of truss structure is built by using Visual Basic 6.0 as development tool of interface and driver , CLIPS as inside inference engine , and using Microsoft Access 2003 to set up data-base .

  11. 介绍了OPGW光纤复合架空地线的设计过程,并从OPGW的结构选型、热稳定、力学计算以及配套金具等几个方面进行了阐述。

    The paper introduces the design process of optical fiber composite ground wires ( OPGW ) in the light of structure type selection , heat stability , mechanics calculation and the kit fittings .

  12. 750kV变电构架结构选型

    Selection of 750 kV Substation Truss Structures

  13. 虽然网架上悬挂重达1000t,为国内悬挂最重的机库,但由于布局及结构选型的创新,本工程用钢量仍为国内同类型中最低的。

    Although the suspended weight of 1000t on space truss is the heaviest in domestic hangars , because the improved layout and innovated structure are adopted , the steel comsumption in this project is still the smallest compared with the others in domestic .

  14. 蛇口集装箱码头二期工程码头结构选型

    Wharf Structural Type Selection in Shekou Container Terminal Phase II Project

  15. 近海风机基础结构选型优化与疲劳分析

    Lectotype Optimization and Fatigue Analysis for Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation Structure

  16. 小浪底水利枢纽金属结构选型设计的几个问题

    On the Type Design of Metallic Structure of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project

  17. 火力发电厂主厂房结构选型

    The Structure Type Choosing of the Main-Building in the Thermo-Electric Plant

  18. 海底隧道衬砌结构选型及参数优化研究

    Lining structure type of subsea tunnel and its support parameters optimizing

  19. 北京地区砌体结构选型及抗震设计

    Structural type and earthquake-resistance design of masonry structure in Beijing region

  20. 汽车馈能悬架的结构选型与性能仿真

    The Structure Selection and Performance Simulation of Automobile Energy Regenerative Suspension

  21. 无砟轨道18号无缝道岔尖轨跟端结构选型

    Model Selection of Switch Rail Heel-End of No.18 Ballastless Jointless Switch

  22. 高层建筑结构选型智能决策支持系统研究开发

    Intelligent decision support system for high-rise building structural form selection

  23. 定量型关联规则在高层建筑结构选型中的应用

    Application of Quantificational Association Rules to the Decision-Making of Skyscraper 's Framework

  24. 基于神经模式识别的建筑结构选型方案研究

    Scheme generation system for structural form selection based on neural pattern recognition

  25. 城市轨道交通环网电缆的结构选型分析

    Type selection of the cable configuration for Urban Rail Transit

  26. 35米跨屋面简支梁结构选型设计分析

    The Analysis of Structure Selection about 35m Roof Simple Beam

  27. 从沥青路面的早期水损害看当前在结构选型中的几个问题

    Problems of Structure Selection by Studying Early Water-caused Damage of Asphalt Pavement

  28. 考虑滤波特性的隔震建筑上部结构选型

    Selection of upper-structure form of vibration-proof buildings with consideration of filtering characteristics

  29. 大跨空间结构选型的因素体系模型

    Model of factor system of structural form selection for large span structure

  30. 城市轨道交通高架线路的轨道结构选型

    Selection of Rail Structure on the Elevated Urban Mass Transit